Col. 1_15_23 The Truth about Jesus
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Title: The Preeminence of Jesus
Text: Col. 1:15-23
Intro: Leonardo da Vinci took a friend to criticize his masterpiece of the ‘Last Supper,’ and the remark of the friend was, ‘The most striking thing in the picture is the cup!’ The artist took his brush and wiped out the cup as he said, ‘Nothing in my painting shall attract more attention than the face of my Master!’
What is most important to you? Is there anything in your life which attracts more attention than Jesus?
Paul writes combating a great heresy in Colossae, an idea of early Gnosticism. They thought matter to be evil and only Spiritual things good. Therefore they taught Jesus was a creation who did not dwell in a physical body. Simply put, False teachers were teaching that Jesus may be prominent but certainly not preeminent. To be preeminent means to hold Complete Supremacy.
We have that problem today, there are many good things this world has to offer but nothing like Jesus. He is first! He is Supreme in all things and to all things. You see I’m simple minded enough to believe what the Bible says. Because I am convinced that it is the truth from God sent to mankind, the Bible teaches that there is nothing so good, so pure, so high, so supreme than Jesus the Christ and all my hope is in Him.
CPS: This morning I want tell you the truth about Jesus. He is Preeminent (Supreme) in all the Universe and all realms be it physical or spiritual and He has offered Himself to you so why would you seek anything less than the very best?
Jesus is preeminent in all the world, because He is the creator of the world. 15-17
Preeminent in His person (Second Person of the Triune God but as much God as God the Father)
Image of the invisible God. (the invisible God made visible)
Firstborn of creation(He holds the highest position, rank not place in time)
Ill: In our mind firstborn is an order of time. I was born first! This is not what this means. This is a place of superiority, a place of rank. (Psalm 89:27) speaks of this as God through the Psalmist says He will make David, the last-born son of Jesse, His firstborn. The highest of the kings of the earth.
Preeminent in creation (creator not creation)
Propositions – By (power in His being), Through (the agent), For (pleasure, purpose, goal)
The visible world (all seen -6 days-)
The invisible world (the order)
The world of Spirits (higher than the angels), Thrones and dominions (Lordships), Principalities, Powers
Sustainer of all the world (consists)
Ill. Imagine a master potter as he creates beautiful pieces of pottery, he forms the clay with his hands as the clay spins around and around on the spindle, once it is formed, He fires it so it will harden and keep its form. Jesus is like a unique master potter, unlike any in the world. He creates the clay from nothingness, He shapes and forms it with the power of His voice, then its form is held by the power of His word.
Jesus has first place over all things in the universe, He is God, He is the creator, He is the sustainer, everything depends on Him. How about you? Why settle even for good things, when you can have the best thing!
Jesus is preeminent in the world, because He is the Savior of the world. 18-23
Just as Jesus is preeminent over all creation, He is preeminent over all Physical things and Spiritual. The Bible teaches Jesus is the head of the Church. Ecclesia = called out ones. It’s a living and thriving organism consisting of those who come to Jesus by grace through faith alone. These are born again believers, a new creation which relies on Him because He is the authority. He gives eternal life, Spiritual life to those who come to Him through His life, death, and resurrection.
Preeminent in His life
Pleased the father
All His fullness dwelt in Him
Preeminent in His death
The Cross (blood)
The Peace (hostilities and wrath was dealt with)
The Reconciliation (not universalism)
Preeminent in His Resurrection
Firstborn (position)
All resurrection is subject to His
Not first to rise but first to rise and never to die again. He is the first person to conquer death, and all other resurrections are based on his. The glorious truth for us is this: because of his resurrection, we are assured of our own resurrection (1 Cor. 15:20–23
Preeminent in His Presentation
He presents you who was once an hostile enemy of God to fellowship as a member of His family
Can you see it? Jesus is preeminent in all things.
Con/App. What does this mean for us? I have made the point that Jesus is preeminent in all the universe. Preeminent in the things seen and unseen. The Physical Order and the Spiritual Order. Jesus is the First and cannot be second anywhere! Creation and redemption hand the honors of supremacy to Him because of Who He is and of what He has done; “that in all things He might have the pre-eminence.” He is first everywhere, so the question becomes, is He first in your life?