Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
As It Is Written
In the wilderness people come to hear a prophet of God
it has been 400 years since Malachi
John the Baptist is the hottest ticket in town
people are flocking to see and hear him
He is preaching repentance and forgiveness of sins
He is preparing the way of the Lord Jesus to come
He is preparing the hearts of the people to accept their Messiah
what we are looking at today is the prophecy from 700 years prior
Luke wants us to be sure that John is that man
this prophecy has been fulfilled
as all prophecy's has or will be fulfilled
the Old and New Testament prophecies are not just a allegory, or metaphor for the church today
or an Asaph fable to be used as a teaching lesson
Prophecies are what God has told us what will happen
so what does this prophecy telling us?
what are all these strange things?
These are the things John is going to do
read Luke 3 4-6.
The Preparation Of The Visiting King
When a king is going to visit another place
The town of Potholeville
he will send an envoy before hand to have the roads prepared
the rocks taken out, the curves made straight
hollows filled.
high hills made flat
the town cleaned up and painted
all these things the towns people were living with
the rough crooked dangerous roads full of potholes and rocks
the swaller they were living in
the dirty dingy buildings, dogs sleeping on the sidewalks
it was normal life, a life they were accustomed to
But now the king is coming to Potholeville
and the king is demanding to have the best
citizens of Potholeville need to prepare for His arrival
John is in charge of all this
he is the envoy that the king sent
but his job is a difficult one
because people are set in their ways
don’t want to do out of the ordinary
if the king wants to come then come
don’t get me involved, I’m happy with the way it is now
I can live with the roads, dogs, unpainted buildings
my way of life is just fine with me I don’t mind the swaller
So what does this mean in a spiritual sense?
Prepare For God In Your Heart
John was to go before the Messiah to prepare the lives and hearts of the people of Israel
The Messiah is coming to be Emmanuel
the seed of David, the promised one
to get them to clean up their act
to put away the idols
to turn away from the corruptness of the religious system in Jerusalem
to stop stealing, harming your neighbor
to repent, to grieve over their sin, to turn to God
obey the Law of God
but again, people are comfortable in their way of life
they don’t want to change
but there are some who do prepare for the Lord
there are some who prepared to encounter the King
Like James and John the disciples of John
who follow John and learn from him
who do prepare their heart for the Messiah
when the Messiah came to John they were ready to leave John to follow Jesus
when Jesus was ready, He called them from their fishing boat and they readily followed
There are people today who need to repent and turn to Jesus
they hear my message or your message of the gospel
the penalty for sin
the need to be righteous
their need to accept the Savior
Jesus came to save His people from their sins
Jesus came to take the punishment that they deserve
Jesus died on the cross to take away the guilt and shame
We are all born with a genetic defect that is called sin
we inherited it from our father Adam
that right there is all we need to keep us from Heaven
but we all add to our guilt by rebelling against God
we say no to His law
we hate Him and don’t want Him coming to my town
we do everything to push him out of our lives
we rebel against commandments
we want to blame Him for all that is bad in the world
He gives us a gift of a child and we mutilate and kill it.
we offer the baby on the altar of selfishness
we celebrate anti God lifestyles with a parade
we abuse alcohol and drugs to escape our reality
we go to churches where the preacher tells us what we want to hear, but sending you to hell
we try to fill our spiritual needs by following satanic religions like JW, Mormons, new age, eastern mysticism
Jesus says
Jesus, God created the universe
Jesus God the Son came to this earth as a Baby to rescue His people from their sin and corruption
to die in their place
so that all who repent and believe will have everlasting life with Him
John is the one that God used to prepare the way of the Israelites at that time
maybe its me preparing you to meed your Savior
My God grant you a change of mind and faith to believe in the savior
how about you a christian
when you come to Church to meet with God are you prepared?
Is your house clean?
is there any un-confessed in your life
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9