Mark 4_35_41
Mark 4:35-41 Complete Trust During the Storms of Life.
One summer night during a severe thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small son into bed. She was about to turn the light off when he asked in a trembling voice, “Mommy, will you stay with me all night?” Smiling, the mother gave him a warm, reassuring hug and said tenderly, “I can’t dear. I have to sleep in Daddy’s room.”
A long silence followed. At last it was broken by a shaky voice saying, “The big sissy!”
There is something marvelously wonderful about the trust a child has in a parent, regardless of what takes place in our lives we have someone greater than a mother or father to see us through. Today I want to talk about trusting God in spite of the storms of life.
After an incredible long day of teaching about the Kingdom of God, Jesus and His disciples set out in a boat, they would encounter a great storm but sadly we find these first followers of Jesus becoming fearful and doubtful that would arrive safely to the other side of the lake.
The Christian life even for the 12 disciples was not free from difficulty; this true story must be seen in the light of Jesus’ teaching of the Kingdom and through the lens of His original audience who were enduring fierce persecution and opposition in their life. This story serves as a reminder even for those in the very center of Gods will that difficulties come in life, It has been said that you are either presently in a storm, coming out of a storm, or about to enter into a storm.
CPS: During storms of life the believer need not fear but must trust that Jesus will deliver us safely to our intended destination.
When storms appear in our lives we need not fear or doubt but completely trust God’s PROMISE to deliver us. 35-37
We are not promised a smooth trip but a guaranteed arrival!
They were in the center of God’s will
They were in the center of a great storm
The Storm
Megas = Loud, much in degree
Lailaps (storm of wind) = Hurricane!
The Sea of Galilee is infamous for sudden fierce storms, because of its geography. To the North Side is a cool mountainous region 1500 feet above sea level with its peak being Mount Gilead 300 feet above sea-level. To the south a warm tropical climate lying 700 feet below sea level, when cool winds meet war winds hurricane like storms appear, with waves recorded at 10 = feet.
The Boat
Not large
They were in the center of God’s promise
His Kingdom was certain to grow through them (parables of 4:1-34)
His Statement
Dierchomai (Verb) “Let us pass over” to cross over {This is in the Aorist tense} simply states that action has happened. Jesus’ word’s Let Us Cross Over is to say though we are not there yet we are already there.
They were not promised a smooth trip but they were promised a guaranteed arrival!
App: When the storms of life come we and they will come we have the promise of God to get us through to the other side. The side of the storm, yes but more importantly… to the other side of the sea, the shore line, our heavenly home! That’s where my hope is!! Simply trust Him!!!!!!!!!!!!
When storms appear in our lives we need not fear or doubt but completely trust God’s PRESENCE to comfort us. 38
We are not promised a smooth passage but a guaranteed arrival
His Presence (38a) [He was in]
Their composure
His composure
The very presence of God should bring peace to our hearts regardless of the storms we find ourselves in.
App: When the storms of life come, and they will come we have the assurance of God’s presence with us as we navigate through the difficulty times and His presence is the certainty of our deliverance, the title deed of our citizenship, the eternal guarantee that regardless of how things end we will arrive at the gates of our home.
When storms appear in our lives we need not fear or doubt but completely trust God’s POWER to rescue us. 39-51
We are not promised a smooth voyage but a guaranteed arrival
Their Concern (Perish) (they doubted)(Don’t you care?)
His Rebuke
The Storm
His Command
Epitimaō – rebuked = command, he commanded the storm
Siōpaō phimoumai - (become calm) (cease to make a sound) (He put a muzzle on the storm just as He did with the demon 1:25)
The Storms SUDDEN Obedience
Megas(4:37) Great
Galēnē - a calm flat water on a lake after a storm
The Disciples
Their Lack of Faith
Faith - pistis = believe to a complete trust
ILL: Uncle Oscar was apprehensive about his first airplane ride. His friends, eager to hear how it went, asked if he enjoyed the flight. “Well,” commented Uncle Oscar, “it wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be, but I’ll tell you this. I never did put all my weight down!”
Their Great Fear
They were now beginning to see Jesus for who He is, this was a process that unfolded through the Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension. They Saw Jesus doing things that only God can do!
Heal a Leper (1:40-42)
Forgive Sin (2:5-11)
Elements (4:35-41)
The OT taught that only God can calm winds and waves (Ps. 107:25)
NB) Jesus did not appeal to God to calm the Storm, it obeyed His own command!
Conclusion: The raging storm struck fear in the hearts of the disciples leading them to doubt their safe arrival. Not Our status as a child of God, nor our position in His will… will keep us from great difficulty in life, God spared not His only begotten Son. But during times of difficulty we need not fear because wehave His Promise, Presence, and Power which gives us a guaranteed future regardless of how bleak our circumstance appear. So we must not doubt or be fearful but only completely trust Him who WILL bring us to a guaranteed safe arrival at our destined destination.