Sermon Tone Analysis

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< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Story about Amy Caring for Her dad
She went up to help care for the needs of her dad and her mom.
It is hard work helping meet the needs of someone else.
it took great sacrifice for Amy to care for her dad the way he needed to be cared for.
Amy had to set aside her own desires so that she could care for him during His time of need.
But what's so Amazing about this story is that Amy didn't even hesitate
She didn't dwell on the sacrifices she would have to make in order to care fro Him she Only thought about Him, Her greatest desire was to care for Him no matter the cost.
Why- Because she was motivated by her love for her father.
I don’t have to preach to you about how hard life can be..
But I can tell you this, that one of the biggest blessings we experienced through this whole trial was that while we were caring for Lee and Jackie, other people in the church were caring for us.
This mornings as we continue on in our studies on the One another Commands, we are going to look at Christ’s command for us , as the church, to Care for One Another.
Have you ever really thought about what it means to truly care for one another in the church?
A simple deffiniton of Caring for One Another in the church is
“to protect One another from both physical and spiritual Harm and to provide for their spiritual and physical needs.
Think about a mother’s care for her children.
Is there any thing too costly that a mother wouldn't do to protect her young children from harm
Is there anything a mother wouldn't do to meet the physical and emotional needs of her infant child?
A loving mother willingly provides for what her children need no matter the cost,
She clothes them,
she feeds them,
she teaches them,
she corrects them,
and she gives them unconditional love.
Jesus commands His church to care for one another the same way that a mother would care for her infant child.
This morning I want us to consider three Relationships of care that each of us have in the church.
the first relationship of Care in your life is that....
The Creator Cares for the Creation
You dont have to read very far into the Bible to realize that the Almighty God is the creator of all things.
Genesis 1:1 (ESV)
1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:31 (ESV)
31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
But whats amazing about God is that he is not just the creator of all , He is also the lovingly care giving for all of His creation.
look at what Col. 1 says about God the creator...
Colossians 1:17 (ESV)
17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Luke 12:6 (ESV)
6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?
And not one of them is forgotten before God.
God is the one who gives life to all things,
He is the one who sustains life in all things,
He is the one who provides for all things,
and He is the one who protects and sustains the life of all things.
We have a creator God Who cares for His creation.
But there is something even more special about our creator God when it comes to his care for you and me.
Look with me at what Jesus says in Matthew 6:26
Matthew 6:26 (ESV)
26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not of more value than they?
You are special to the creator God.
you are more valuable to God than all other creation.
And what we see throughout all of scripture is that there is no limit to how far God is willing to Go to care for you as his prize creation.
God created you in His own image.
He created you special above all other creation, He gave you an eternal soul because He desires to live with you forever in His perfect Kingdom.
He wants to care for you for all eternity.
What need to gasp this morning is that God’s care for you is not based on your love for him.
His care is based completely on His love for you, a love that cannot and will not change.
You see that God created mankind in his own image and placed him in a perfect garden, and Gave Him authority over all other creation, And God provided care for all of his needs.
Understand that There was nothing else man needed for his life because the creator God cared for him.
But the reality is Even with God providing everything Man needed for happiness and peace , Man still chose to try and do things His own way.
The FALL: In Genesis Chapter 3 we see that Man chose to go against Gods’ law .
Man decided that trying to find happiness on His own was better than staying under the care of the Creator.
And so, man disobeyed God, He went against God’s perfect rules.
and because of this disobedience man was kicked out of the perfect Garden, The Garden where God cared for man perfectly.
When mankind sinned against God, He was sentenced to death, Both physical death and spiritual death.
But we need to understand this morning that all of our sins carry the death penalty with them.
Romans 6:23 (ESV)
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Death means seperation.
When we die physically our body is separated form our soul forever,
And when we die spiritually in our sin, our soul is separated from the care of God the creator forever.
But there is HOPE!
There is a solution.
Even though Man chose not to follow and obey God,
- God’s loving care for mankind did not diminish..In fact God put it on display for the world to see.
and so From Genesis chapter 4 -where Mans sin separated Him from God, and condemned Him to an eternity in Hell, God has relentlessly sought out restoration with Mankind.
The entire rest of the Bible is God’s redemption plan for mankind.
- God’s plan to rescue you from an eternity in Hell.
God Cares for you so much that there is nothing He is not willing to do to restore your broken relationship with Him.
He sent a perfect substitute sacrifice to pay your debt in Full, to take your place and pay the price of eternal death for you..
Thats how much the creator cares for you!
Do you know what is so special about someone caring for you?
It’s that they do everything for you.
They do what you could never do yourself.
When Amy’s dad was in his final days, Amy was right there by his side, When he needed a drink she went and got the water, she poured in the cup, she lifted the cup to his mouth, She held his chin sand opened his mouth for him, she poured the water into mouth, The only part Her dad had i was to receive the gift of Care Amy willingly gave Him.
Thats what genuine care looks like, and that is what the creator God offers us as mankind.
He saw our need for salvation, He sent Himself, to pay the debt we owed for our own sins, He hung on that Cross,, He went to the grave, He conquered death on our behalf, and He rose victoriously so that we can life forever with Him.
All we have to do is willingly accept the loving care He is offering in our lives.
The Bible is very clear on how we can accept God’s eternal care in our lives.
We are just like Amy’s dad in the story, We are all laying on our eternal deaths and there is absolutely nothing we could do to save our selves, We need God’s loving Care in our lives, We need Jesus in our lives, We need God to step in and give us the living water that Only he has to give.
Romans 10:9–10 (ESV)
9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
To accept the gift of salvation you must repent and Believe
Repent of your sinful and Believe that Jesus fully paid your debut in full.
When we accept Gods gift of salvation in our lives, God’s care does nots go away, In fact it grows even more precious in our lives as Believers.
1 Peter 5:6–7 (ESV)
6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
< .5
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