I'll Have...Eternal Life Please! - Luke 18:18-30
you can stay seated for this reading, but the word of God tells us this Certain ruler asked him, good teacher. What must I do to inherit eternal life? Why do you call me good? Jesus answered. No one is good. Except God alone. You know the Commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother. All these I've kept, since I was a boy, he said when Jesus heard this, he said to him, you still lack one thing, Soul, everything you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me. When he heard this, he became very sad because he was very wealthy. Jesus looked at him and said how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God. Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is Rich to enter the kingdom of God. Those who heard this asked, who then can be saved. Jesus replied. What is impossible with man. Is possible with God. Peter said to him, we have left. All we had to follow you. Truly, I tell you. Jesus said to them, no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters, or parents or children. For the sake of the kingdom of God, will fail to receive many times as much in this age and the age to come eternal life. The word of God for the people of God. Thanks, be unto God.
Do when you are in a public place, what are some of the common questions that you either? Ask why I have been asked if you're in Walmart, you're at the airport, you had a museum, whatever it may be. What are some of the common questions when we were in Mexico? And can you travel the Staples question that we needed to learn? Was there that is donde esta, el Bano, right? In Tagalog, Filipino language NASA on on Bano or course you English people are Americans, right? Where is the bathroom, questions? And you ask them another one. You know, how much does this thing cost? Excuse me. Sir, where did you get that brochure or that map to the to the area? Do you know how to get to this restaurant? We're new to the area were trying to find out where the restaurant is on TripAdvisor. Prodigious some basic questions. You can even ask a stranger and there's no awkwardness at all involved. Just genuine honest questions. I would say you were at Monticello touring mr. Jefferson's home, you haven't even been there even though you've lived here your whole life. You know, who, you know, who I'm talking to mr. Dave. But that's how you there. All right? And I'll say, just say, somebody walks up to you randomly and says, excuse me, can you tell me how to get to heaven? Just cold conversation out of nowhere. How do you respond to that? Or somebody just have to excuse me? I'd like to become a Christian. How do you do that? How do you become a Christian? What would you say to them? How do you, how would you respond to can't say, I talked to my pastor, he's right here. I'm not going to be there, right? You better not have me on speed dial either, but I'm not going to bail you out there. That's on you and the person and God. Okay, what are you going to say? You might be thanking us. That'll never happen. That's just so out of the ordinary in it, it may never happen but it might not happen with a stranger but it even more. So might happen with a family member or friend just out of the blue, they know your Christian to know, you go to the know you read the Bible. They know you're in the Christianity and the situation. They might approach you and say how do I go to heaven? Well, this text and our passage Jesus is in that very predicament, that situation. Now, if you recall, what was happened immediately before. Just so you're aware Matthew. Mark and Luke all record this message. And in each of the instances, Matthew with Matthew, 18 markets, Mark, chapter 10 if you want to do some comparison and contrast later on, but in each of those accounts, the three gospels, the synoptics, the account here of the Rich Young Ruler, which is awfully referred to as it happens right after Jesus had this encounter with the newborns with the infants, with the babies, when Jesus explained to the crowd to the people, to the parents, to his disciples, in particular, I care about children, I care about the week, the powerless, the helpless, those who can't boast about any moral Accolade, the kingdom of God, belongs to such people And then all the texts collectively say is Jesus was going on his way as he was departing. From that encounter. It tells us a certain man ran up to Jesus, balcony at Jesus and ask him. Good teacher. What must I do to inherit eternal life? Don't know if he has Jesus ever met this man or not, we're not sure. But nonetheless is just one of those out of the blue questions and it should it goes straight to the heart of what's most important, right? How do I inherit eternal life for United a right? You think about that question, and to make it to Big sauce. Come to my mind and it, surely you do that question, and I'll just ask you even in the secular world or in Christian circles. When's the last time you ever heard anybody genuinely ask that question. I'm not talking about studying the Bible or, you know, preaching it. When have you ever heard anybody say? In verbatim that question Probably, never and II personal happen. I doubt you have again verbatim so you might be wondering, well, you know, it's her life. It's just a fly to me. It's not what I'm thinking about someone care about. but when you really pick it up part regarding the issue of eternal life, You know, I