The Wrath of God
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· 8 viewsTo better understand God' Wrath.
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God’s Wrath defined.
God’s Wrath defined.
Picture of God’s Wrath, Man under God’s Wrath. The Precarious thread of life.
It may be the most offensive doctrine, it may seem harsh, judgmental and backwards.
What do you think of when you think of WRATH?
Nebuchadnezzar, Time when i was a child, angry man came to the house. unpredictable, out of control.
Is it important that we understand the Wrath of God?
Is it possible to have good news without having bad news?
In a world of confusion and anything goes culture. His attributes stand defined and absolute and they are Glorious.
The greater glimpse and understanding of God’s Wrath, the better we will understand his goodness and his justice.
Wrath of God is: ‘the moral perfection of God visiting the sin of unrighteous man.”
Some say the Wrath of God is cruel...
“The wrath of God is a function of God’s justice, not cruelty, not capricious, it is the expression of moral indignation against that which is WRONG”
“God’s wrath is an exercise of his judgement”
God’s wrath is his righteousness reacting against unrighteousness.
J. I. Packer
A God of love who has no wrath is no God. He is an idol of our own making as much as if we carved him out of stone.
R. C. Sproul
The wrath of God is like great waters that are dammed for the present; they increase more and more, and rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given; and the longer the stream is stopped, the more rapid and mighty is its course, when once it is let loose.
Johns introduction of Jesus
Johns introduction of Jesus
Consistent in old and new testament.
John, introducing Jesus, warned the hypocrites of the wrath to come. Told them to bring forth fruit that showed true repentance and he told them that the axe is going to be layed at the root of the tree.. there will be a reckoning
Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
Picture of God’s wrath
Picture of God’s wrath
Revelation 15:1,7-8
ALot i don't know, but Jesus said, vengeance is mine, i will repay. He has said, blessed are the meek, for they shall in inherit the earth. Here it is happening.
Notice the glory of God
The saints, those who were victorious over satan are gathered together.
The are worshipping. singing song of moses. deliverance.
singing song of the lamb, deliverance.
The glory of the temple, where God dwells is revealed.
Angels in white, no one may enter. No one will stop the wrath of God.
Rev. 16 describes the results of the 7 angels pouring out the bowls of God’ wrath upon the earth.
Vial is more like a bowl.
Can you imagine the horrible sights, the stench the blood shed, the tremendous anguish of humans suffering. v.3
Notice the connection between God’s righteousness and his wrath and judgement. This wrath is a result of unrighteousness, of men and women doing things that are wrong.
Great suffering, burnt, gnawed their tongues in pain. v.9-11 yet they did not repent.
Rev. 19:11-21 a great battle is about to take place.
The rider on the white horse is the Word of God.
The beast, the most powerful piece of the enemy was taken.
Just like that, the battle is over. There wasnt hours, or years of struggle. by the Word of God, the enemy was slain.
The army of God rode home with white garments.
That battle is terrifying enough for those who are enemies of God, whose flesh was fed to the birds. But it doesn't stop there.
Rev 20:11-15 The final and everlasting judgement.
There are only 2 prepared places.
The place Jesus is preparing for his follower, as place the Jesus shares with his followers, those who have denied themselves and took up the cross, he will share the glories of God!
The other place is the place of eternal fire and eternal torment, it is the place for the devil and his angels and all who refuse to Love God and receive salvation through Jesus Christ.
If only we could see eternity more vivid and clear in our minds.
In Luke 16 we get a picture, a snapshot of the torment of hell.
His whole body was in flames, but if only he could have 1 drop of water.
He became evangelistic. With a sense of urgency he wanted his brothers to know, this is real. Missed opportunities.
Man under God’s Wrath
Man under God’s Wrath
any man or woman. .
Evil deeds. Romans 1:18 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;”
v 21 when they knew God, they dint glorify and esteem him as God. They were not thankful.
professing to be wise became foolish.
23-32 is a list of unimaginable evil, that began with a thought, and from there actions.
Not only are they doing unthinkable sin, but it is celebrated as good. These evil deeds are under the wrath of God.
Col. 3:6 “For which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:”
The prior verse list evil deeds that are Under the Wrath of God.
Ephesians 5 fornication, uncleaness, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking, jesting, whoremongers… None of these things are fitting for saints and verse
ephesians 5:6 “Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.”
illustrated God sent the flood, why?
Genesis 6:5-6 “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”
God destroy Sodom and Gomorah, why?
Genesis 18:20 “And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;”
Other examples of God’s wrath.
We see God’s wrath in the account of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. (speaking evil of dignitaries 2 peter)
Ananias, in his mind told a 1/2 truth. He lied, and he experience God’s wrath.
It is the unrighteousness of man, meeting a righteous God.
2. If we are friends of this world.
James 4:4 “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”
To love the world, is to love what the world loves. To value what they value. In music, sports, social media, fashion, you see what they value and love.
Kevin o leary quote “You may lose your wife, you may lose your dog, your mother may hate you. None of those things matter. What matters is that you achieve success and become free. Then you can do whatever you like.”
Luke 16:15 “And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.”
1 John 2:15 “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
The world has plenty to offer you, they market, happiness, freedom, pleasure, identity..
If you value the what the world values, you are under the wrath of God.
3. Carnal mind
Romans 8:5-6 For the that are after the flesh,
Almost like the flesh directs the person.
What are you most excited by. The things of the Flesh?
To be carnally minded is death, and brings the Wrath of God.
4.To reject Jesus Christ John 3:36
John 3:36 (KJV 1900)
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
John 3:18 “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
Unbelievers are all those who have not accepted Jesus, as their Lord and Saviour.
What do you have to do to NOT be under the Wrath of God?
Reach out to Jesus, may i say with a sense of urgency. There may be a lot happening in your life, you may be sitting here, distracted by a real problem in your life, and you wish i would shut up and sit down, but there is nothing more important then to realize that only through Jesus can we escape the Wrath of God. There is no other way no other person.
The precarious Thread of Life
The precarious Thread of Life
There is no good news without bad news.
To study the Wrath of God is to understand his righteousness a bit better.
It should be a guide for making the things God says very important to us.
It makes his mercy and goodness so much more precious.
A. God is full of compassion and abundant mercy
Psalm 86: 15 “But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, Longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.”
Psalm 103:8 “The Lord is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.”
So predicable Jonah expected it..
Nineveh: The wickness was coming up to God.
After Jonah preached, revival happened.
Jonah was like, i knew this was going to happen, “for i knew that that are a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness”
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
We are not promised tomorrow.
The fact that Jesus loves you and that fact that Jesus is merciful and is not willing that any should perish will not matter when you face him. If you are in the book of life, you will not experience the wrath of God.
The bow of God’s wrath is bent, and the arrow made ready on the string, and justice bends the arrow at the workers of iniquity, unrighteousness and all who reject the only begotten son who bore God’s wrath on the cross, so we wouldn't have to. , and strains the bow,
What keeps that arrow from being released onto the one to whom justice is due? Only the mercy of God.
Today is the day of salvation.
1 Th 1:10 “b even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.”
Consider your plan
Live a life of repentance, making what is important to God, important to you.