John 15:1-2
I am the true vine,
The OT regularly uses plant, tree, or vine imagery in symbolic descriptions of God’s people. For instance, the Lord speaks of “planting” his people in the land (2 Sam. 7:10). In Psalm 80:8 David describes the Lord’s bringing a vine out of Egypt and planting it in the land. In Isaiah 5:1–7 Isaiah likens Israel to a vineyard the Lord planted and tended.
This OT background informs what Jesus says in John 15. When Jesus declares himself to be the “true vine” in verse 1, he identifies himself as the true Israel. By adopting this imagery and applying it to himself, Jesus declares that one’s standing in the people of God depends no longer on genealogical descent from Abraham but on one’s vital connection to himself. To be part of the vine, one must be connected to Jesus. Whereas the Father formerly tended ethnic Israel as his vine, he now tends those who are united to Christ by faith.
My Father is the vinedresser
my Father is the husbandman—the great Proprietor of the vineyard, the Lord of the spiritual kingdom. (It is surely unnecessary to point out the claim to supreme divinity involved in this).