"Worship that is pleasing to God"

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As any great letter comes to an end, so this letter to the Hebrews ends with some great things that the author of Hebrews includes in his finishing touches. Here as we will look at today he includes, directions for us as believers. These are directions that we all need. He also includes some personal news and a wonderful benediction. You may be here today a say what is a benediction? Well this is a divine blessing that comes at the end of something like this letter. The readers of this letter will be asked to respond in such a way that is respectful and obedient. As believers we should respond to God and His word by obedience as well. We are also going to see that we respond in the same way to God’s leaders that have been given to the flock. They have been put in charge to lovingly care and lead the flock and will someday answer for it’s well being. So, this was a very serious and weighty matter. The author also asks for prayer for himself, that the Lord would restore him soon to this congregation. But, in the meantime he urges and pleas with his hearers to bear with his word of exhortation. The plea is really for faithful endurance as we continue through this life. So, today we come to the Lord as we worship Him and offer our lives as a sacrifice holy and acceptable. This is our spiritual worship, and it is to be pleasing to God. So, how exactly do we do this?

1. To begin with, we are to respect our church leaders whom God has given us.

Hebrews 13:17–19 ESV
17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. 18 Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things. 19 I urge you the more earnestly to do this in order that I may be restored to you the sooner.
In today’s world obeying and submitting to leaders can be difficult, but here in our text today we see that we are to do this because our spiritual leaders are to give us biblical instruction which is God’s Word. And this is why we are to obey, because it is God’s Word and not man’s word.
We are also to submit to godly leaders, because they are keeping watch over us and will give an account to the Lord someday. The keeping watch here refers to wakeful vigilance at night, when enemies might sneak in and attack the town or village. This was the duty of the watchmen on the city walls, and also the shepherds tending their flocks out in the open country. Watchmen who failed to sound the alarm when enemies approach or shepherds who did not protect the flock from predators will answer to God for their negligence. This means for me and our pastors and elders here we have the job to teach what is right from God’s Word and to do our best to protect our church family from false teaching or teachers (predators) who could lead the church away and down a harmful path.
As Elders and pastors we are to shepherd God’s flock with love, care, humility, and integrity. We will not only answer to the Lord for our own lives, but also for those who are under our influence. We serve the Lord and His bride with joy and not by groaning or complaining.
With all of this said, this is why it is important for the church to hear and listen to our church leaders. We provide the spiritual meal and even spiritual protection and discipline that we all need.
This is why we see in verse 18 the importance of praying for our church leaders. Pray for you pastor, elders, and even deacons. Pray that God would give them wisdom as they bring the word. Pray for protection and for their lives and their families. Our author here appeals for prayer because his self-examination has moved him that he have a clear conscience and desires to act in an honorable way in all things.
As Church leaders we desire and strive for this very things. Our goal is to have a clear conscience as we faithfully lead the Lord’s church. We want to honor the Lord in all that we say and do. Like the author of Hebrews, we do not want to bring any reproach on the gospel. So, this is why we need the prayers of our people.

2. Through the Strength of God we are to do what pleases Him through Christ.

Hebrews 13:20–21 ESV
20 Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, 21 equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
There is good news in this wonderful benediction. The main reason why this is such good news is because we can declare with confidence there is a God, and He is who He says He is. And He equips us, so that we can follow Him. So, who is He?
-He is the God of Peace.
I want us to understand today that it is a huge blessing and not a small thing to say that our God is a God of peace. His nature towards those of us who are Christians is one of peace. This can only happen because of what Christ has done on our behalf. Today if you are a believer you can trust that God is a God of peace. But if you do not know God today and your belief is in something else, lets say Allah of the Muslim system, they believe God’s peace is something you have to hope for, because you cannot no for sure. And the reason that is there answer is because Jesus is missing from their theology. We cannot achieve peace with God through trust in Christ alone, and so we come humbly and thankfully today and realize what Christ has done for us.
-He is the God who is alive. He has rose victoriously from the grave.
The other good news the author shares about God is that Christ’s resurrection is the foundation for our faith. In fact this is the central thing of Christianity. Over and over again throughout this letter to the Hebrews we see how the author distinguishes Jesus from the other priests. Why is this? Because unlike every other priest Jesus our great high priest is alive. He lives even now and is preparing a place for His bride in Heaven.
-He is the Great Shepherd.
Finally, the author identifies Jesus as the great Shepherd of the sheep. Many of us understand that sheep of course are very vulnerable creatures. They wonder around and get off track, so they desperately need a shepherd who can take care of them. The audience who the author of Hebrews is writing too would have been very familiar with the imagery of sheep. They were the Lord’s sheep or His people. If you are a believer today that means we too are His sheep. Jesus has a love, a pastoral love and care for His sheep. He loved his sheep so much that he gave up His life for His sheep.
John 10:11 ESV
11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

