The Mighthy Growth of the Kingdom
Number for begin reading. Inverse number 30 is we're continuing our study to The Gospel, According to mark.
Mark chapter number 4. And verse 30.
It says then he said Jesus is speaking. Do, what shall we liken the kingdom of God? Or with what Parable? Shall we picture it? It is like a mustard seed which when it is sown on the ground. It's smaller than all the Seas on Earth. But when is, but when it is sown, it grows up and becomes greater than all herbs. And shoots out large branches. So that the birds of the air made a nest under its shade. And with many such Parables, he spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it. But without a parable, he did not speak to them. And when they were alone, he explained all things to his disciples. Let's pray together, Our Father or we are so grateful or for this day that you given us,
To come in as your children. As your people. The fellowship one with another. The sing the songs of praise unto you that remind us of your character remind us of Who You Are. and father, as we are able to listen to your word, I pray that you would feed us. That you would give us some nourishment. I pray that the Christian would be encouraged and be strengthened in the faith.
And Lord, I pray for those that are here that are lost. And never been saved. Father I pray that today would be the day of salvation. I pray that the holy spirit of God would do his work and drawing and convicting.
Father, I pray that you would bless this time of preaching. Lord, fill me with your spirit. Hide me behind the cross.
We ask all these things at Rice name. All God's people said, amen, and amen. Jesus is still teaching in Parables, is a something that he has started in the latter part of chapter 3, as he was speaking to the Pharisees. He spoke to them in Parables. And then as we have seen in chapter number 4 as he speaking to the massive crowd, To the public, he started preaching in a different way, he's instead of teaching. And the normal way that he had started now, he is teaching the public in parables. And as verses 33 and 34 talas Parables were our Lourdes primary means of teaching his truth from this point on it. So here in 4:30 Jesus begins this parable Using. An illustration of the kingdom of God. He says, what shall we liking or what shall we compare the kingdom of God to Or what, Parable shall we picture it? He did this for a reason. You see the disciples, his followers had their own ideas about how the kingdom of God was like now they believe that Christ was the Messiah. They believed that he was the Christ. The anointed one who was starting his kingdom here on this Earth.
But Jesus disciples imagined the kingdom of God, like a mighty Mountain, a high mountain, that would soar above the world and sore above the Roman Empire. Displaying all of its glory and power and Majesty at that very moment. His disciples. They imagine the kingdom of God, as a mighty river, that would flow over anything and everything in its path.
And they pictured in their minds. A picture of the kingdom of God being as a Mighty Oak Tree. one, that was stand tall and one that would be unmovable And so I am sure that when Jesus likened the kingdom of God to a mustard seed, I'm sure they were very, very surprised and shocked. It's on Jesus began to speak. He didn't compare the kingdom of God to a high mountain. He did not compare the kingdom of God to a mighty River. He did not compare or like in the kingdom of God to a my oak tree. Instead, we see that Jesus compare the kingdom of God to a tiny small mustard mustard seed.
we notice that Jesus uses the image of something small, the teacher, something large, so that we can then comprehended, I remember a parable, the word Parable means to cast alongside The cast of alongside something else. Jesus was casting alongside a physical truth, something that they could identify with in order to teach his disciples a spiritual truths as a parable Someone that's very quickly this morning to look at this Parable and see the lessons that Jesus wants to teach us about the mighty growth of the kingdom of God. Three threatening through three things. I want us to notice this morning. Notice number one, How the kingdom begins. How does the kingdom begin? What's important for us to understand that? When Jesus compare the kingdom of God to a tiny Mustard Seed, Jesus, here he was using a very powerful illustration. Notice again, verse 30.
It says, then he said to what shall we liken the kingdom of God, or with what Parables, how we picture it, it is like a mustard seed which when it is sown on the ground is smaller than all the seeds on the Earth. The mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds known to man. It was a smallest seed, certainly in Jesus day, and all the gardens that were planted in Jesus day. If you had one seed, one mustard, seed on the tip of your finger, it would look just like a little speck. As a matter of fact, the mustard seed is so small but it takes about 750 of them to make up one single gram. Think about this, there are 28 grams in 1 oz. And so it would take some 21,000 mustard seeds to make just one ounce. So that is a tiny sea. But here's the thing, it produces, it can produce a very large Plant and I'll say more about that in just a moment. But Jesus compared the kingdom of God to that little sea. And truth be known most people in Jesus day. Believe that nothing would come of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe nothing would come of his ministry. Because all the people could see was just a tiny see, they could not see a great tree. All they could see. And all they knew is that Jesus was born in a little town called Bethlehem. He was born in poverty, he was laid in a Manger. All they knew was that he was reared in Galilee and no one believed that a man of God to Come From Galilee. Remember what they said in John chapter 7, that nothing good can come out of Galilee. He was raised in Nazareth. He was raised in Nazareth where they happened and so that city were considered by the Jews to be Wicked. He had no family connections, he had no money. He had no support from the religious leaders of the day.
