A Prayer of Glory
Sermon Tone Analysis
A Prayer of Glory
John 17:1-13
Setting the Scene
• John’s gospel has been called a passion narrative
with a detailed introduction: John 12:1 – His final
week; John 13:1 – 17:26 – His final meal; John
18:1ff – His arrest and betrayal.
• Prayer context: “In this world you will have
tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the
world” (16:33).
• 3 Points – (1) Praying for Triune Glory; (2) Praying
for God’s Own; (3) Praying for Ultimate Things
Praying for Triune Glory
• The prayer begins: “Glorify your Son that the Son may
glorify You.”
• Jesus prays about glory six different times: v. 1 (2x); v.
4; v. 5 (2x); and v. 10
• What does it mean to glorify?
1. Old Testament: shining face of Moses (Exodus 34);
thanksgiving as sacrifice glorifies God (Psalm 50:23); to
honor someone for their work (Esther 6:6)
2. New Testament: marvel at Jesus’s miracles (Matthew
3. John’s Gospel: Jesus always derives glory passively through
God’s direct intervention (8:54; 11:4; 12:16; 12:24)
Praying for God’s Own
• John 17 is about possession:
1. Gave/Given used 12x – see vs. 2 & 6 for best examples
2. “Yours/Mine” almost too numerous to count
• Christ possesses people from eternity past (v. 6) unto
eternal life (v. 2; 10) and joy (v. 13) – Jesus is praying
for their protection and unity (v. 11).
• Christ specifically excludes those who aren’t His own.
• How do we know who belongs to Christ? Possession
reigns – Those whom Christ possesses hear and keep
His word (v. 6; 8; 12; 13).
Praying for Ultimate Things
• Jesus’s words are infused with the eternal: eternal
life, eternal glory both past and future; unity’s
eternal significance.
• Jesus is praying for God’s protection of His people
for time immemorial.
• Jesus is praying over divine imperatives:
1. That the Son should glorify the Father (v. 1)
2. That the Son should do the Father’s work (v. 4)
3. That God’s people should be one (v. 11)
4. That God’s people should be filled with joy (v. 13)
Example #1 – Glorify Your Son
Heavenly Father, glorify your Son among the people
of Fellowship Bible Church. May we receive His
words with great joy, treasure the eternal life He
brings, magnify the work He did and continues to
do through His Holy Spirit, trust in His continual
intercession, and rest in His flawless protection.
Example #2 – Protect Your People
Father, you, who have known us from eternity past,
protect us from the evil one who so easily leads us
astray. We recognize that resistance to your Word
and dissention in our ranks are great sins that
demand our constant attention. May our adherence
to your Word match that of Jesus, who followed
your will to death on a cross. May our unity reflect
the harmony shared by the Triune God. May the joy
we share ward off petty grievances and suspicious
Example #3 – Ultimate Perspective
Father, Christ came into the world to give us eternal
life. He performed your work, spoke your word, and
endured the chastisement we deserved. He now
awaits the glory you have destined for Him. May
our lives take the shape of this eternal perspective.
May our dads labor for your glory in the workplace.
May our moms raise children to be arrows in your
hand. Deliver us from selfish hedonism. Grant us
the focus to glorify you in all things among the
people of this world.