Missions Report and Gospel Reminders

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Pastor Jimmy D. shares about a recent missions trip to Mexico.

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How many highlights that I had? In Mexico? One of my personal favorites was getting to meet face-to-face and spend time with Jesus himself and not the Jesus. Next, this is because the guy that Don was talking about who was sharing about the unreached, peoples of central Mexico, how there's not a lot of presents there. A lot of big ornate Catholic churches, which I should have included a picture of but I didn't. But it is kind of reminded me of Jesus talking about no on the outside. Your cup is nice as clean as beautiful on the inside, your bankrupt, and corrupt. While it's filthy and that that was kind of reflective of that area. There's some Churches buildings but inwardly there was just coldness and do. Those people didn't have a living vibrant relationship with Jesus himself. His name is Jesus. He's not a carpenter, but he is a plumber. So he's in that vein. Are you think of it with a guy with that kind of name? You think that he, he was a good guy? Great guy, had a great life, but in fact, the opposite growing up in Mexico. He is father, was distant. Father was a Luffy when he was present seal physically speaking. He was addicted to alcohol. So he grew up in a very rough household and meantime, those of you who personally have experienced this or no family member or friend in a similar situation, you know, that especially the young child, you struggle to find that since Essence of love a community of connection, it was the exact same case with Jesus. Did not find that love and support, especially from a Godly father. Age 11 became more and more rebellious against his family that the confusion the Brokenness inside of him just kept shooting itself through hostility and Rebellion to his family. But when he was 15 or at the story when he was 13 years old, as he was seeking purpose, fulfillment. And in connection, he joined a gang. When he was just thirteen years old self and others were taking drugs, they were dealing drugs and committing robberies to fund their entire thing. It was like the cartel but I'm more local level. 15 years old. Jesus was a leader in the game which meant he had done some pretty horrible stuff. Become that high-ranking. Whether Donald Mac who is right beside Dawn on the right side, he was talking with some Jesus wants just during his testimony getting to know him. And he asked, Jesus, you know, have you ever killed someone before and he said, I don't know. Cuz he's one over people. Several people with his car and vehicles, but you never stayed around to see what happened. After the fact, So, he's with Steve in the drug world and all that, that entails. And in the drug World, though, you may make a lot of money. You also make a lot of enemies because there's a lot of fighting and Wars going on overturf. This is my area, my money, my people, you get out of here or we want to expand and so on and so forth. 17 years. The game that he was in with ambushed in the Bible. It's got worse and worse, just brawling, and fighting. And eventually, Jesus was stabbed in the stomach and he was stabbed in the back several times. It's fellow gang members. The people he would think with support him they ran away and Abandoned and left him for dead because they wanted to save and preserve their own life. So as for a little bit, Jesus was able to make it to hospital. He was told there that he wouldn't be able to walk again by the doctors. Going to stay there. Christian, chaplain was in the hospital that Jesus and share with him. True Gospel of the true Jesus. chaplain shared with him that no matter how dark is past it, been, And no matter how bad, his previous life have been Jesus would forgive him because Jesus himself, because he was abandoned because he was bruised, because he was stabbed in his side because Jesus was left for dead because he actually died because Jesus Took the sin of the world upon himself. Now human beings even Wicked human beings, but you're all of us, we can experience love. Forgiveness, restoration, and healing. All Because Of Who Jesus is, what is done. It heard from the chaplain you or called you. Jesus has a spare moment. I was being gracious to you. You are calling this moment while you're still alive. Just Surrender Your Life to Jesus repent. Trust in him. Repent of your sin and follow him little by little the true Jesus Will begin to make your life. Better piece your life, your broken life together and make you into that beautiful portrait on what she was. Turkish link, B. Jesus. Jesus heard this gospel. You think it was that dramatic. Conversion story right there. But no. After rehab for some time as us was able to walk. He went back out on the streets. As a a Pig returns to its wallowing in the mud. So Jesus found himself in another fight in the streets because when he got out he didn't have love forgiveness and revenge on his enemies that stabbed him, put them in the hospital but also vengeance upon his fellow gang members, who band

Rage went out found himself in another fight. This time. The police came broke up. The fight, arrested him. He spent some time in jail. Again, just to summarize fast forward a little bit traveling back home. It was on that ride on the bus that he felt as though God was saying to him, this is your last chance. When she felt that which can be described as the Holy Spirit doing the work inside, somebody has used surrendered his life to Jesus was born again and instead of anger and vengeance.

Coffee me, it's kind of anger and Vengeance. Jesus felt love and forgiveness to others to the people who wronged him. He himself was adopted into the family of God by faith.

