I. The Angel’s Announcement 9-14

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The First Christmas RushLuke 2:8-20
Christmas is soon approaching and with it comes the Christmas Rush, the hustle and bustle of shopping and getting ready for the holiday! It reminds me of the two women who were having lunch in an elegant hotel, they were approached by a mutual friend who asked the occasion for the meal. One lady replied, “We are celebrating the birth of my baby boy.” “But where is he?” inquired the friend. “Oh,” said the mother, “you didn’t think I’d bring him, did you?” What a picture of the way the world treats Jesus at Christmas.
CPS: The First Christmas Rush was lowly shepherds excited to hear about the birth of the Savior and they rushed to see Him. I pray today that our hearts are full of anticipation and excitement for Jesus, the greatest gift given to humanity as these shepherds all those many years ago.

I. The Angel’s Announcement 9-14

A. The Shepherds Fear
Can you imagine the fear that gripped those shepherds when the Glory of the Lord lit up around them. An Angel suddenly appears and begins to speak about the Savior who is the Lord! Came upon is the Greek verb ephistēmi it means to be near. The angel “stepped by their side." It carries the idea of a sudden appearance.
Have you ever had someone jump out from hiding and shock the socks off of you? That is the idea here but they were not just shocked they were “sore afraid” the Greek verb phobeomai is used. This is a state of great fear. Angels are messengers from God, often sent to minster to us, yet men have never felt easy when the unseen world becomes visible.
Several months earlier, as Zacharias burned incense in the temple an angel appeared to him, and fear gripped him. Note what the angel said Luke 1:13 “Do not be afraid, Zacharias.” When Gabriel appeared to Mary, she was perplexed and the angel said Luke 1:30 “Do not be afraid, Mary” The angel speaks the same words, “fear not!” Fear not is a theme of the Christmas story! He came bearing good news!
B. The Angel’s good news
The message God sent is the Gospel message! Good Tidings is the Greek verb euangelizō, its root is euangelion to which translates Gospel. euangelion is the subject of the announcement euangelizō is the verb that simply means to tell the good news! It is used to describe the preaching of the Gospel in Luke 3:18 as John the baptist (euangelizō) preached the Gospel.
The angel says this news will bring great joy to all people. Notice the Greek adjective pas which means “whole” and the noun “laos” which means nations. In these words God's promise to Abraham is fulfilled "In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed." Gen 22:18
The blessing of God is that He would send a Savior. Savior is the Greek noun sōtēr it means deliverer, or one who rescues
Dad and I went to Eufaula last Friday to clear out a house my step mother sold. On the way home we stopped by the house my grandparents once owned their. We tried to make out the lots that our uncle’s Johnny and Herman once owned but it had changed so much that we couldn't find them. So I had an idea, we drove to the boat ramp and look at the shore line. Then I was able to point out the lots.
You see as children my cousins and I would swim between their two docks, I hadn't long learned to swim and my cousin Jenifer was learning. She took off her life jacket and was splashing around but got into water over her head and panicked. She reached for whatever she could and it happened to be me. We were going under but I could see through the water my Dad and Aunt Winkie running down the hill and into the water. Dad grabbed us both and carried us to dry land. I’ll never forget that hill and that day my dad was my savior, my rescuer!
a. The need for a Savior
We all need a savior, the bible tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death! Everyone needs a savior.
b. The identity of the Savior
This Savior is Christ the Lord. Christos kyrios. The anointed one who is Yahweh Himself, nowhere else in the Bible do these two words come together. The I Am Himself entered into the world to save us! Had my dad not entered the water my cousin and I would have surely died! Had Jesus not entered this world we all would certainly die! Though I’m grateful for my dad, I have a Savior who is greater, and His salvation is greater than the one that shoreline! His’ grants forgiveness of sin, and life eternal!
God cares for and in Jesus God meets our greatest need!
ILL: If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator; If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist; If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist; If our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer; But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior.
D. The angels sing
Then suddenly all the hosts of heaven appeared, and the angels began praising God! Glory to God in the highest and peace, goodwill to men,” there is no other song that would do that night. Though there was peace throughout the Roman Empire man’s greatest need is peace with God. Salvation brings that peace, Romans 5:1 “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,”
There is no other song that will do today. The whole purpose of the plan of salvation is “Glory to God!” God’s Glory had once dwelt in the tabernacle and the temple but had departed because of Israel’s sin. Now God’s glory returned to earth in the person of Jesus! John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
Trans: The Savior had come and the Shepherd’s rushed to meet him!

II. The Shepherds Voyage 15-20

As suddenly as they appeared, the angels departed and the Shepherd's were alone again with their sheep in the darkness. They said let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened!They were excited to go see the Savior and to worship Him!
A. Their Rush
The Shepherd's are good examples for us to follow today. They received by faith the message God sent them and then responded with immediate obedience. “They came with haste,” They went quickly and “Found” Jesus after a search. Those shepherds knew everyplace in that region that held a feeding trough and searched Jesus out like an old hound dog!
The first Christmas rush was lowly shepherds in awe, who rushed to see their Savior. But, today’s Christmas rush is quite different! They heard the good news about the Savior and they rushed to see Him. We hear the good news about a sale and get up at 2 am to rush and get in line. Have we forgotten what we are celebrating?
God cares for us so much that He entered into our world to give himself to us!
Long ago, there ruled in Persia a wise and good king. He loved his people. He wanted to know how they lived. He wanted to know about their hardships. Often he dressed in the clothes of a working man or a beggar, and went to the homes of the poor. No one whom he visited thought that he was their ruler. One time he visited a very poor man who lived in a cellar. He ate the coarse food the poor man ate. He spoke cheerful, kind words to him. Then he left. Later he visited the poor man again and disclosed his identity by saying, “I am your king!” The king thought the man would surely ask for some gift or favor, but he didn’t. Instead he said, “You left your palace and your glory to visit me in this dark, dreary place. You ate the course food I ate. You brought gladness to my heart! To others you have given your rich gifts. To me you have given yourself!”
The King of glory, the Lord Jesus Christ, gave himself to you and me. The Bible calls Him, “the unspeakable gift!”
Once the Shepherds herd the good news they rushed to see Him!
B. Their Praise
When they got there they saw their Savior just as the angel had said. Lying in a manger dressed in swaddling clothes! I can imagine their delight as they were introduced to Jesus! Jehovah’s Salvation! When they left, they left glorifying and praising God. I bet their song was, “glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men.
The poor lowly shepherds, who were out cast from society, unclean by their profession, walked out of that stable, saved and washed as white as snow! They had taken the place of angels as they experienced firsthand the grace of God and reported the good news to others!
Conclusion: This year let us avoid the hustle and bustle and rush to see Jesus, sing His praises, and report the good news to others! The Lord came to visit us in order to save us from our sin!
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