Matthew 8_28_34

Text: Mt. 8:28-34
Intro: We live in a disposable world _ plates, cups_ camera_razors_income_cars_PEOPLE
Mute/deaf girl in Malawi village
Sermon on the mount (kingdom living) then went down from the hill and encountered “undesirable people.
Healed a leopard (who worshiped him) Vs. 1-4. “if thy wilt, thou canst make me clean” Jesus “said I will”
Came to Capernaum met with a Gentile centurion, healed his servant who had palsy….. because of the centurion’s faith. Vs. 5-13 (undesirables from the East will sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom) Vs. 11
While in Simon Peter’s mother in law’s home healed many who were sick and demon possessed. Vs. 16
Jesus showed the people what Kingdom living looked liked
The Situation (undesirables)
Gergesenes – the city of Kersa on the edge of the lake, part of the Decapolis
Undesirables Area dominated by gentiles and their pigs NOT A PLACE SUITABLE FOR THE CLEAN
There He met two men possessed by demons
People who Jesus’ audience would not dare aossociate with nor help
Gentiles (pagens, not part of God’s chosen family at birth.
Deut. 7:3,6,16
Jesus was a light to the gentiles – Matt 4:16-17 Luke 2:32 (Simeon praised the Lord
Demon possessed Gentiles
Area where unclean pigs were farmed – forbidden to eat swine considered ceremonially unclean – often used as a metaphor- Jesus saw them as fit for demon bearers
Living in Tombs -Unclean
Rejected outcast pushed out of society living among the physically dead – these are the people no one would approach
he was bound with chains and shackles and kept under guard, and yet he would break his bonds and be driven by the demon into the desert. Lk 8:29.
Scripture says – exceedingly violent and no one could pass that road
They were so violent they hurled insults to the Lord of Glory – accused Him of coming unjustly – working independently outside of the will of the father
“Have you come before the appointed time.”
NB) Even the demons knew Jesus Son of God Son of Most High God” (Lk) but that proves that mere knowledge of Jesus is only good enough for judgment.
This is an example of that Jesus went to the rejects the outcast, the people easily disposed of.
Illustration: Desda / Mental handicaped boy (13?) living alone /demon possessed boy in market place eating/licking SOMETHING FROM THE RED BOWL he called his airplane.
No food/no one to care for him, pushed out of society to die. Laughed at him (I said “don’t laugh at him). He begged me for money.
Prayed for him, feed him, Jeri and the Malawians will watch after him
God’s love manifested to this world at this present time
Will we not act on behalf of the outcast – the violent rejects- mental handicap- the unwanted of this world?
Our life isn’t suppose to just be all peaches and crème, sometimes we have to get dirty and in the mix of things that need to be righted.
Transition: Friends, Jesus went to the outcast, the rejects of the “world” the people that were unwanted for whatever reason and did a mighty work in their life.
Jesus’ action Vs. 30-32
A distance from them were many swines, the demons Named Legion ENTREATED Jesus to cast them in to the Swine
** Begged Jesus to send them into the Swine Why? I believe the demons know what awaits them, eternal agony, the worst suffering and oppression there is, WORDS CAN DO NO JUSTICE TO DESCRIBE WHAT WAITS FOR THEM.
They had already accused Jesus of sending them to their torment before the appointed time
Friends you don’t want to go there!
If you love Jesus you don’t want anyone to go there!
Jesus said begone! At once they left the men and entered into the swine and the whole herd of Swine rushed into the send of Galilee and drowned. “Perished”
Friends, those who have not faith will perish as those swine did! The rejects and those accepted by human standards!
But, Jesus acted! He SPOKE!
The Power of God! Jesus spoke!
Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
“Word” – Communication of Christ Literally – Utterance of Christ
The two men were saved from their oppression by the words of Jesus, they were dead living among the dead, in the tombs of the dead!
Rejects, but now free to look upon the Lord of Glory and receive Him by faith.
Did they? I don’t know, Scripture doesn’t say, Luke 8 (afterward he was sitting at the feet of Jesus)
Illustration: I’ve seen the power of God work! The Gospel, power unto salvation.
Kelvin – watch him change before my eyes
Came forward- saying “His village is full of darkness, prostitution and alcoholism”
He wanted to “live in the darkness no more but live in the light”
He wasn’t planning on going to church that day - by the power of God his life changed that day
Application: The Gospel!
We are the bearers of it!
We hold the power of God a power that speaks to the dead and makes them live!
Ezk 37:4-6 God tells Ezekiel to call out to these dead bones saying:
O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.’ 5 “Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones, ‘Behold, I will cause breath to enter you that you may come to life. 6 ‘I will put sinews on you, make flesh grow back on you, cover you with skin and put breath in you that you may come alive; and you will know that I am the LORD.’ ”
I literally watched Kelvin come alive that day as Christ spoke to him through the GOSPEL!
I am grateful, I was there at the urging of Jesus, to go to a remote place, a desolate place that Muzungu didn’t care to go to and see an oppressed young man leave death and enter into life everlasting.
Transition: Jesus saves, His utterance will call the dead to life, but not everyone will accept Him.
The peoples reaction and rejection
The reaction – Herdsman nearby saw the power of Jesus break what there chains could not contain, They ran to the city and reported all they had seen and the whole city came out to meet Jesus and they begged Him to leave them
Instead of rejoicing at the healing of the oppressed rejects and the Power of God being in their midst they rejected Jesus chosing the things of this world over Jesus!
Illustration: (tell about/explain) Jesus film / 200 people/ gave alter call instead of leading in prayer/ 5 people came forward everyone else wanted to watch the movie. Then dance to the music.
They chose entertainment over eternal fellowship with God.
We see this all the time!
Application: They cared more about their possessions than the savior of the world.
Do you care more about your possession’s – What are they?
Where your treasure is your heart will be also!
They cared more about losing there belongings than the people –
Jesus came to them healing the sick and oppressed, giving them physical healing and wanted to give them spiritual healing.
Jesus would have healed in the Decapolis instead they pleaded with them to leave them alone!
I want my stuff….. I like the way things are now…… I don’t care about the eternal things only the temporary!
Friends we don’t that too……….. Examples
Conclusion: I went to Africa with the hope to see fruit from my labors in Christ, to go to people who were down trodden and oppressed, to follow Jesus’ command of going to the uttermost part of the earth. I saw Jesus move in a mighty way through His people.
I saw people receive Jesus and I saw them reject Jesus.
NB) what did Jesus do when these people begged Him to leave? He left
You accept Him or Reject Him, but His ministry will go on.
NB) Matthew Chapter 9, Jesus crossed back over to Capernaum and healed a man with palsy. Then runs into more opposition. Vs. 3 scribes accuses Him of blasphemy,
Jesus went to the people who were unwanted and healed them, the “normal, good people” wanted no part of Him.
But did rejection stop Jesus? No! He kept about His fathers work.
It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. Mt 9:12.
What will we do? Throw people away? Push people not like us into utter darkness? Dispose of the sick?
Or will we be Jesus’ hands and feet and minister to the oppressed, down trodden, socially awkward, the rejects according to human standards?
All people are sick and in need of Jesus.
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