Know The Bible
Have you ever tried to learn something by watching videos?
Surfing in a storm
When you try to live for Jesus without knowing the bible it’s like trying to surf by watching videos
I have one goal today. I simply want to convince you to read the bible for yourself.
I know that seems simple and probably rudimentary, but if we were honest how many of us actually read it everyday?
Story of me in bible college as a recent convert knowing more bible than the vast majority raised in church
Statistically less than 20% of church goers read the Bible daily
“The Bible is the cradle where Christ is laid” - Martin Luther
New Living Translation Psalm 119
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path.
We need to realize our need for the word
This requires humility
Be okay knowing we aren’t right
Be okay admitting we aren’t perfect
Sermons are great and there are great speakers out there, but that should never replace our need for the word
Now don’t get me wrong I am so thankful for guys that know more about the bible than me that I can learn from, but I get scared because there are so many of us who just trust what someone says because they’re a “scholar” when the bible tells over and over to watch our doctrine and to judge people’s teaching by their life and faith.
Ask yourself do they remind you of Jesus?
But you won’t even know what Jesus looks like if you haven’t read this book
Our spiritual maturity will never exceed our knowledge of the Bible
We need to hunger for and thirst for the word
Knowing the word protects us
Knowing the word protects us
From wrong doctrine
From wrong doctrine
I get worried so many people reject the word
Now a days with enough patience we can find a way to make the bible say whatever we want. We can find a book at the christian bookstore that will teach we can divorce our spouse, live a safe life, hoard all our money, etc etc
From Satan
From Satan
Satan did this to the corinthian church. They would take drugs and hear things from spirits telling them that God is cool with whatever
He even did it to Jesus in His temptation.
Telling out of context scripture to get Him to sin
From Sin
From Sin
New Living Translation Psalm 119
I have hidden your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.
Story of me trying to quit swearing
New Living Translation Chapter 1
If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.