really do have that question inside of us. All right, the inherent desire packed into that. Question is in all of us because when this man when it's ruler asked, Jesus, this isn't necessarily talking about the duration of life, or the whole Everlasting aspect of life. Because for all of us in one way, shape or form, how many of you want your current present life to continue forever? Or nobody, right? The pain in the back, ache that the hardships with relationships. You might be having the, the not so secure financial bank accounts, right? Whatever it might be. Nobody wants this current present life to last forever. So, when this man asked, how can I inherit eternal life? He is talking about the duration, but more. So, in the Bible, when you hear about eternal life, when Jesus speaks about it, it's more so talking about the quality of life. The full life, the Abundant Life as Jesus also used that language. so, you know, I mean I asked that verbatim, but how many of us do ask How can I find a fulfilled life? How can I have a full fruitful meaningful life, where it where can I find this true? Love that my heart longs for? I looked people I look for it since objects and money and in my career but I can't fully get it. Where can I find that true? Love that joy that piece that will sustain me? How can I have a full and meaningful? Rich? Abundant Life, every single human being asked that question at some point or another in their life, the more mature, you get the older, you get the more that you longed for it one way or another. So, we all asked that question a second quick thought regarding that right? How do I inherit eternal life that question today? So it's not relevant to us, but I simply propose to you, perhaps we should be asking that question. This is why it's important for you and I to read the entirety of gods were too as we are on Sunday morning as we do expositional preaching, which merely means going to get kind of verse by verse section-by-section passes by passage. Because when we do that, as opposed to, you know, what am I going to be today and you just randomly flip the Bible open and Jeremiah 35, this would be my morning devotion, right? As opposed to doing that, when you encounter the totality of God's word, God's word sets the agenda, God's word prompts the questions. God's word brings out what's most important, right? Because you, and I might be worried most about the little paper cut on her finger. But in reality, what we truly need is a remedy for the cancer. That is plaguing our souls. That's the same way. We approach, God's word, Lord. I Need A Little Bit Of Peace for my day today with that. I think we got talks about that the word talks about that, but we do not need is deeper than that. And that's why it's important for us to ask an ant, have questions answered in the word of God. Do this. Passage very relevant for us today. And the question is simple, right? What was the main point today? It's a, it's in a question. What must I do to inherit eternal life or three p's will consider to answer that question to guide us? Help us. Formulate, a good biblical, answer 3-piece who there are. Number one, the Perfection that's required number to the impossibility, to pay number three, the promise of the Gospel, Number one profession that require this is from verses 18 to 22. So the text says a certain ruler asked Jesus asked him that when it says ruler and stop right there. When it says, ruler with that talking about who is that we don't know entirely. Sure. It might be a Jewish religious leader or it could simply just be a civil magistrate and we don't know. But either way, this is a guy who nonetheless as high up the food, chain hyper social ladder and he's wealthy, he's, he's got some status, some some, you know, he has a shoulder above everybody else in the community, very wealthy, very prominent, ask Jesus, good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus, what happened to mediately? Why do you call me good? Jesus answer. No one is good except God Alone. Jesus right at the outset. He rebukes and corrects this man. Right? Because it's commentators have pointed out when, when the ruler walks up to Jesus, and he asked him if he's not confessing Jesus is deity. Is not saying, oh, you know, you are God, and you are good. As God know, he's just, this is a good teacher. But this is a good guy. Good, man, I've heard I heard the reports about him. It is as if the ruler is kind of trying to Cozy up to him, trying to warm up butter, am up if you will. So that Jesus gives him a good answer at a favorable charitable reply. Right. It is sometimes you might do that with an old Professor doctor or Pastor whatever. You have a preference, just tell me how do you buy? You just kind of set the stage, try to get on their good side initially, What did Jesus do? He doesn't receive that flattery. But rather correct him regarding his usage word. Good no one is good except God Alone. Jesus here. He's not denying or downplaying, his divinity, he simply speaking to the man on his terms. You think? I'm just a teacher of course he's a teacher but I'm more than that. I'm not sure it in the Jewish context in the first century there. Only two things that you could actually accurately say we're good. You know what they were driving today we throw around. Right? That's a good hot dog. That's a good. Vacation is only two things you could truly say we're good. Am I going to take a stab at it?
