HCC Sunday Service
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Title: How to Fight Temptation
Text: Luke 4:1-13
Let’s turn together in our Bible’s
To Luke, chapter 4.
Luke, chapter 4.
& we’re gonna read
verses 1-13.
Luke 4:1-13.
& when you find that
in your Bible
Pls stand
for the reading
of God’s Word.
The title of today’s teaching is
How to Fight Temptation
In Luke 4:1-13.
The Scriptures say:
Luke 4:1–13 (NIV)
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.
The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.”
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’”
The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world.
And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to.
If you worship me, it will all be yours.”
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’”
The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down from here.
For it is written: “ ‘He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully;
they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”
Jesus answered, “It is said: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time.
You may be seated.
How many of you
Have ever been tempted…
To disobey God?
We’ve all been tempted.
& in our passage today…
Luke shows us…
We’re not alone.
The Lord Jesus…
Godin the flesh…
Was tempted too.
&He fought…
& overcame every temptation.
&we can overcome…
every temptation too.
That’s what Luke wants to teach us today.
If we’ll follow the example of our Lord…
We’ll learn:
How to Fight Temptation.
Let’s pray.
Father we thank you for your Word.
We ask you to open our eyes…
To see the truth.
Open our ears…
To hear the truth.
Open our minds & hearts…
to accept the truth.
& give us the will & ability…
To obey the truth.
In Jesus name.
[Transition: The 1st lesson we learn…
Abt how to fight temptation is…]
The certainty of FACING temptation.
Just bfr today’s passage…
In Luke 3:21-22
Luke tells says this abt Jesus.
Luke 3:21–22 (NIV)
When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened
and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
Well Jesus also went thru…
Three religious experiences…
We all must go thru.
First, Jesus was baptized…
In water.
Not bcs He needed it…
But bcs we do.
Jesus had no sin to forgive…
But Jesus is our example in all things.
So, Jesus was baptized in water.
Just like we all need to be.
2nd, Jesus was baptized w/ the Holy Spirit.
Just like we all need to be.
We need to stay full of the Holy Spirit…
So, He can…
& guide us.
& empowerus…
For living the Christianlife…
& for doing the work…
Of the ministry.
So, Jesus was baptized in water.
He was baptized w/ the Holy Spirit.
& then Luke tells us abt…
A 3rd religious experience…
Jesus went thru…
That we must go thru also.
In Luke 4:1-2...
Luke says:
Luke 4:1–2 (NIV)
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.
Notice the 1st thing
that happens
The 1st place
the HS leads Jesus
Bfr He starts His public ministry
Is into the wilderness.
A place where He’s tempted
by the devil
For 40 days.
This is not a coincidence.
This is the same experience
God’s ppl went thru
In the OT.
In Deuteronomy 8:2-3
Moses says to God’s ppl
Deuteronomy 8:2–3 (NIV)
Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.
He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
The 40 days
Jesus was in the wilderness
Corresponds to the 40 years
Moses & the children of Israel
Were in the wilderness.
Their time in the wilderness…
Was a time of humbling & testing.
Jesus was led to the wilderness…
for the same reason.
Israel failed God’s tests…
Over & over again.
The Son of God…
Never failed
& He never will fail.
& it’s His example
we must learn frm
& follow.
Bcs God will lead us
Into the wilderness too.
It’s in the wilderness
that our faith
is tested & tried.
It’s in the wilderness…
That we find out
what’s in our hearts.
Do we love God abv all else?
& will we obey God
No matter what?
That’s God’s purpose
for leading us
into the wilderness.
Now, let’s talk for a minute
Abt the significance…
Of the number “40”?
We see references to the # 40…
over 140 times
In the Scriptures.
Some examples:
During Noah’s flood…
It rained 40 days & 40 nights.
Moses fasted for 40 days…
Bothtimes the Lord gave him the Law.
After Jesus rose frm the grave…
He appeared to His disciples…
Over a period of 40 days.
The children of Israel…
Were in the wilderness 40 years.
& Jesus was in the wilderness…
for 40 days.
What’s the significance…
Of the number 40?
When used in passages…
Like the examples given above…
The number 40 is symbolic of…
& Preparation.
So, when God led His ppl in the wilderness…
For 40 years…
He was testing them…
When the Holy Spirit led Jesus…
Into the wilderness…
To be tempted for 40 days…
He was preparing Jesus
For His ministry.
In Hebrews 5:8
we learn that Jesus
Hebrews 5:8 (NIV)
Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered...
That time of tempting…
In the wilderness…
Was a time of suffering…
A time for Jesus…
To learn obedience.
Temptation is a form of suffering…
We all must learn to endure.
It’s not a picnic.
It’s not easy.
Especially when the devil…
Is screaming lies in your ear.
“Just go ahead & do it.
“You’re already thinking abt it.
“If you don’t give in now…
“You’ll just give in later.”
Some temptations seem impossible…
To resist.
It can be agonizing.
It can seem like…
this will never end.
But listen to this truth…
&remember this:
We only need to fight temptation…
We only need to fight temptation…
We start thinking abt tomorrow’s temptations…
& we can get overwhelmed.
So, Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:34
Matthew 6:34 (NIV)
...do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
We only need to handle today’s trouble.
We only need to fight temptation…
& we mustfight temptation.
No matter how bad the suffering seems…
We must fight.
&we can fight every temptation…
Just like Jesus did…
w/ the help of our Lord.
As we read in Hebrews 2:18
Hebrews 2:18 (NIV)
Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
Jesus was tempted in every way…
just as we are…
Yet He did not sin.
He knows what it feels like…
To suffer when tempted.
But He also knows how to fight…
& win against temptation.
& He wants us to learn do to the same.
By relying on Him for help.
& for us to learn those lessons…
The Holy Spirit will…
At times…
Lead us into the wilderness.
Just like He led Jesus…
Into the wilderness.
But the wilderness is not the only place…
Where we’re tempted.
Those 40 days…
Were not the only temptation…
Jesus endured.
As Luke says in Luke 4:13
Luke 4:13 (NIV)
When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time.
That wilderness experience…
was just one round of tempting…
For the Son of God.
The devil left him…
Until he saw another opportunity…
To temp Jesus.
& Satan will do the same to us.
Temptation is a part of our lives.
As long as we’re in this fallen world…
This world that’s under the sway…
Of the evil one…
He will always be looking for…
An opportunity to temp us.
Satan roams around…
like a roaring lion…
Seeking someone to devour.
&Luke goes on to show us…
Three of the ways…
The devil will try to tempt us…
So, he can devour us.
[Transition: First…]
The devil will tempt us to DOUBT God’s Word. (v.3)
In Luke 4:3.
Luke says
Luke 4:3 (NIV)
The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.”
This is one of Satan’s favorite…
He is a liar & the father of lies.
The devil knows good & well…
who Jesus is.
He knows Jesus is…
the Son of God.
When you read the gospels…
You’ll find that…
when Jesus commanded some demons…
To leave ppl…
They recognized Jesus…
As the Son of God.
So, the devil knows who Jesus is.
& Jesus knows who He is too.
Luke showed us earlier in his gospel…
Jesus knew God was His Father…
As early as 12-years-old.
Also, when Jesus was baptized…
The voice of the Father…
Confirmed that Jesus is…
God’s beloved Son.
Jesus heard that voice…
& so do the devil.
So, Jesus knows He’s the Son of God…
& so does the devil.
But the devil’s main tactic…
Is to put doubts in our minds…
Abt what God says.
So, he says to Jesus…
“IF you reallyare the Son of God…
“then why don’t you prove it?
“Turn this stone into bread.”
What’s the point of this temptation?
God the Father…
Said Jesus was His beloved Son.
But the devil wants…
Jesus to doubt what God said.
The devil is asking:
“Did God really say…
You are the Son of God?”
Trying to sow seeds of doubt…
Into the mind of Jesus.
& this is the same tactic Satan used…
When he tempted Adam & Eve…
In the garden.
Satan asked them…
“Did God really say you cannot eat…
Frm any tree in the garden?”
Satan is still using that tactic…
On us.
It’s worked well for him…
For many millennia.
So, he keeps trying to get ppl…
To doubt what God says.
In our day:
We hear the devil’s questions:
“Did God really say…
“Love your enemies”?
“Did God really say…
“Do good to those who hate you”?
“Did God really say…
Gossip & slander…
Will keep us out of God’s kingdom”?
“Did God really say…
“Marriage must be btwn one man…
“& one woman?”
“Did God really say…
“Sex outside
of marriage is sin?”
“Did God really say…
Homosexuality is sin?”
“Did God really say…
& you can fill in the blank.”
That’s the question…
The devil will keep asking…
To try to get us to doubt God’s Word.
So, we need to learn…
how to fight against the devil’s temptations.
We’ll talk abt how to do that…
In just a little while.
[Transition: But 1st let’s talk abt…
A 2nd way…
The devil will tempt us.]
The devil will tempt us to SERVE him. (vv.5-7)
In Luke 4:5-7.
Luke says
Luke 4:5–7 (NIV)
The devil led [Jesus] up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world.
And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to.
If you worship me, it will all be yours.”
How Satan showed Jesus
All the kingdoms of the world
In an instant
I do not know.
The Scriptures do not say.
& it’s not easy to figure out
If Satan cld actually
Give Jesus all the authority
& splendor of all the kingdoms
of the world.
Or whether Satan…
was simply promising Jesus…
something he cld not deliver…
Just to trick Jesus…
Into serving him.
There are Scriptures that seem to show…
That the devil is…
the ruler of this world.
As Jesus says in John 12:31
John 12:31 (EHV)
“Now is the judgment of this world. Now the ruler of this world will be thrown out.
& in 1 John 5:19
1 John 5:19 (NIV)
We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
The Apostle Paul calls the devil…
The god of this world.
So, there may have been some truth…
In what the devil was saying.
In some sense Satan…
does rule this world.
He has some authority over the kingdoms…
Of this world.
But the only one…
who has absolute authority…
Over all the kingdoms of the world…
Is the Most-High God.
As we see in Daniel 4:17
God pronounced judgment…
On king Nebuchadnezzar…
So, that the world know that
Daniel 4:17 (NIV)
“ ‘...the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of people.’”
So, at best…
The devil spoke a half-truth.
If Satan does have authority…
It’s only authority
he’s been given…
by the Most-High God…
who is sovereign over all creation.
The only way Satan can give authority…
To anyone is if the Lord allowedit.
So, Satan is speaking a half-truth…
To try to get Jesus…
To switch kingdoms.
To stop serving the Most-High God…
& His purposes.
&serve Satan…
& His purposes.
& as with all sin…
The devil likes to present only…
the supposed benefits…
of what he’s tempting us to do.
Like a slithery salesman…
Satanwill only talk abt…
The perceived pleasure…
in what He’s trying to sell.
He conveniently leaves out all the pain…
Sin will cause…
To us.
To others.
Satan will try to sell us on sin…
By presenting only…
the benefits.
w/ Jesus the benefit…
Was the ability to rule all the kingdoms…
of the world instantly.
Jesus wld not have to face the cross.
If Jesus wld only worship Satan…
& serve his purposes…
Satan wld give Jesus…
The whole world.
How many times has the devil tempted us…
w/the supposed benefit…
of committing some sin?
“This will make you feel good.
“This will make you popular.
“This will take away your pain.”
&on & he goes.
“If you’ll just serve me…
“You’ll have everythingyour heart desires.”
But those are all empty promises.
Saints, what does it profit us…
To get everything we want…
To gain the whole world…
& lose our souls?
Nothing we can gain…
in this world…
Is worth losing our soul…
in the nxt world
But the devil will keep tempting us…
As long as we live.
The devil will tempt us…
To serve him.
[Transition: Let’s look now…
At a 3rd and final way…
the devil will tempt us…]
The devil will temp us to TEST God. (v.9-10)
In Luke 4:9-10.
Luke tells us
Luke 4:9–10 (NIV)
The devil led [Jesus] to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down from here.
For it is written: “ ‘He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully;
Notice that the devil
quotes the Scriptures.
I hear a lot of ppl say
The Devil misquoted
the Scriptures.
But He did not.
This is a word for word quote
frm Psalm 91.
Satan knows what the Scriptures say.
But He misapplied the Scripture…
He quoted.
He distorted the Scriptures…
To serve his own purpose.
So, the devil knows…
what the Scriptures say.
He just tries to twist them…
To deceive ppl.
& this is how every one…
Of Satan’s ministers work.
They appear to be ministers…
Of righteousness.
They quote the Scriptures.
They seem well-versed in Scripture.
But they don’t interpret…
The Scriptures properly.
They take them out of context.
They misapply them.
They twist the Scriptures…
to their own destruction…
& to the destruction of those…
Who follow them.
So, we not only need to know…
What the Scriptures say.
We must also know what they mean.
The meaning God intended.
