Joy inspite of circumstance Phil 4_11_13
Title: Joy in spite of circumstances
Text: Phil. 4:11-13
Joy -18 times in
CPS: Our Joy is not dependent on our circumstances but on our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Contentment is a learned process. Vs. 11-12
Paul is quick to let his friends know that he is not complaining! His happiness does not depend on circumstances or things; his joy comes from something deeper, something apart from either poverty or prosperity.
The Process
Contentment – (Adj) Sufficient/ having enough: state of inner joy and satisfaction regardless of external circumstances.
Learned - (verb) To initiate into the mysteries "to learn the secret.
Revelation through experience
The Experience (Every Situation)
With a lot (Abound)
Tarsus was a trade center
Roman armies bought tents
product in Tarsus was a fine wool cloth called cilicium. It was the cloth of choice for the luxurious tents of wealthy nomadic leaders
Roman Citizen
Respect (Pharisee)
Instruction Gamaliel
Languages Hebrew (died in Babylon), Aramaic, Latin, and Greek)
True scholar of the Torah and Judaism
“But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.” Php 3:7.
5 x 39 lashes
3 x beaten with rods
Stoned in Lystria
Dangers from Jews and Gentiles
Sleepless nights
With a little (Abased)
Hungry and thirsty (2 Cor. 12:27)
Thorn in the flesh (Blind)
In Prison
Awaited execution (would be released)
The Providence
Providence of God
The working of God in advance to arrange circumstances and situations for the fulfilling of His purposes.
Romans 8:28
ILL. What if you knew the outcome of each day… How would you live your life?
Paul’s purpose (1:21)
Application: Paul didn’t allow his circumstance rather good or bad to dictate his joy and peace. Rather through trial and testing, Paul was “initiated” into the wonderful secret of contentment in spite of poverty or prosperity.
Let’s allow our circumstances to initiate us into the wonderful secret of contentment!
Contentment is found in Christ Jesus Vs. 13
“I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power and find joy in it!”
Man’s insufficiency
Man is a fallen creation
We are self-sufficient
Therefore, we confuse pleasure with Joy and pleasure is directly based on circumstances.
Greedy (always want something else)
Christ sufficiency
If you are in God’s will He provides for all your needs and regardless of the circumstance you can find joy indescribable!
He was in the will of God. (divine appointment)
Paul had learned that the Lord’s commands are the Lord’s enablements
God’s grace was sufficient for Paul
Salvation (Mans greatest need) (Put at peace with God)
Rejoice in the Lord
Paul had peace in God because He was at peace with God… This was his source of Joy!
ILL. Hudson Taylor learned a great lesson in life. Hudson Taylor worked hard and felt that he was trusting Christ to meet his needs, but somehow he had no joy or liberty in his ministry. Then a letter from a friend opened his eyes to the adequacy of Christ.
“It is not by trusting my own faithfulness, but by looking away to the Faithful One!”
He said, this was a turning point in his life. Moment by moment, he drew on the power of Christ for every responsibility of the day, and Christ’s power carried him through.
Application: Is your Joy based on your circumstances or are you able to say “I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency”