Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,
Straight Forward, Right?
1. It appears easy enough.
2. Has all the best intentions.
3. We can get into auto pilot.
Answer This: Why do we come together for events like this?
The pastor(s) expect us to be present.
We had no better plans come up.
The church is open and I need to be present.
What is the intention of our hearts?
What if we consider the One who calls us out to the World?
The God who created all things through His Word.
The God who holds all things by His power and will.
The God who empowers His children to do His good works prepared for us to do.
The God who does not leave us destitute, but helps us by His presence within us each.
This God, who through no small measure has made Himself known to us, is the One True Lord for whom our hearts and wills surrender to serve and follow in grace-filled, joyful obedience.