The Christian Thought Life
The Christian Thought Life
Phil. 4:8
Final Instructions – Part 3
We find here in these final instructions insight as to the greatest battle field of man, viz. the mind and thought life.
Our thought life is made up predominantly of what we see daily…
Smut TV
Violent movies, news, etc.
Ungodly relationships
It should not surprise us then that our thought life keeps us in bondage.
The Apostle Paul gives us not six things to think about, but in accordance with Biblical numerology, three sets of two.
I. Christians are compelled to fix their mind on things that are absolute in contradistinction to the world.
The world offers all kinds of pseudo truths, such as…Relationships & Religions
But Paul says here to meditate on that which is…
A. True
B. Honorable
II. Christians are compelled to fix their mind on things that are lawful.
A. | The Levitical LawThe Ten Commandments “Lawful thoughts produce lawful people.” |
B. Pure
III. Christians are compelled to fix their mind on things that testify of the grace of God.
A. Lovely
B. Of good report