3. We are to continue to persevere in our faith.

Hebrews 13:22–25 ESV
22 I appeal to you, brothers, bear with my word of exhortation, for I have written to you briefly. 23 You should know that our brother Timothy has been released, with whom I shall see you if he comes soon. 24 Greet all your leaders and all the saints. Those who come from Italy send you greetings. 25 Grace be with all of you.
The author has just a few more things to convey to us the readers and a final appeal to make as well. The main purpose of writing this letter is to encourage and exhort the church. The author does this by sharing his focal point is to exhort them to exhort us too persevere in the faith. Don’t quit church, don’t give up. Continue to faithfully follow the Lord and be obedient to His Words. The writer here also wants his readers to know the status of Timothy. Timothy has been released from prison, but we are not told why he was put in there, but we can guess that is was probably because of his sharing the good news about Jesus.
The readers of this letter are told that those from Italy send them greetings. What this tells us is that there were many other churches starting up and these other churches where the author may be, send their greetings to this church.
The writer of Hebrews finally brings everything to a wonderful close by finishing with the word grace. Grace be with all of you. This whole letter has really been about the grace established in the new covenant God has made with his people through the blood of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2 tells us that we have been saved by grace, and we will endure until the end by grace.
Lifelong endurance of faith in Christ is what the author of Hebrews is calling us to live by. We all know that this is a difficult task. There will come obstacles, there is an enemy, there are pressures all around us and of course many distractions. The author leaves us with a blessing from the Lord to help us persevere as we continue our journey to the Promise Land of heaven. We need the care of the church, with leaders who speak God’s word truly, and live it faithfully in order to guide the flock. In response to our church leaders, we all need teachable minds, humble hearts, and a willingness to to serve others. Most of all we need the gracious blessing of God through Christ, working within us to make us willing and able to do the Lord’s will, offering worship that is pleasing in his sight.
Let me ask you today, if you know the Lord will you continue to follow Christ? Will you endure until the Lord calls you home? Will you tell others about the good news?
There may be some of you who are here today and you are lost? You are wondering what is this message about? You are like a lost sheep. You are here today and you are without hope? God’s Word tells us that we are all without hope if we do not know Christ and that is because we are born with a sin nature, in that of our first parents Adam and Eve. We are in a desperate condition in sin. In fact, all humanity is born spiritually dead.
Have you ever stopped to notice all the disorderly things of this world? All the things in this world that we think will make us happy or so often the sinful things that make us the most unhappy. So, what is it today that has dominion or upmost importance in your life? Do you find that you are a slave to sin? Are you held captive by the Devil and the lusts of your flesh? Then turn to God today. Turn to his forgiveness and submit to Him once and for all. Look up and look to the work of Christ on the cross and ask him alone to save you from your sin. Don’t wait another day because you may not be given another day. Today your soul may be required of you. So, call upon the name of Christ today. The blood of Christ can wash away all your sin and cleanse you from all your unrighteousness. God today can take away your addictions, He can take away your filth, your lust and your hurt if only you will turn to Him. Come to him by faith.
Ephesians 2:8–9 ESV
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
(Pray and Lead into Communion)
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