Go back and forth. It's okay. So number one God my God is good number to closely related. The word of God. The Torah. The law is good. You see that clearly in the Book of Psalms a man or Rabbi Jewish teacher. You can't say that. They are good, only God, and His word are good in Jesus's reinforcing this to a man. But it's also as one commenter pointed out. Jesus doesn't affirm his goodness, but implies that his goodness is the goodness of God. The source of all goodness, working in him. Is John 5:19, tells us the son can do nothing by himself. He can only do what he sees the father doing so for you. And I today just right at the outset, it's important to know if the idea or concept, the very word of good goodness. It's closely connected to Salvation closely correlated to eternal life, to receiving the kingdom to entering the kingdom of heaven. But then you just continues. I know one is good. Except God Alone. Matthew chapter, Matthew chapter 19. I misspoke earlier. But Matthew 19, the parallel Passage. Convert 17. Jesus says what, you know, no one is good except God alone and then he says this if you want to enter life Keep the Commandments. And then, right? Luke, Lucas do miss that one phrase but they're all, they're all the same account. If you want to enter life, keep the Commandments. And then Jesus, outlines several of them, you shall not commit adultery. You shall not murder. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony, honor your father and your mother. And then Mark also includes love your neighbor as yourself and also do not defraud. It's not a variant of the lying aspect. Jesus says, if you want to inherit life, if you want to receive eternal life, if you want to enter the kingdom, keep the Commandments and specifically, he points to, you know, you noticed or something, common to Morphine between these. What is that? It's more. So if if you, when we went to the Ten Commandments if you weren't here, here's a little quick review. The first four Commandments are typically we send our contacts are referred to as a commandment about God, right? It's a vertical. What's your relationship like with God the last six or about? How do you deal in interact with other people? And Jesus here is starting with the other people commands, but don't worry too, don't commit adultery, don't steal, don't lie. Honor your father and your mother. What's the point of keeping these commands leads to life? If you wonder what has a head that possible, how that worked? Well Deuteronomy chapter 30, This is a little window into that. Deuteronomy 30. First 15. Listen to this. This is Moses speaking to will God through Moses speaking to all the nation of Israel. See I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. I command you today to love the Lord, your God to walk in obedience to him to keep his commands. Decrees and laws, then you will live and increase and the Lord, your God will bless you in the land. You were entering to possess What if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. If you were drawn away to bow down to any other gods and worship, then I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You not live long in the land are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess Right. It's a simple concept. We understand this. Even as adults as even as children, write the classic analogy of the fireplace, there's a fireplace that would sometimes, that's gasoline if you want to be a good fire, right? And what are you do? You need to obey the laws regarding that if you want to have it? Good marshmello a good. Some more. You'll be the boundaries of respect, the boundaries of the fireplace, are you careful? You don't stack it right till it's 10 stories. Hindi stories tall, right? You have a nice modest fire. But if you think that's all that you respect it's designed to be in to do, but if you go Haywire you just do fire everywhere, right? You'll burn the entire force down. Your burn your house down. It's the same with God. If you walk in my ways, if you follow the truth, if you stay on the straight and narrow path, you will experience life. You will experience Joy, you will experience blessing. You will experience at abundant full Rich, blessed life that you desire in your inner being. We get that, we understand that. And then I noticed how does a ruler respond verse 21 by all of these I kept since I was a boy. Initially, right? You have to keep in mind that we live on this side of the New Testament, particularly, I'm thinking of The Sermon on the Mount, right? So before Jesus stepped onto the scene, what happened on The Sermon, on the Mount Jesus, clarify the nature of the law declared that the law isn't just about. What you do. It's not just about your actions. It's not just about what you say more. So it's about what's in your heart, about your motivations. It's about your thoughts, it's go. It's about what's in your entire Bee. Before Jesus brought that Clarity the Jewish context in the first century, they understood obedience and Disobedience primarily in terms of action. So it is in theory possible to keep these Commandments physically speaking, I don't know, I've never murdered anybody. I don't commit adultery stolen And he says, ya kept all these commands. We're in Mexico. In the sermon that I appreciate the the movie theater. Was a fun experience kind of cool. But I went on this tangent about the gospel and sin and the Redemption that God brings to us through Christ. And I was getting the other thing about what is sin, how do you define seeing how do you know that you are a sinner internal? Then I brought up the Ten Commandments as Jesus did here as Paul does and in the Book of Romans and it's just threw out the Bible. So I just went through a few of the questions. Know how many of you have ever lied in your Tarlac. I said just raise your hand if you have right, just be honest, how many of you have ever loved him? Most every buddy, raise their hand, or how many of you have ever stolen anything, right and go up. And then what is an interesting though, I asked how many of you have perfectly always without fail, honored, your parents and everything. I know a few people who said, yeah, I have a perfectly on in my parents, I was shocked at that and but it wasn't. The thing is, I'm not going to stop battle. I'm going to fight. I'm not going to argue & that I highly doubt that. But what would I do? If I went to the next command, write a different commandant and that's kind of what Jesus does. He write? Jesus doesn't look at those who kept the ones I've listed. All right. Used two other ones that I haven't mentioned yet. Implicitly, Jesus, does he mentions the first in the tent? This is what goes on in the heart. What's the first commandment, you shall have? No other gods before me and then the Ten Commandment, you shall not covet. Those two commands can only be judged in the heart. You can't really? I mean you can kind of covet right? And what about the heart? Jesus says right to demonstrate that. You have kept the commands that you have kept the first in the tent in particular go sell. Everything you have Susan, verse twenty to sell everything, you have to give to the poor, you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me.
Right. What is he saying? The Comfort, the security, the happiness, that you might be getting from your money. Get rid of it. Don't look to your money for that source of life and joy and fulfillment look to me. Follow me. And Jesus brings in and references at the first, four commands, the vertical relationship with God. How do you love God in, and it for you? A student Bible, students, you work all. This isn't the first time, this has been asked this question and Luke chapter 10, which we were probably in 5 years ago and we're going through this. Just for reference, we have been here three years now. So we've been a while, but Luke chapter 10, or this is when an expert of the law, stood up to test Jesus teacher. What must I do to inherit eternal life. Same question. Different motives are he was hateful wanted to see Jesus. Jesus is reply back and forth. Love God with all your being. Love your neighbor as yourself. The same answer, you want to inherit eternal life, you want to receive that. Love God with all your being. Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus here, began with love your neighbor as yourself. Now he's saying love God with all your being Can you do that? Have you done that? Will you do that?
M. Simply how do you receive eternal life? You must be perfect, right? If you didn't catch the drift, what Jesus is getting at you must be perfect. Perfect. In your Obedience of the word of God perfect, in your Delight of God himself, and it's important to note, right? Especially in the secular culture we live in, it's not enough to just be a good person like this to be a good citizen at the world, loves championing that I'll just do unto others, don't. Judge, lest ye be judged. Love your neighbor as yourself, right? All this kind of horizontal talk, which is good, but the world never talks about. Love God, follow Jesus obey, Jesus. Listen to his words. Let's Central what it means to be perfect perfectly. Love God, perfectly love others, that's prerequisite. How do you all fair with that requirement? Latest to the second point, it's impossible to pay the price and how much does it cost to inherit eternal life as Perfection? Nobody can pay that price, vs23 226, When he heard this, he became very sad because he was very wealthy.
The man's great sorrow is fracture, translation might say his great sorrow, was tied to his great wealth estate of slightly differently. But this man had so much joy in his money. So much security so much comfort so much familiarity with his money at the very thought of it being gone. Right heat, you sad. And that's true for you and I whatever you enjoy. You truly enjoy whether it's a good or bad thing, right? If you whatever you put your Delight in, if it's taken away, you will by definition be sad. I remember one time when I was younger, one thing I love growing up was Nintendo and I love particularly the GameCube californo, your fat, that was right before the Nintendo Wii came about, but love the GameCube, love it, a lot playing it. And for some reason I don't really remember. I do remember I'm just not going to say I was rebellious somehow to you know my dad in particular and what was the punishment? Are the spank didn't work anymore. So what's punishment? The the video games were gone for a day to remember, how long do I remember? I was so angry and bitter at that. I remember being in my room and stomping around because I was upstairs and stomping around so my dad can hear downstairs and just hear how displeased I was with him. I don't have the exact same but what you find your joy and are this. In the point would you find your joy taken away? You will be sad. And so is this man. You noticed Jesus isn't telling him to abandon joy to abandon riches, cuz Jesus is said that, all, and then guess what? You're going to have treasure in heaven. Your joy still going to be there, it's going to be Richards, going to be better. It's going to actually last That's the whole entire thing of Jesus. He's not a cute boy, you got rather redirect our joy to what truly last. That's what he does. But the man wasn't willing at least initially, it wasn't. Will, you didn't want to? He didn't, they went away sad because he was very wealthy. Ryan and Jesus response. He just looked at him for 24 and sad how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God. Indeed. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is Rich to enter the kingdom of God. What is Jesus doing here? Right in general, right broad Strokes. Jesus is talking about Idols at what is an idol. You might be wondering if anything you put above God, it's anything that you love more than God, anything that you worship higher and more than God might be wondering, what is worship your mind attention and hearts affection? Pretty simple. Your mind attention in your hearts affection. That's what it means to worship. Anything you put above, God is an idol and anything you put above God will fail you. It will crumble, it will pass away. It would disappoint you, right? If you put it in your spouse, your spouse will disappoint you. If you put in your kids, your kids were disappointed. When your bank account, whatever it might be everything falls. Short of what God is good, God is the only one who can be on the phone, he's the only one who can fully satisfy us Jesus is stating in general, Idols or bad, but in specificity money is very dangerous. Something you must be very careful.
How. So how what what's so bad about money? Well. R.c., Sproul, just plainly mentions. And you don't y'all know. That's right. So often, well, is a company and buy a certain measure of power. Stop right there. You have money. You can travel, you can buy thing. You got some power about you, and the more power you have power, is typically accompanied by a sense of self-sufficiency. All right, when you were a little child and you go to the store, right? You look to your parents to give you that money or he can. I buy the steel candy? I it's just I need some money from you but you look outwardly you look outside to others to give you what you need, but the more money you have and if a child has $10 and let's say all them is just $2 candy, they're self-sufficient. They got the power that got the self-sufficiency in the point is simple point, the more money you have The less likely you are to see your need for God. A no inherent goodness and being poor physically. Speaking over being rich, just sitting a plane reality. Right. Wealth is something that is very very dangerous. If you're not careful, if you don't submit it to me.
And then I think a big question at least myself. And probably, you'll have right how hard it is for the wrench to enter the kingdom of God. The question who qualifies as rich? right, if you have $10, If you make a thousand 5000-10000 30000-60000, a hundred thousand one, hundred fifty thousand, whatever it might be, right? What? Qualifies as being rich, is it just if you own something, Well, guess what Bible doesn't specify? So explicitly. Clear who is Rich? Play, I guarantee you like 2 things 1, I guarantee you, all of you can help. How much would your income is? You all think might have included, it's the next bracket. It's Rich. The next tier this rich. They're the rich was, I'm not really rich, right? We all think that, but zoom out compared to the world and zoom back compared to all people in history. American people US citizens, are some of the wealthiest people who have ever lived on the face of the planet, or just put it into perspective. It just for you today, right? Assume an act as though you are rich. When you read this, passage assume that this is Jesus piercingly talking to you to your finances, to your job, to your bank account. I assume that he has.
And then right, it's hard for them to enter. The Kingdom of Heaven is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle for someone who's rich into the kingdom of God. It's just an absurd crazy picture, it's impossible. Absolutely impossible, verse 26, those who heard this asked who then can be saved. Matthew and Mark in the parallel accounts, the crowd of people, the disciple, they respond in astonishment that they were astonished. They were amazed at what Jesus said, just said. But you can be sick then. I, I don't get it and you have to understand what was their reaction like that. That's because impart again, in the first century context. If you were religious. I just simply mean. If you strove, to a bay the word of God, if you strove to obey the law, if you walk uprightly before people, you were religious right? You pay your tithes, you went to the temple, all these different things. If you were religious person and you were wealthy, That's The Tell-Tale sign that God is blessing you Aren't we even somewhat think that today, right? If you walk in righteousness, the Lord will bless you. If you walk in obedience, the Lord will bless you. There's even more so back then. So religious wealthy person with Jesus is saying is that person the person who's the best of the best in society. I can't enter the kingdom of God. It's impossible for them to do that, and Jesus is just flipping everything on its table, right? That the Pharisee, right? Right? Before this passage the Pharisee, the good religious upright guy in society, Kingdom of God is a, it's the tax collector, the dirty rotten tax collector. Are the disciples, the guys who were becoming Pastor? They were becoming the good Ministers of society. We we deserve the attention and the affection in the care of Jesus, for the children for the infant's. The newborns Ryan Jesus is doing it again. Just flipping the script, it's not for the rich, it's not for the wealthy. You have to understand the context, right? Not just about money, it's about the heart. It's always about the heart. It's impossible for the wealthy, very hard fans. Enter the kingdom of God. Right, it does. If crochet swim team, I said, I had an adult league and Michael Phelps somehow, someway, audition for it. They say, you know what, you don't make the cut, right? That's in the Crusaders, that you knew that you think ain't nobody has a chance, then, nobody can make the team that's similar here. If the rich can't go into heaven to good people, who can be saved, That leads us to the final thing I promise of the Gospel. I've heard it said before you met for the variant of it. When you acknowledge your inability, you open yourself up to God's ability. Jesus says it right there. Verse 27, what is impossible with man? Is possible with God, right, man in and of themselves, and of himself cannot be saved. Cannot go into heaven. Based on his status based on his accolades, keeping the law impossible With God. All things are possible. The promise of the Gospel is evident in at least two ways here. Firstly, you read this, right? You hear about the perfect standard. That's required. Who do you think about you? Not think about Jesus from this, right? When Jesus says, You must be perfect. You must perfectly obey the law. You must perfectly love, God. You must perfectly love other people. How can you not think about the one? Who did that Jesus himself? Or he is the one who perfectly and who fulfilled every detail of the law perfectly kept? It never broke a single aspect of it. He paid the price of perfection, right? How do you get to heaven? You must be perfect. The cost is perfection. Jesus Paid that cost through his life. That's how that's our savior that we serve.