We must know…
the whole counsel of God…
So, we don’t fall forthose…
Who distort the Scriptures.
So, those are some of the ways…
The devil will tempt us.
So, what shld we do…
How do we handle the temptations…
That we will certainly face…
In our Christian lives?
How do we fight…
The temptation…
To doubt God’s Word?
The temptation…
To serve the devil?
The temptation…
To test God?
Or any other temptation.
We follow the example of Jesus.
&we rely on the weapons…
God gives us.
[Transition: Let’s talk abt…]
The weapons for FIGHTING temptation.
In our passage today
We see that God gives us
at least three powerful weapns
o fight temptation.
We fight temptation through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. (v.1)
Notice how Luke starts
The temptation narrative
In Luke 4:1
Luke 4:1 (NIV)
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
If we’re gonna fight temptation…
We must stay full ofthe Holy Spirit.
How do we do that?
We keep asking God…
To fill us…
w/ the Holy Spirit.
If we try to fight temptation…
In our own strength…
We will fail every time.
But when we face temptation…
in the power of the Holy Spirit…
Then as Isaiah says in Isaiah 54:17
Isaiah 54:17 (MEV)
No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me, says the Lord.
When we stay filled w/ the Holy Spirit…
His power will strengthen us…
To fight every temptation.
[Transition: The 2ndweapon…
God gives us to fight temptation is…]
We fight temptation through the power of FASTING. (v.2)
& I’m sure this is everyone’s…
Favorite subject.
This is not a subject we talk abt much.
But it is a powerful weapon…
against temptation.
Notice, at the end of Luke 4:2.
Luke says Jesus...
Luke 4:2 (NIV)
...ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.
Jesus was being tempted for 40 days…
& forty nights.
&that whole time…
He was fasting.
Fasting is an important spiritual discipline…
We need to develop…
In our Christian life.
Fasting is especially important…
in times of temptation.
When we practice fasting…
We get our bodily appetites under control.
& we gain spiritual strength…
To fight temptation.
When we fast…
we give up our bodies basicneeds…
For a time…
So, we can focus solely on God.
& strengthen ourselves…
We give up feeding our stomach…
So, we can devote more time…
To feeding our spirit.
If you have not developed the discipline…
Of fasting…
Let me encourage you to do so.
&let me give you some pointers…
On how to get started.
First, Pick a day of the week.
Historically the church fasted…
On Wednesdays & Fridays.
Now, don’t try to do both of those…
Right out of the gate.
Start slow.
Pick one of those days…
& start by skipping breakfast…
On that day…
Oncea week.
Do that for a month…
Or so.
Develop that as a discipline.
Do it consistently…
Leaningon the Lord’s strength…
To help you.
Once you’ve established the discipline…
Of skipping breakfast one day a week.
Then, start to skip breakfast & lunch…
On the same day.
After you’ve developed that discipline.
Go for a whole 24-hour period.
Frm sun dwn to sun dwn.
Now, this is not skipping meals…
For the sake of skipping meals.
We’re not on a weight loss plan.
When we combine fasting w/ prayer…
& meditation
on God’s Word…
Fasting can give us spiritual strength.
We fight temptation…
Thru the power of fasting.
[Transition: & that brings us to the last…
But certainly not the least…
powerful weapon…
we need to add to our arsenal…
To fight temptation…]
We fight temptation through the power of the SCRIPTURES. (vv. 4, 8, 12)
We need to learn well…
How Jesus responded…
to Satan’s temptations.
&learn to do the same thing…
when we’re tempted.
In every temptation…
Jesus drew the swordof the Scriptures…
To counter Satan’s attacks.
When Satan tempted Jesus…
To doubt God’s Word.
Jesus answers Him in Luke 4:4
Luke 4:4 (EHV)
“It is written: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’ ”
The whole of Scripture…
Is God’s Word.
But I think Jesus had something specific…
In mind here.
A specific word…
Frm God.
Jesus is saying…
He did not need to turn that stone…
into bread to prove He was God’s Son.
BcsHe had God’s Word on it.
The word the Father spoke to Him
at His baptism.
The words we read…
in Luke 3:22.
The Father says to Jesus
Luke 3:22 (NIV)
“You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
If Jesus turned that stone into bread…
It wld have proved He was the Son of God.
But it also wld have shown…
He doubted God’s Word.
So, Jesus fought the temptation…
To doubt God’s Word…
By reminding the devil & us…
Man does not live by bread alone…
But by every word of God.