Beloved. Jesus. What was considered to be a nobody from nowhere? Who would amount to nothing? His followers. Those few who followed him for the most part, where the dregs of society. His own people rejected him. He was despised and rejected by men. The Romans eventually would arrest him and nail him to a cross and bury him in a borrowed tomb.
Oh, my dear friend. Listen, this is what the average Jew in Jesus day saw in him. So there is no question. There is no question that the kingdom of God was just like, that tiny insignificant Mustard Seed in the very beginning. No one could see what the tiny, see? That Jesus was sewing would eventually become?
My beloved listen, here is the facts. God sent his only begotten son into this world. He planted the Lord. Jesus Christ in the insignificant soil of a being Roman province called Israel. And Jesus grew up there. He live there, he died there. Few rose again in that obscure place. But here's the thing. The kingdom, he founded by his death and by his resurrection continues to exist today. Amen. And so we see how it begins. But how does it bill that takes us to our second Point? How is the Kingdom built? How's it grow? Was the first part of verse 32 talisis. but when it is, sown, Now, speaking about the physical, see the physical Mustard Seed when the tiny Mustard Seed is planted in good soil. It germinates and produces a very large shrub-like plant that eventually grows to resemble something. If it's left, undone to resemble a tree. Some mustard plants have been known to grow as high as 15 feet tall. Which again is very amazing when you think about how small the seed is. How about something with such humble beginnings? Can become something. That is so much larger than its then what it originally started. So again, Jesus Compares this amazing growth to the kingdom of God. That when God planted the seed, the Lord Jesus Christ in ancient Israel. The prospects for his success seemed absolutely far away but didn't seem inconceivable
I think about it in the beginning. There was just Jesus in a few of his ragtag followers. His followers consisted of some uneducated fisherman. A few revolutionaries, a few women, and one trailer. That that's kind of boat a bleak following. Is it not? just after his crucifixion, his followers, a few that he had, we're all in hiding. scared to death just after his, resurrection are screaming just after his crucifixion and then after his resurrection, they were strengthened there were no longer afraid, but 50 days later after Jesus Ascension into heaven, some 50 days later the day of Pentecost came around, And even being there was still just 120 devoted followers. But on that day, on the day of Pentecost, something amazing took place. The Bible tells us and Acts chapter 2 that out of Heaven came as a mighty, rushing wind and there. They were filled with the holy spirit of God.
And Peter, he preached on the day of Pentecost and over three thousand Souls came to know the Lord. Are you talk about a Great Awakening? A short time, a short time later. Another 5,000 were saved at another time. So, what was happening guy was building his church? That Mustard Seed had germinated. Now it's sprouting is beginning to grow. And from there, the church would begin to grow at an astounding remarkable rate.
It wasn't many days after that the church in Jerusalem is said to have numbered some 50,000 people. But listen, it grew from there. He grew from there. As a message of the Gospel was carried around the world vast. Multitude of people began to know Jesus Christ outside of Jerusalem. Outside of the territory of Palestine.
Cities and nations in modern-day Europe. In Asia. Cities and Nations fell on their knees in the face of the message of the gospel of grace.
And listen to this, amazing growth has continued on even to this day.
And only God knows the true Count of the souls that have been saved from sin. The friend know this everywhere, the gospel seed has been planted Souls have been saved and lives have been changed. and whether you realize it or not, the church has has continued to grow the kingdom of God on Earth has continued to expand so much, so that there will come a day when a vast multitude, that cannot be numbered will stand before the Lord in heaven and praise him for saving them by his grace. Isle of Revelation chapter 7. Verse 9.
It says, after these things I looked and behold, a broke a great multitude, which no one could number of all Nations tribes peoples in tongues standing Before the Throne in before the lamb. Closed with white robes with palm branches in their hands and crying with a loud voice saying, salvation Belongs To Our God, who sits on the throne and to the lamb my what a scene. Amen. And I believe there will be listen. I believe based upon that burst in upon what Jesus is teaching here that there will be more people in heaven than there will be people in Hell on that last and final day. I believe that. I say that because as Colossians chapter one tells us, I say that because Christ in everything will have free Eminence, you will have first place. So, how in the world can can cries have preeminence in all things and Satan have more people in Hell than Christ hasn't heaven?
I believe in the final day that there will be ultimately be more in heaven than there. Will be in hell.
On top of this. We just read that.
There would be a great multitude. In heaven that no man could number in heaven. Listen to have never read that. There would be a great multitude that no man can number in hell.
It only mentions that about heaven. What I'm saying is this Beloved the gospel? Is Victorious. The gospel is Victorious. Jesus is Victorious. Jesus said in Matthew, he said I say it to you that many will come from the East and the west and they will take their places in the Kingdom of Heaven. Oh, my dear friend. Listen. God has a way of bringing great things out of humble beginnings. Just look at David. The psalmist. He was in a sense. A mustard seed.
Think about it. He was the youngest son in a family of eight boys. He was ignored. He was given the job that nobody else wanted. He was a Shepherd taking care of his father's sheep. But God took this mustard seed of a boy and made a giant killing king out of this man. We sang about Gideon. He too was a mustard seed of sorts. Gideon was from the smallest family. He was from the smallest tribe in the nation of Israel, but God took Gideon and used him as a great military leader for the nation of Israel. I say that to say, don't look down upon this seemingly, small things,
the Lord said in Zechariah for who has despised the days of small things, Oh God, can take someone who seems insignificant and make something great out of them. He can take a backward man. A man that has a stammering and stuttering tongue and use him to bring the law of God to humanity. And he did, just that with Moses. You can take a small Church.
Allow their impact to be great. He can take it small offering. Seem small to you and he can multiply it in ways that we cannot know.
That's how the kingdom is built. The kingdom. Groves, it begins and it builds but then notice also have the kingdom blesses. Notice how the kingdom blesses. verse 32, but when it is sown it grows up and becomes greater than all herbs. And shoots out large branches. So that the birds of the air May Nest under its shade. We noticed that this Tiny Seed he grew into a very large Plant, Jesus said that its branches spread themselves abroad, offering a place for birds to rest. I do in the shadow of that plant Birds found Shelter From The Storm and the shadow of that plant Birds found rest from the weariness, they found Jade from the heat of the Sun. In Jesus day, the Humboldt Mustard Seed produce the plant that had many uses among the human community in that day. In Jesus day, people would gather its leaves and it served them for food. And the seeds were crushed and they were used as flavoring for their bland food of the day. The seeds were also used as a medicine. and as a poultice,
That we used them to fight colds and other physical ailments. They had many many benefits. This Mustard Seed, does mustard plant had many benefits to those living in that day. And beloved listen just as a plant in this Parable brought Joy to the birds who flock to it. The kingdom of God has provided many benefits for those who have turned to the Lord Jesus Christ. You think about this?
Everywhere, the gospel has germinated. Everywhere, every place where the gospel has taken root and grown. Compassion Springs up. Decency Springs up, morality. Springs up.
Biblical Christian nations biblical Christianity makes Nations a better place to live. Don't ever forget that.
It is Christian nations. That have founded hospitals. It is Christian nations that have started schools. But everywhere, the gospel has gone and Christian nations have been established. It has brought about the destruction of demonism. It is brought about the rid of cannibalism and polygamy and child, sacrifice. And even listen to me even chattel slavery. if you don't believe that you read, About Wilbur Wilberforce.
And read about how that was Christianity. Kids love for people that you was given to him by God to love one another. How he use that in England for them to get rid of slavery. All this in the spread of the Gospel has built orphanages. For the fatherless. And homes for the homeless. The gospel has reached out to comfort the bereaved and care for those who are in firm.
Name me. One way a Muslim Nation benefits Human Society.
Name me one nation that is majority Muslim. What do they do to benefit Humanity?
Who was it? That has gone over to Turkey in areas that had just recently been devastated by this earthquake. Christian's app. Samaritan's Purse has been over there. How many people has Saudi Arabia sent over? Iraq Iran. Mom, listen biblical Christianity makes Nation a better place to live.
Name me one way, communism. As added to the good of any society. You can not name it.
We look at our great nation. And our great nation owes, its very existence and blessings to the spread of the gospel of grace.
