Following Jesus Into The Storm
Following Jesus into the Storm
Matthew 8: 23-27
When we follow Jesus, we will face ________________ (vs. 23-24)
Jesus’ finds _____________________ in the storm (vs. 24)
Fear makes us ___________________ God’s goodness
Fear makes us _________________ God’s goodness
Fear makes us worship ______________________
Jesus takes our fears ___________________(vs. 26)
Matthew 10:31
Matthew 6: 25
Matthew 14: 27
Matthew 10: 28]
We need not fear because we are with the one _______________________. (vs. 27)
Worship God-(Motivation for discipleship) _______I worship corporately _______I worship privately Study The Word (Equipping for discipleship) _______I am involved in corporate bible study _______I am reading scripture _______I am memorizing scripture. Connected in Community: (Team for discipleship) _______I am committed to a local body of believers ______ I am in a mentor relationship with another Christian. Serve Others (Fruit of discipleship) ______ I am serving my church(Ministry) ______ I am serving the world(Missions) Share The Gospel (Matthew 28: 19-20) (Reproduction of discipleship) ______I am sharing my faith with my ONE ______I am going on a mission trip