But how often do we try…
To live by bread alone?
How often do we spend…
More time focused on…
Our physical food…
Than we do our spiritualfood.
Our physical health.
More than our spiritualhealth.
There’s nothing wrong…
w/wanting to be physically healthy.
But if we spend all of our time…
focused on our physical health…
& neglectour spiritual health…
We’ll never fulfill God’s will…
for our lives.
I think we all
can do better w/ this.
&, yes…
I’m including myself.
We all need to have…
the same attitude as Jesus…
when it comes to God’s Word.
The attitude the Scriptures…
Encourage us to have.
The attitude of Job.
Who said of God’s Word in Job 23:12
Job 23:12 (NIV)
I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.
We do not
& we cannot live by bread alone.
We need to learn to live…
By every Word of God.
If we don’t get the physical food we need…
Or if we don’t eat enough…
of the right foods…
It has a bad effect…
on our physical health.
&the same is true…
If we don’t eat enough…
Of God’s Word…
Our spiritual food…
It has a bad effect…
on our spiritual health.
& taking this food reference…
A little further…
Highly processed food…
Is not the best food…
for our physical health.
We’re better off eating the things…
God created…
Than we are eating the Franken Food…
man produces.
& it’s the same w/ God’s Word.
We need to spend more time…
Feeding on God’s pure Word…
Than we do feeding on books abt…
God’s Word.
Books abt God’s Word…
Can be helpful.
But we must remember…
When we read books abt the Bible…
We’re eating highly processed food.
Books abt the Bible…
Present the Bible filtered thru…
the minds of men.
We need to spend more time…
Feeding on the pure milk…
of God’s Word.
Bcs God’s Word nourishes our spirits.
So, we need to get it into us…
Any way we can…
Listento it.
Chewon it.
Soakyour mind in it.
Learn to treasure God’s Word…
more than your daily physical food.
We need to keep feeding…
On God’s Word…
So, when we’re tempted…
To doubt God’s Word…
We can say w/ Jesus…
It is written.
Jesus does the same thing…
When Satan tempted Jesus…
To serve him.
The devil says…
“Fall dwn & worship me…
“Switch kingdoms.
“Serve me…
“& I’ll give you
whatever you want.”
In Luke 4:8.
Jesus answered him
Luke 4:8 (MEV)
“Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.’”
Jesus again say
Pulls out the weapon of the Scriptures
to fight temptation.
Jesus knew the Scripture say
Worship is reserved
for the Lord alone.
& we must serve the Lord only.
So, when Satan comes calling…
Trying to get us to serve him…
We need to have these words…
Ready on our lips.
We need to tell Satan
Get behind me!
Get out of my face
w/ that nonsense.
“I’m not giving in to you.
“I’m not gonna serve you.
“I’m gonna worship & serve…
the Lord alone.”
“Bcs it is written
“You shall worship
the Lord your God
“& serve Him only.”
& finally
When the devil tried to twist God’s Word
To suit his lies…
To try to get Jesus to test God…
Jesus fought back…
w/ a balancing verse.
A verse of Scripture
That showed Satan
Was misinterpreting God’s Word.
This again shows us
we need to make sure we know
Not only what the Word says
But what the word means.
In every temptation Jesus faced…
He quoted the Scriptures…
To counter the devil’s attacks.
& we must learn to do the same.
Whatever temptation…
the devil attacks us w/…
We need to always be ready…
To slap Satan upside his head…
w/ the weapon…
of the Scriptures.
Now, as we close…
Today we’ve talked abt temptation.
We’ve talked abt…
The certainty of FACING temptation.
The devil will temp us in many ways.
The devil will tempt us…
To doubt God’s Word.
The devil will tempt us…
To serve him.
& the devil will tempt us…
To test God.
But by imitating Jesus.
We can fight every temptation…
Thru the weapons God gives us.
We fight temptation…
Thru the power of the Holy Spirit.
Thru the power of Fasting.
& thru the power of the Scriptures.
How to Fight Temptation.
Let’s all stand for prayer.
Father we thank you for revealing…
The many ways…
We will be tempted by the devil.
&we thank you for giving us the power…
To fight every temptation…
By imitating our Lord Jesus.
We ask you to help every one of us…
To learn to fight every temptation…
The way Jesus did.
Leaning on You for strength.
In Jesus name…Amen.