Don't Get Even, Get Even Better

A Look at the Sermon on the Mount  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Exodus 21:24 (KJV 1900)
24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
Let’s for a moment suggest this is the only legal guide line we had for life. It’s pretty bleak. If this was the code by which we lived, then there would be no justice, but there would be vengeance.
There are more guidelines here however, for context let us read Exodus 21:12-27.
Notice Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:38
Matthew 5:38 KJV 1900
38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
Isn’t it a shame out of the entire passage, the only thing the pharisees were concerned with was vengeance? Not rules, but retaliation.
On the other hand, some have taken Jesus’ words in this passage to claim He was doing away with the law all together, and that nations should abandon their legal systems. Really? The One who gave the law is now canceling the law?
I want to break down this passage into the simplest terms as possible, in fact for Christians today, understanding this section is as easy as learning the following two lessons: We are to, first,...

To Resist the Urge to Retaliate

Matthew 5:39 KJV 1900
39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
When Jesus says, “resist not evil” He refers to actions and not condition. In other words, He is teaching that when others offend you, attack you, and so on, your natural reaction is to retaliate, that reaction is what should be resisted.
For instance, if someone was to out of the blue slap me, my first reaction…well it ain’t to turn the other cheek!
And why wouldn’t the Jews in Jesus day feel this way? This is exactly what the Pharisees taught by only focusing on this one section in Exodus.
In this section Jesus is teaching truth that is contrary to our sinful nature. For instance:
If I sued you for your coat (the inner garment), would you willingly give me your cloak (outer garment, doubled as blanket)
What if I told you the law forbade this?
What if I told you Jesus had something better in mind?
In Jesus’ day the Romans could compel anyone they chose to carry their armor, to bear a load, for one mile. (Simon, carrying Jesus’ Cross”
For fear of life most would go one mile, but no further.
Jesus urges us to go the “extra mile”
Jesus says not to turn away anyone asking a loan, and even more, we should treat every loan as a gift, not expecting it to be returned.
None of this makes sense to our nature...
If you hit me, I’m hitting you back - Jesus says resist that urge!
If you sue me, I’ll sue you back!
If you make me do something I really don’t want to do, don’t expect anything more
If you want to borrow money from me you better be able to pay it back, and with interest!
All this comes from our sinful nature and the world we live in. We are constantly told to look out for ourselves, and let everyone else fend for themselves…This is not what Jesus is teaching here, Jesus is teaching us to love others and treat them better than we think they deserve, after all, is that not what God has done for us?
First lesson, resist the urge to retaliate, last lesson, learn...

To Live in the Light of Eternity

The law, given by God to Moses, was temporary. It was intended neither to save, nor to last forever. It was given not to legislate morality, but to limit immorality.
Man, however, was created by God to live forever. You will live forever either in heaven or hell. Jesus instructions given here are given in light of eternity. When we are living in the presence of God, there will be no need for retaliation, because there will be no fighting. There will be no law suits, there will be no impressment.
Jesus is not advocating that we give up all our rights, such as self defense, nor is He teaching that we become doormats. What He is teaching is that we lead with love for others. After all, it was the love of God that brought salvation to us in the first place.
When we approach this passage form this perspective it changes everything!
Someone hits you hit them back - “I thought Christians were better than this? They act just like the rest of us.”
Someone sues you and you smear their name, or file a counter-suit - this gives them a chance to point the finger at God. You get my point.
Conclusion: Church, we are just passing through here, but we will live forever with God in heaven. We might as well get some practice in now. “How can I practice?”
The next time someone does you wrong, resist the urge to get even, instead, get better! Use it as a chance to share the gospel. Show them that you are not living for right now, but for eternity.
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