And one saying, when, he said was, you know, before I was willing to give my life for my gang members. But now good, cuz he still in the same area as these people were still interested in and drawn into these Lifestyles. You could go somewhere. That's safer. Little better. Little more prosperous than know. He wants to stay there and reach out to these people who he lived with for so long. And he said go formerly. I was willing to get my life for my gang members. Now, I'm willing to give my life for Jesus that they might come to know him as Lord and savior. Ever. Since then this happened about 89 years ago. Jesus is currently, I believe is 27280. If you look at him, he looks like he's 35. That's just the type of lifestyle that he was in and how that is causing the age very fast. Physically speaking Since I was eight years ago, he's been on the discipleship Journey longing to throw more in Christ know who Jesus is about a year after his conversion. He met brother Donald and a northern part of Mexico brother. Donald disciple him encouraged him together that they felt as though he will call to pastoral Ministry and he's been serving as a pastor, not just as a congregation by raising up, now in equipping more and more pastors spreading the work, the gospel. Church. This is the God, we serve. This is not about Jesus know about me or our trip. It's about the God, we serve and the Redemption if he gives the broken to the Wicked, the destitute to the hurting. I want to remind you. This is a not a full sermon, but I did want to remind you, just to some gospel reminders. You can go to that the next flight, if you want. Before we ever go on a missions trip. Remember Jesus, first came into the world on mission to save us before we ever go. Share the gospel with other people. Remember? The Jesus, first and foremost, Lee achieve, the gospel and made of the Gospel possible. So we know go on trips. We now support we don't spread the word because it all begins with who Jesus is. And what he's done. This entire trip is built upon Jesus Christ, and the lives of those we met is built upon Jesus Christ. As especially this past year, I've tried to do it from the pulpit from meetings. I want to lead us at the church to be more missions. Minded have a bigger heart for the Nations, a bigger heart for a local community and for the nation, right? It's both a rich the gospel in Jerusalem in Crozet. Also around the world. And if you and I are going to do that, well, we need to be anchored in the Gospel of Jesus. I don't want to briefly again this briefing time. If you want, I'll never mind you up. 3 hours of the Gospel just heard you and reinforces in the truth of what it is. That we were actually motivated by what we were talking about three hours for you ever won, the realm of the Gospel, number to the results of the gospel. And then, lastly, our responsibility with the gospel, The first lie, the realm of the Gospel. In other words who is this Gospel? Four gospel message for who is it available to A simple answer.

Everybody, there is a gospel message is available to all people. Titus 2:11 tells us the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. The grace of God is available to all people. Whether you're rich or your poor, like is that Kia's or Bartimaeus? What are your slave? I can only surmise or Philemon whether you're religious person or you're a rebel like Paul or Rahab, whether you're a man or woman, like, Peter or Phoebe, where the younger old by Samuel or Simeon prettier Jew or Gentile, like the shepherds in the field or the wise men, who traveled from afar, the gospel message is for every single human being. If you are breathing, the gospel message is for you and it's not just in terms of race and ethnicity and geopolitical. Boundary of the Gospel is everybody regardless of your sin background I think one of the great passages in scripture is found in 1st Corinthians chapter 6, verses 9 to 11. It tells us do you not know that wrong.

Do not be deceived either. The sexually immoral, nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor men who have sex with men, nor thieves nor the greedy, nor drunkards will inherit the kingdom of God. Everybody equally condemned for God, but the key here is in verse 11, the side shave it to you today and that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were Sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by the spirit of our God. She doesn't matter what your skin color is. It doesn't matter what sinful background, you may have had the gospel is available to all people. Results of the Gospel. What happens when this gospel touches a person? What's the result of it? We have to understand again. What is the gospel? We spend the Christmas season, picking out a part of the Gospel. It's not an entertaining story. Make you feel a little better about yourself. The gospel is not a set of propositional Truth show ABC, if you believe these things, it's not time for us to intellectually analyze. But rather the gospel is for, mostly a transformative relationship. Experience is a transformative relationship to be experienced. When you hear this gospel, your ears as a lot of people in Jesus's day heard the message, but they didn't truly hear the message, right? You see Jesus. But you don't truly know what I'm going to say. When you hear the word of God in your heart, you receive is truth. When that happens, you will be transformed. You'll have a new identity, a new purpose, new desires, 2nd Corinthians 5:17 and puts it. Well there for if

The old has gone. The new is here. Evan 1st Peter 2:10. Because another thing to be reminded of that our trip, reminder, this, how we speaking when the gospel touches. You, it's not just the one on one individual, right? Me and Jesus and I'll buddies me and God are good. That is true. If you read scripture, it's quite clear. You reconciled to God, be reconciled to other people and you become a Christian. When you respond to the gospel, you are adopted into the family of God, like it or not. You got a whole lot of brothers and sisters now and yes, there are crazy. Uncle was in the family of God. Can you call to love each and everyone of us each and every one of them. Being touched by the gospel new person. As a result of the gospel and then, lastly, what is our responsibility with this message? I guess quite simple to passages Matthew chapter 28 verses 18 to 20.