What time we were had some friends over and they brought some Cruise, a pizza and threw, just chilling and stuff. And you made it either see me here on the grounds or Jose about. I like to ride a one-wheel electric skateboard. And I've got a friend who likes to do that as well. So, as a married, couple to my friend, and I were like, right since you brought the pizza to my treat. Now, we're good. Let's go to Dairy Queen and so him, and I, we were the one wheel to Dairy, Queen and Megan and friend Road, and the car drove there. So we order I got a I always get the cookies and cream just Oreo blizzard the best flavor and I don't know what he got, but it's time to pay and I without my card and see it to me on my number. This going what card is it is the American Express card, right? And that's just one of those cars. Some reason, some businesses just don't take that car and I have three that I keep in my wallet, but I just didn't want to bring my whole wallet, you know, cuz we're standing there and whatnot. So I just grab one random card and then I pulled it out and you, and I was like, this is a genuine mistake is an accident, right? Cuz I sure how convenient. So he, of course, we can't just Leave what you have to pay, you have to pay so my friend paid on my behalf, right? Similarly with what Jesus did. We want eternal life? We want the riches, the sweetness of eternal life of being in his presence deep down. We cannot pay the price of perfection. Nobody has that in their pockets. But Jesus does Jesus did. And he paid that cost was not just that you'll see in a text. Just being perfect. Is also its flesh. What is that mean? Was that look like Jesus says, sell everything you have. Give to the poor, follow me. Jesus is the one who left everything. He left the riches of Heaven. He left the presents, the comfort of Home in heaven. He left the close relationship with the father and experienced distance alienation from the father on the cross. Mom says come follow me right with Jesus. Keep perfectly followed the will of the father look at the Garden of Gethsemane to see that clearly on this play.
Jesus is the perfect one who lived the perfect life on our behalf but here's the gospel truth, right? Connecting a test today. If you're in kindergarten preschool, I assumed you might do it in preschool but it's the whole classic gold star thing, right? You do good, you get a gold star and its I mentioned that earlier is that General principle of life. If you live at good decent life, you deserve, you probably will get good things a good inheritance right? With your parents, if you are kind and what nice to them when they pass Lord willing, I'll give you the inheritance if you're bitter and angry and mean towards them, right? They might give it to cousin white, right? We do we get this simple concept, it's true. Heavenly speaking. If you're perfect, you will receive eternal life. You will receive the full presence of God Almighty. You will receive true. Love. True Joy. True life abundant for life. That is what Jesus inherits That's what he will get because of his Perfection. But the gospel is simply this Romans 8:17 for those of you who trust in Christ who follow him who have faith in Jesus, guess what the Bible says, you are now a co-heir with Christ, everything that he inherits, everything that he receives is now going to be shared with you fully. Romans 2 verse 7 to those who buy persistence in doing good to those who seek Glory. See Connor seek immortality. They will be given eternal life that perfectly describes Jesus. For those of you who not who are in Christ to follow him who trust in him by faith. All of that those riches The Inheritance is now ours through faith. That's the gospel. but in the second aspect of the Gospel, this is what I I wrap up with The second of aspect of the Gospel is this. It's not just about what happens when you die. It's about your life today. This is a peculiar beauty of the gospel and of Christianity. God doesn't just care about what happens when we die. We have solutely. Does he also cares about what happens today? He cares about your life today and we've been going over that the past few weeks. Write the kingdom is coming in the future. But today, if you walk in obedience to his word, you can experience the kingdom today. And we see that even here. Not only is there treasure in heaven verse 22. The Jesus has secured for us but look particularly the very end. I Peter said, then we left all we had to follow you. Jesus response. Truly, I tell you no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children. For the sake of the kingdom of God, will fail to receive many times as much in this age. Yes, in the age to come eternal life.
