Matthew 24:15-51 Stay awake, be faithful, endure, God is good.
Matthew 24:15-51 Stay awake, be faithful, endure, God is good.
Recap last week
Jesus it still telling the disciples what will happen before he comes back, - last time he warned about people coming saying they are the Christ come back, the same warning is also in today’s text. That wars, famines, natural disasters would come and that would just be the beginning. Persecution will come and they will be delivered up and out to death. Heated by nations, fall away, and betray one another and people will grow cold because of lawlessness, but the one that endures to the end will be saved. All etnothes will hear the gospel and then the end will come.
This week:
Jesus refences Daniel, (Chapter 9 1-19 is a beautiful prayer of repentance, Daniel prays, God’s people were in exile for all the same things that people in Jesus’ time did and we do today trust in our self and other Gods. God had left the temple, and let it and Jerusalem be destroyed. Gabriel comes in response to Daniels’s prayer for mercy, he also said to Daniel you are greatly loved; therefore, all will be well now all your request is granted… No, Daniel your loved and hold on to that, because God has a plan and it great part is someone will come and atone and bring everlasting righteousness, the son of man Jesus’ title for himself. But before that many horrible events will happen, God is judging… run ) that abomination will be in the holy place and that will be a sign to flee away, if your are in Juda to the mountain tops. To run away. Don’t go back for things run. (“Judgment” on the world like at Noah’s time - is therefore not a sign that God does not love us, God can does preserve people). God presverevs the people that has found grace/favor.
Pray, for mercy, (like Daniel) that it would not be in winter or on the sabbath, it will be very bad and future still. When Jesus said this all was future. (language of Gods judgment or letting others judge).
God does show mercy by cutting short the days, or no one would be saved, but God will do that to preserve the elect. (Election, God is faithful, He saves, therefore it is encouraging for trouble believers to look to a faithful God, that chose before the world began, and therefore will help his people endure). Points to the resurrection and consummation of all things in Christ, as God had purposed.
23 Yet another warning. Don’t believe anyone that says here is the Christ. Don’t trust them, don’t be lead astray, because as Jesus said in verse 27 Everyone will know when the son of man comes again like lightning across the sky. Jesus adds 24 that false Christs, and prophets will do great signs and wonders, to lead people astray trying to lead the elect astray. This is not new, magicians of Egypt, warnings in Dut not to follow signs and wonders, dreams, that lead away form God, Acts. Today, don’t believe signs, and dreams miracles that lead away from Christ. – You are being tested, if you are faithful what was Moses wrote down. 27. Everyone will see no one will be in doubt. (all knees will bow to Christ).
29-31 This passage is an OT complication of Isaiah, Daniel, Zak Joel, (Isa 13:10 and 34:4) -
on everything seems to fall apart, heavens will be shaken, a sign of the son of man, all the tribes of the earth will morn, then they will see the son of man will and he comes on the cloud, power and great glory. (all will see, don’t be fooled). This is langue of jument – Peter in acts about Joel.
Where is the hope? 31 Jesus so much higher than angles will send his angles messengers to gather his elect from the ends of the earth. (A lot of judgment, but hope in Christ). All the ones from all places will be gathered. God is faithful.
32. -35 When – look at the tree, the fig tree that Jesus cursed, you can see the signs, then the son of man is close at the door, all this will happen in this generation, - but even when heaven and earth pass away, - Jesus words will still remain. – That is what Jesus tells his followers to hold on to. His words his teaching. Will never pass away. (All Is chaos, but Jesus’ word remains). It is not for us to know.
But Jesus you have not said when you will come back, but warred us, and said all the signs but when? Well, no one knows only God the father, (therefore don’t trust anyone that says the know when Jesus comes back). Jesus uses the example of the time of Noah, people lived their lives as normal, right til the flood came.
42-51 They are encouraged to stay awake, what we can’t sleep? (my story) It is not about physical sleeping it is about being out to sleep spiritual, lulled to sleep, to seek other things than God, riches, popourity, whatever our pride is after, and as Jesus said earlier, our love would grow cold towards one another, because of lawlessness and sin and other tings that happen to num us. Then don’t let others put you to sleep and don’t fall asleep and do all kinds of evil to others, instead be as the blessed, doing the will of our master, as he also talked about all the way back in in Matthew 5-7. Even in trouble times seeking the lord, showing that we are poor in spirt that we need Jesus, living out our faith in the Lord Jesus.
Jesus (don’t be put to sleep by the world, the flesh devil, ), and be faithful. Live as Jesus is near, expect his coming and how will that effect your life? Judgement will come as it did in Noah’s time.
Blessed, or cursed, and the master will deal with us, judgment or mercy. In Jesus Christ. Elect greatly loved, for God so loved the world.