2nd Timothy, when I was teaching and preaching through it and both on the Sunday morning, but also during the weekend, 2nd Timothy, if you didn't know if you weren't familiar with it, that is what many consider to be Paul's last words in his Earthly life. This is my last charge. This is what's most important to me personally, but also to you Timothy. I'm not just talking about

I'm telling you what most important in life to continue to the work of gospel, Ministry. Listen to what I'm saying? That's what it's all about. Similarly, with Jesus, right? When he was a life, his last words deserve, our utmost attention to study them, to hear them, to practice them. What were Jesus's? Last words, Matthew chapter, 28 versus 18 to 20 record. Some of them. Might be familiar with this. Jesus came to his disciples and said all authority in heaven and on Earth has been given to me, therefore, go and make disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and the son of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe, observe everything I have commanded you and surely. I Am With You Always to the very end of the age. Didn't ask 1:8. Technically speaking with the true last words of Jesus cuz this is what he said right before, he went back into heaven and ascended back through the clouds. Acts 1:8. But you my followers, My People. You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Why? So we can feel good about ourselves not necessarily and you will be my Witnesses in Jerusalem and Samaria to the ends of the Earth. Concentric circles. Start in Jerusalem, expand the reach in till eventually, preach the gospel around the world. What is our responsibility Church responsibility with the gospel? Proclaim it spread it like wildfire. the first one, Pastor say before there's three options for you and I and in light of these texts, Only three options. We can either go ourselves as some of us, have some of us do our we're supporting a few missionaries and

I'd sell their car, sell their house, and go overseas. So you can either go or you can support weather be through prayer or financially or ideal both. So you go, you support or you just obey. Those are the only three options you have as a Christian. I asked you, what are you doing? Are you actively obeying Christ's last words to spread the gospel to go and preach and Proclaim out everybody's called to be a pastor or teacher? That's okay. Everybody's called him move overseas. That's okay. Are you supporting? Are you pray? Are you giving financially? My God has blessed this country. If you're here today, he's blessed you much more minutes late. I can guarantee you everybody is making more money if the brothers and sisters we spending time is 95% say that. Are you giving support those who are in need those, who could use the money, those who are engaged actively in gospel Ministry? Are you supporting them? I hope and pray that you will.

City Church. Two less things. One exclusive have a whole year to plan this What? I want to tell you is I want you to come with me, okay? This is open there be more opportunities in the near future to go on missions trips. I believe not just me but you as a church we as a church or called is for the gospel collectively. So if you want to go with me, one to go with the team from Hillsboro. Some other churches together, let me know. And I'll talk to you. One more details become more and more clearer. I want you to come with me, alright? Pray for brother. Donald Lord willing, I figure out details with him. Going to come visit us the first Sunday in March, so I'm very, very sorry about that, and he's going to come here. He's going to, he's going to share some excited for that. I pray for him. Pray for his family. His wife is from the UK England over and family Dynamics. He's from Uganda, she's from Mexico, so it's just kind of fun, but pray for him that he'll be faithful to his wife Hill, disciple, his kids, well, I pray that I'll have fervency and preaching and in all of his relationships with believer. Don't have love for them. If the love of Christ will be what drives everything he does. I didn't conclusion. One thing I'd like to do. We started this 2 weeks ago. You can go to the next slide or last one. That's what we confess as a message was actually a section there on evangelism admissions. I think collectively, it's nice for us to be reminded together about what it is that we believe, what, what is important to us, what we strive to practice, as Christians, and was typically as members. And if people of Hillsborough Baptist Church. So if you will repeat with me, hopefully, you can read this by Tom. What will go through this together? It is the duty and privilege of every follower of Christ and of every Church of the Lord Jesus Christ to Endeavor to make disciples of all Nations. The new birth of man's Spirit by God's. Holy spirit, means the birth of love for others, missionary effort on the part of all rest. Thus, upon a spiritual necessity of the regenerate life and is expressly and repeatedly commanded in the teachings of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ. Has commanded. The preaching of the Gospel to All Nations. It is the duty of every child of God to see constantly to win the lost to Christ by verbal Witness undergirded by a Christian lifestyle. And by other methods in harmony with the gospel of Christ Father. Now as we go please be with us, help us to live a Christian Life, Opus to the light in the gospel and help us as your people to share the gospel with those around us. We need to Holy Spirit. Please come now into our lives. We ask in Jesus name. Amen.

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