Mark 7_31_37 Jesus does all things well
Text: Mark 7:31-37
Title: Jesus does everything well
Intro: May 2015 my father had an aneurism to rupture in his brain. His flown to the University of Florida (Shand’s Hospital) which has the second best Neuro ICU ward in the country. With the greatest Neurosurgeon in America. We were told that it ws a miracle that he did not die at the moment of the rupture much less made it to Shand’s.
We were told what would happened – angiogram – Drain tube – min of 9 days in ICU before being moved to a regular room.
5th day angiogram revealed he was well and the greatest Neurosurgeon in America said, “I can’t believe it, I have never seen this before and he had no way to explain dad recovery.
I did! Prayer …. Jesus!!!!
On the 6h day they sent him home
Jesus is the great physician and He has a well-established practice, there is no case beyond His ability to cure.
CPS: In all things Jesus gives His utmost (best) but do we truly desire His utmost.
Orientate the situation: the scenic route. (time alone with disciples)
The man’s condition Vs. 32
Mark is the only gospel that records this miracle; Beseeched Him to lay His hands on Him.
Physical condition:
Deaf – Inability to hear
Deafness is caused by damage to the inner ear or to the nerves that sends sound to the brain.
Born with it – caused by sickness ?????
There is not a cure for deafness (even today with advanced medical science there is not a cure for someone who is completely deaf)
Severe hearing loss – electronic hearing aids (advanced surgeries to bypass nerve damage & implants) None of these treatments we available in Jesus’s day
Could not speak – Dumb
Speech Impediment Vs. 32 (Difficulty speaking)
Dumb ( Greek Adj. Mute – unable to speak) Vs. 37 –
Tongue was bound by something Vs. 35 – limited range of motion (tongue tie and with the inability to hear wasn’t able to speak)
Scripture indicates the man was completely unable to hear and completely unable to speak
A hopeless situation
Illustration: Imagine not being able to hear or speak? You could not easily communicate with others.
Me ….. it’s frustrating
Could never fully express yourself – thoughts or emotions
? I love the morning time: The birds chirping the sound of the Squirrels scurrying along the ground.?
Spiritual condition:
Some Scholars say the man was demon posed and this is the reason He could not speak
Mark 9:25 (cast out a mute and deaf spirit
There is not any evidence of this in this text
What we know – Decapolis
Pagan territory – worshipers of many god’s not the living god.
The Spiritual condition of the man – LOST!
This is a hopeless situation! (how many of these have we seen * Mark 5 etc. etc. )
Transition: There is no hopeless situation with Jesus
The Master’s cureVs. 33-35
The hopeless man meets the Master, the creator of all creation wrapped in the flesh of humanity. Jesus takes Him aside and tenderly cares for the man.
The Master’s touch
Put His finger in the man’s ear and touched his tongue
The hands that flung the stars into outer space touch him.
to be touched by Jesus… We all need to be touched by Jesus
The Master’s look
He looked up into the heavens
Even on earth Jesus never acted independently of the father
Jesus, God in the flesh prayed to God the father before performing the cure
Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of the father interceding for you according to the will of the Father.
The Master’s compassion
He sighed – God (JESUS) saw and experienced first hand what sin had done to His creation
He groaned, He was grieved over the sad consequences of sin this world.
It was not God’s design that we fall and experience the sickness, pain, and death that sin brought us
Yet, He looks at us with compassion and stands ready to cure us of the consequences
The Master’s word’s
Jesus Spoke in Aramaic – Be opened!
The voice that said let there be light said “Be opened”
The Voice that commanded nothingness to do something and nothingness obeyed ….. commanded the man’s ears and mouth to open.
There was no other alternative but for His command to be obeyed.
Immediately He could hear
Immediately He could speak
Convinced – Jesus’s cure was not only physical but also spiritual – This physical cure is the visible expression of this man’s salvation.
----Salvation. now that is the real miracle! -----
Proving to us once again that there is no such thing as hopelessness when confronted by Jesus.
The Multitude’s confessionVs. 36-37
His charge
The messianic secret – tell no one what you have seen
Why would Jesus say this?
He did not want to be known as Jesus the Miracle worker!
This is not who He is.
Their publication
His charge meant nothing to the crowd they published it to everyone.
Because they were astonished because He did the impossible!
There is no cure for deafness – that is impossible
There is no cure for the mute – that is impossible
With Jesus there is no such thing as impossible – He does all things well –
We miss the mark but He surpasses the mark!
You say that is good, they were spreading the good news … No, they were being disobedient!
It is better to be obedient that to openly proclaim Jesus.
Jesus did not want people to follow Him because of His miracles; but the more He told people to keep quiet, the more they talked!
On the other hand, He tells us to tell everyone the Good News, and we keep quiet!
Application:Jesus does all things well! He always gives His utmost! Never a second rate dose, He gives exactly what is needed – HIMSELF!
He knows what we need even before it is asked of Him
(* Go out on a limb)
1st Did the people come to Jesus in sincerity beseeching Him?
Did they truly care for the man or did they just want to see a miracle? (Bible does not say)
We heard what you did for the Demoniac we want to see you perform a great feat before our eyes.
He took the man away form the crowd to deal with Him privately
The Messianic Secret
I am convinced that Jesus did not want to be known as the greatest Miracle man in the Land.
That’s not Who He is. But that who the world wants.
Be honest, that is what we want.
We want Jesus to heal us from our ailments – to heal our friends from their ailments.
JESUS WANTS TO BE MORE TO YOU THAT A PHYSICAL HEALER!!! …… His desire is to be your Savior
JESUS WANTS TO BE MORE TO YOU THAN A MIRACLE WORKER!!! …… His desire is to be your deliverer
Conclusion: His utmost is Lordship, but that’s not what we want!
We want to be Lord over our own lives and have Jesus to intervene when it all goes wrong.
Trust me, it will ALL go wrong with yourself at the control.
Today would we accept His utmost, would His desires for us be our desires.
My dad’s recovery was a miracle – why does God not heal every sick person in that way.
I don’t know.
But in the pages of Mark we find more miracles of Jesus than any other Gospel.
He wants us to know that the Master visited by displaying Jesus’s power over all hopelessness.