Mark 3_1_35_ brief

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Title: The Sin which has no forgiveness.
Text: Mark 3:1-35
Introduction: In his book, The Magician's Nephew, C. S. Lewis writes of the creation of fictitious Narnia through the song of Aslan (the lion who represents Jesus in the book). The Creation Song is clearly intended to reveal the majesty and glory of Aslan. As in Genesis 1, it is a grand call to worship.
But there was one (Uncle Andrew) who would not hear it. The consequences were staggering:
When the great moment came and the Beasts spoke, he missed the whole point, for a rather interesting reason. When the Lion had first begun singing, long ago when it was still quite dark, he had realized that the noise was a song. And he had disliked the song very much. It made him think and feel things he did not want to think and feel.
Then, when the sun rose and he saw that the singer was a Lion ("only a lion," as he said to himself) he tried his hardest to make himself believe that it wasn't singing and never had been singing; only roaring as any lion might in a zoo in our own world. Of course, it can't really have been singing, he thought, I must have imagined it. I've been letting my nerves get out of order. Who ever heard of a lion singing?
And the longer and more beautifully the Lion sang, the harder Uncle Andrew tried to make himself believe that he could hear nothing but roaring. Now the trouble about trying to make yourself hear only what you want is that you very often succeed. Uncle Andrew did. He soon did hear nothing but roaring in Aslan's song. Soon he couldn't have heard anything else even if he had wanted to.
And when at last the Lion spoke and said, "Narnia awake," he didn't hear any words: he heard only a snarl. And when the beasts spoke in answer, he heard only barkings, growlings, bayings, and howlings.
Summarize Chapter 1-19 & 31-35
Busy chapter – we see a theme running through the chapter – belief (who?) and unbelief (who?)
Setting of the story -Vs. 20 Jesus and the disciples are inside a house and a great crowd – family (crazy) Pharisee (demon possessed)
CPS: Jesus came to forgive sin and the sin you have in your life is not so great that you can’t be saved. We see that many people misunderstood Jesus and opposed Him, they include the religious experts and those closest to Him, His family. But many embraced Jesus and were saved.
I want to ask you this question… Which one are you? Do you embrace Jesus or do you reject Jesus?
I.Jesus sets forth an unanswerable premise Vs. 22-26
Explanation: The Scribes understood that the miracles Jesus was performing were supernatural so they accuse Jesus of being demon possessed - Beelzebub “Lord of the flies”; “lord of dung,” they identified Jesus with Satan, the ruler of demons - saying “He is casting out demons by invoking Beel-zebul-
Jesus reply’s by showing them how foolish their accusation was
Parables – Divided – foolish
Illustration: Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand – We are familiar with this – It is Civil war – we had one in the 19th century – 620,000 Americans died – Why would Satan cast out his own soldiers – give up ground in a war waged between good and evil – He wouldn’t – couldn’t
House divided - You start having turmoil on the inside of your home — husband and wife not getting along — that family can’t last. You have internal strife internal division and you start tearing apart on the inside and that family can’t survive
not in collusion but collision
Application: Jesus came to expel evil! He did that for you and me at Calvary!
II.Jesus sets forth an undeniable power Vs. 27
Satan – strong man Jesus – Stronger man
Jesus is binding Satan - Depart” “be quiet and come out.”
Verse 11 The demon possessed fell down at the feet of Jesus – Satan and his demons can’t even stand unless Jesus allows it.
Illustration: A strong man would not allow just anyone to come in and take over what he controls.
June 5th 1983 – Dad owned a little Jewelry store “Moore’s Jewelers” it was our lively hood it’s all we had at the time. – single dad – struggling to make ends meet, - if someone wanted to take what little we had THERE WOULD BE A FIGHT ON THEIR HANDS - It was across the street from my grandfather’s jewelry store. Papa fronted him the money to buy out a competitor. Right at closing three men came in held him at gun point and beat my father -tied him up with a phone cord and robbed our store. They over powered him at gun point there wasn’t much he could do.
Only someone who is stronger can bind a strongman and take away His possessions.
Satan is a creation
Jesus is creator
Creation or Creator? Tempter or author of life?
Application: As Billy Graham stated “I know who wins, I’ve read the book”
III.Jesus sets forth an unforgivable position Vs. 28-30
Explanation: Jesus says you can be forgiven of any sin except one
cursed the name of God,
you can steal and rob,
drug dealer or a drug addict,
you could commit adultery,
be a murderer,
you could be homosexual,
a Pedophile,
think of the worst thing you have done – it’s not so bad that Jesus will not accept you
You aren’t so bad that you can’t be saved.
Illustration: David – adultery – cold blooded killer – David cried out “I have sinned against the Lord” “I have taken away your sin.”
Peter denied Jesus three times – “I told you I do not know this man” Jesus said “Peter do you love me, tend my sheep”
Paul before conversion – instigated the killing of a deacon of the church an evangelist, Stephen. He persecuted the church – hunted Christians down and put them in prison – casted his vote against them so they would be put to death.
he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel;” Acts 9:15.
These men were forgiven!
What is the unforgivable sin and have I committed it?
Jesus’ unforgivable position – failing to believe the witness of the Holy Spirit
The Pharisee’s had continually rejected the witness of God and called it an act of evil.
They had an attitude and acted habitually, ascribing to Satan and all his demons the works of the Holy Spirit manifested in the ministry of Jesus.
Let me simplify this – UNBELIEF! Jesus will forgive all sin except unbelief
Well, what is God’s position this morning?
You can be saved if you merely believe
Application: Jesus came to forgive sin not to cause you to stumble.
He came to conquer evil and overcome the world. He did so in His life, at His death, resurrection.
Satan has been defeated but Jesus allows him to roam for a little while longer.
You have a decision to make?.
Embrace Jesus or reject Jesus – that is your only options
Romans 10:8-9
Jesus may be calling you today to be saved, don’t wait, don’t hesitate, don’t put it off until later.
Jesus calling – hear his voice- can still understand – softer
Invitation / music / story
Story of boy in the city for a job
I come from a Christian family. I promised my mother I would be in church today. He said, fellows, I have noticed as we have been riding that the bells have been getting fainter and fainter. If we ride anymore, I won’t be able to hear the bells, fellas, I’m going back while I can still hear the bells.
Maybe today you can still faintly hear those bells. One of these days, the bells may stop ringing. Come to Jesus this morning while you can still hear the bells.
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