Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Last week, Stephen covered “Experiencing God Though Obedience”.
What is it God requires of us?
Simple obedience.
Our obedience reveals the relationship we have with God.
But James goes on to say that our obedient faith to God without actions…is dead.
Faith will bring about works.
Faith is not a spectator sport.
Obedience leads to a change in the priority of life.
It goes from us, to Him.
Our focus looks past our self and sees God.
As God words through us, and as we work for Him, then we learn to trust Him and trust leads to further obedience.
This week, we look at how God’s Will draws it all together to work together as the corporate body of the church.
The Church
The first point made in the study is “Church members need to know how to walk with God and how to hear Him speaking”.
One quick question - what do you think is the most limiting factor in churches today?
When a church allows God’s presence and activity to be EXPRESSED, a watching world will be drawn to Him.
Churches have a good grasp of worship, a good grasp of prayer, a good grasp of ministry, a good grasp of fellowship, but do they have a good grasp of obedience by expressing God’s Will so that others (outside the church walls) can see Him?
The book says there are five things a Christian should understand in our relationship with God and to one another.
What are those five things?
Church is a creation of Christ.
2. A church is a living body of Christ with many members.
3. A church is uniquely related to Christ as Head of the body.
4. Members of a church are uniquely related to every other member of the body.
A church is on mission with Christ in the world to carry out the Father’s redemptive purposes.
Being Is More Important Than Doing
Oh, this hits hard - Churches are often more interested in what God wants them to DO than in what He wants them to BE.
In your thoughts, what does this mean?
Does it mean a church should not DO?
What three things are listed on page 201, and what biblical response did you place by each one?
Do we create division by our actions?
Do we hang on to the golden calf?
Do we allow division to occur over things have no eternal significance?
God desires UNITY within the body of believers.
Knowing and Doing God’s Will As A Church
NOW, just because someone wants to do something a different way than others, does that make it wrong?
We have to be sensitive to the faith of others, and how God manifests His Will through them.
The eyes may be able to see God’s Will.
The ears may be able to hear God’s Will.
They hands may be able to feel God’s Will.
The feet may be able to walk the path of God’s Will.
We all make up one body, in which we each have different senses and functions, but as a whole are critical to the function as a whole.
Discerning God’s Will As A Body
How is it that the body can discern God’s Will?
Corporate Prayer.
Listening to others.
Seeking input.
Seeing needs.
These can be from within the church, and outside in the community.
In the book, the authors point out the Holy Spirit led the apostles as they guided the church.
God led the members and leaders in mutual interdependence as they served and made decisions.
What does “mutual interdependence” mean?
In the corporate world, it is when the business formulates a competitive strategy that all employees affirm and then mutually work towards the goal.
From the theological sense, when God speaks to people about the church, they should relate to the body what they sense God is saying, and the corporate body goes to God in prayer to discern His Will.
Church Decision Making
If the intent is to divide the church, then we ask how many are for or against.
Sometimes the majority (and even the minority) is WRONG.
Because some things are led by emotion and attachment and NOT God’s Will.
I really appreciated the authors approach of making decisions: “After all the information you have heard and after all you have prayed, how many of you sense God is clearly directing us to proceed in this direction as a body”.
Now, how is this different than majority vote?
It doesn’t ask for the congregations opinions, but rather how they sense God’s direction for the church.
So now, how does the book say we should view those in opposition?
(Page 207, 4th paragraph) Some disagreement might indicate a fellowship problem with the Lord.
Come along side them, and help them discern God’s Will and return to proper fellowship with the Lord.
Sometimes we must look also understand WAITING may cause us to miss God’s timing.
Real Motivation
How do we motivate others?
We can ask them to support something, OR we can ask them to ask God what HE wants.
This allows us to take the focus off our own wants and desires, and place them on God’s direction.
It brings us together under one heart and one mind.
We must remember, it is not the pastor, it is not the deacons, it is not the board that is the head of the church, but God.
The Body of Christ, Part 1
Let’s read Romans 12
What does Paul recommend the body do to discern God’s Will?
Offer our bodies as?
And to not conform, but to be transformed by?
What specific things can be done to prevent problems caused by pride?
Romans 12:3 “3 For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.”
Romans 12:10 “10 Love one another with brotherly affection.
Outdo one another in showing honor.”
Romans 12:16 “16 Live in harmony with one another.
Do not be haughty (high hatted, overly proud), but associate with the lowly.
Never be wise in your own sight.”
Which of these instructions do we (individually) need to work on?
The Holy Spirit Equips Each Member To Function In The Body
Looking back at 1 Corinthians 12, the Holy Spirit equips each member for a specific purpose which leads to ?
(The Common Good - 1 Cor 12:7)
We need each other.
Because when we neglect one part of the body, the church will miss out on God’s blessings.
The Body of Christ, Part 2
Just because we have a passion or drive for something, does it automatically mean God has equipped us for that ministry?
Sometimes, we see a need in the church, and feel drawn to fill a void, but it does not mean God has equipped us for that ministry.
However, it does not mean that God does not work through that person to see the true need!
Every one of us has a specific place and purpose to serve God where He puts them in the whole body so the whole body works together as it should.
Lets look at the statements on page 215, and see if we can discern what might be some concerns:
Statement A
Statement B
Statement C
Statement D
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