And Matthew Mark as you read them right, there's a little phrase that's left out. It says, for those of you who choose Christ for those of you who walk in obedience to him, for those of you who live your life, for the sake of the Kingdom, right? Big picture your entire life but even daily. For those of you who live to honor Christ, in this decision, you face right in front of you, you will receive 100 times as much, as whatever it cost you to choose goblins. I could just be frank. Being Godly. Choosing godliness is expensive. It cost. It's hard. Sometimes we don't want to pay it. Right? When you're at home, or are you on a business trip and you're the hotel? Hbomax. Something provocative is coming on. Nobody will know. Right? If you're in a heated discussion with your spouse, there's just something bubbling up inside of you that wants to bring up failures from the past and wants to accuse and slander keep insults. Right. When you got some fresh cookies, baked you've had three or four and you just want one more cuz you think that will bring you happiness when you're tempted to skip a tithe, check this week, this month because the economy is not very stable. Whatever it may be. Every decision that you face. if you choose life, if you choose Christ, if you choose What is for the sake of the Kingdom? What honors God, what is for? The gospel, was in line with the gospel. If you do that Jesus says, you will have 100 times as much blessing. if you pay that hard cost upfront, Write, this is so important for you. And I remember. Choose the Eternal instead of the temporary, right? Waist and offers you a shiny patch of mold that looks at luring the surface. I got offers you a solid gold bar. Right to that choose him, choose his words, choose truth, choose obedience walk in obedience to him. You will be rewarded in this life. And in the life to come, that is the hope of the gospel for you. Goodnight. To do Church. Simple question, how do you inherit eternal life? How do you go to heaven? How do you become a Christian? See the answer be perfect. Do so easy response, that's impossible. The solution if you will. Christ is the perfect. One on our behalf, trust in him. Follow him. Look to him. He will bless you all the riches of Heaven of Eternity of the kingdom of God. They are yours. If you looked at him, if you follow him in faith, How about you living a better life, clean up your act, get your act together. It's about trusting in the one who did that for you and then living accordingly in light of all that he's blessed you with.
Let's pray, then will close with the doxology.
father, we give you thanks for for those of us who we have trusted in you. You have at some point in life, decisively given up. The Pursuits of the world.
The order reorient, our lives around you, your grace, your truth.
Father, we acknowledge as your people that we are not saved because of our goodness, we are saved entirely because of your Perfection on our behalf.
But Jesus, we still live in the present world, this broken Fallen World and we are still faced with daily decisions. And which we are faced with a fork in the road. We can either honor you. Or we can indulge in the flesh. Lord, by your power. By your holy spirit, will you please cultivate the desire in US? Cultivate the passion in us to choose Christ? Choose the gospel to choose obedience.
Father, when are flashes strong? when we long for that immediate Payback, the payoff of sinning, the temporary fleeting Pleasures in please, please, please open our eyes to see the Eternal treasure that you offer us, that is available to us. If we Orient our lives around your gospel. Help us to see the riches that you promised us. Help us to taste and see experience the joy of obedience. When our hearts are tempted to go astray, please anchor our hearts close to the joy of having close fellowship with you.
Meilleur gospel. Truth now impact, our daily lives. Maybe taste and see that, you were good today. And maybe be prepared to share this news with the world around us, who is longing and grasping in the dark looking the Eternal, hope that we found in you.
We ask all these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Will you stand and sing the doxology?