What to do when the world is falling apart around you_Habakkuk_use this one
Title: What to do when the world is falling apart around you.
Text: Hab. 2:4b (All three Chapters)
Intro: Look at the world around us what do you see?
Orientate Scripture: Context
CPS: When the world looks like it is falling apart around us it is a good chance to turn our backs on God. But we must remain faithful because only through faith will triumphant victory be ours.
Principle #1. When you encounter times when your faith is tested, you must go to God in prayer and wait for His answers. Chapter 1 – 2:1
Habakkuk’s 1st Question (1:2)
God’s Answer (1:6)
Habakkuk’s 2nd Question (1:13)
Habakkuk waits on the Lord (2:1)
Application: Don’t turn your back on God – turn to God and wait on Him
Principle #2. When your faith is tested it is an opportunity for faith to be taught.
God’s Answer (2:2-3)
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ILL Runner
It is coming! God really doesn’t answer Habakkuk’s question.
God’s Audience (2:4)
Chaldeans 2:4a
“Woe” (Judgment is coming)
a. Endless Appetite for Conquest (2:5-8)
b. Greed and Pride (2:9-11)
c. Enrichment through Bloodshed (2:12-14)
d. Corruption of Neighbors (2:15-17)
e. Idolatry (2:18-19)
One day the whole earth will recognize God's glory 2:14
Idea- While the earth doesn’t appear to be full of the glory of God one day everything will be made right (2nd Coming)
ILL. Glory: Smoke
Remnant of Judah 2:4b
Be faithful!!!!!
God is sovereign!!! (2:20)
ILL. Isaiah 6
Worship (2:20)
Application: When your faith is tested it is an opportunity to be faithful. Trust God because He is in control!
Principle #3. Only through faith will you experience triumphant victory.
Habakkuk worships (3:1)
Shigionoth = used twice in OT
Ps. 7 Song of Lamentation
Hab. 3:1 Song of excitment!
Habakkuk remembers (3:2-15)
Habakkuk finds Joy in the God of His Salvation 3:17-18
Regardless of the desperateness of the circumstance we can rejoice in the Lord.
a. Rejoice = Shout in exultation
b. Salvation = deliverance (also means happiness)
Application: What does this mean for us?
Conclusion: What do you do when the world is falling apart around you? If you are a Christian, you a living hope that the Bible tells us will not disappoint us. So be found faithful because God is our salvation. He will make all things right in His time and you can rejoice in your deliverance.
However, if you are not a Christian there is no hope for you.