Flying Pigs and Snakes In The Grass
Flying Pigs and Snakes in the Grass
Matthew 8: 28-34
Satan has many _______________________ to make us captives.
Jesus has compassion on all who are held __________________ by Satan. (Vs. 29-32)
Ephesians 6: 13 -14
The demons ___________________________ who Jesus is (vs. 29)
Colossians 2: 15
I Peter 5: 8
Revelation 12: 12
We are to go and _____________________what Jesus has done in our lives.(vs. 33-34)
Path For Discipleship
Worship God-(Motivation for discipleship) _______I worship corporately _______I worship privately Study The Word (Equipping for discipleship) _______I am involved in corporate bible study _______I am reading scripture _______I am memorizing scripture. Connected in Community: (Team for discipleship) _______I am committed to a local body of believers ______ I am in a mentor relationship with another Christian. Serve Others (Fruit of discipleship) ______ I am serving my church(Ministry) ______ I am serving the world(Missions) Share The Gospel (Matthew 28: 19-20) (Reproduction of discipleship) ______I am sharing my faith with my ONE ______I am going on a mission trip
Give Generously 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 _____ I am generous with my resources and finances for the kingdom of God.