And all of those who want to eradicate Christianity from our culture, in our society, have no idea what they're putting themselves up against. Do you think our nation's public schools are better since we have gotten rid of public prayer in school? Are the, are they better? Because we have rented this public schools of the Ten Commandments hang on the wall. any place that you try to avoid God from you are heading for Destruction, and to all these people who want to eradicate Christianity, from our nation are foolish.
Because nothing of any good come from a nation that forgets. God This nation of ours, was founded on the principles of the gospel, and the Christian faith. And even those who reject the gospel here in America today, still reap the benefits of a Nation, founded by God. And for God,
I going back to our text.
some have suggested that the birds of the air, Represent Satan. Connecting these birds back to the ones that he mentioned. Some verse number for And then also some believe that the birds are simply just a part of the story that Jesus was telling and they have really no special significance, whatsoever. And then others suggest that the birds represent the nation's. Coming into the kingdom.
I feel like number 3 is the closest to the meaning, I believe. It's the nation's, I say that because of what is taught in the Old Testament, concerning the usage of birds and Nations notice with me and Psalm 104. And verse number 12, Psalm 104 verse 12 says, buy them, the birds of the heavens have their home. They sing among the branches. I've been in Ezekiel 17 verse 23. On the mountain height of Israel, I will plant it and it will bring forth bowels and bear fruit. And be a majestic theater. Under it with the well birds of every sort in the shadow of its branches, they will dwell. And then Ezekiel 31 and verse 6, says all the birds of the heavens made their nest in its bowels. Under its branches, all the beasts of the field brought forth their young and in its shadow, all great Nations made their home. so when Jesus says,
The bird's nest in its shade to me that settles it for me that the birds represent the Nations that will be in grafted into this Kingdom. So in effect Jesus is saying that all the peoples of the world are going to be in the Kingdom. All the peoples of the were all the nations are going to be there. So we think about this growth of this Mustard Seed has started so small. But there is surprising growth to God's kingdom and Nation will all Nation will one day in Turin, enjoy it. So we see the, the premise of this Parable, this is a parable of growth. This is a parable of braces, the parable of joy and celebration. The kingdom of God may have had a very humble beginning, but God has used it to accomplish great and wonderful things.
But notice as we close.
God's kingdom program requires, careful explanation. We noticed, there's a 33.
And with many such Parables, he spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it. But without a parable, he did not speak to them. And when they were all on, you explained all things to his disciples. So, this section of Market in Zee explanatory word, explanatory word, from Mark, about the importance of parables, in Jesus teaching, we know that at least 39 parables are found in the synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke. And hear Jesus spoke in Parables. So that his followers, so that his disciples would understand the nature of his kingdom, and the central role that he and his word with play in it. And we noticed here in chapter 4 in these verses 33 and 34 at this is the time in chapter 4 that he mentioned something about the importance of our hearing. That that phrase there where he says, as they were able to hear it. Or understanded. that phrase implies that The Parables either we talk about this, Jesus Parables either Enlighten truth or they obscure truth depending on one's ability to hear and respond. So hear Jesus purposely chose his teaching method knowing that would happen. That there would be people because he's teaching Parables, there will be people who wouldn't understand who would not care to understand and they were turned away from Jesus. but then also, Jesus taught in Parables, knowing that there would be people who did not understand, but they would inquire And they would ask Jesus Jesus. What did you mean by this? And then buy them doing that Jesus will explain to them everything. And showed it to those who drew close to Jesus. As his disciples, he explained to them. Everything. One commentator said this only in close communion to Jesus, can one understand the language about God. Another words. You draw close to Jesus.
The closer. You draw the Jesus, The More Jesus you get. and the more of understanding you get, if you listen to me, that is Really Revival in a, in a nutshell. Revival. Is this me drawing nigh to God? Because I'm drawing not to God. He draws near on to me? That's Revival.
We notice.
Jesus is teaching the kingdom of God. Starts small. But it will grow large. And here's the thing, the biggest and the best of the kingdom of God is still yet to come. if you doubt that I want you to listen to and just notice with me in Revelation, 7:9 once again,
He says after these things I looked and behold a great multitude which no one could number of all Nations tribes peoples in tongues standing Before the Throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes with palm branches in their hands and crying out with a loud voice saying, salvation Belongs To Our God, who sits on the throne and to the lamb. Question. Is this morning? Are you in the Kingdom? Have you been saved by the grace of God?
Are you in the Kingdom? Well, if not, I say to you come to Christ and be saved. Come to Christ.
And he will hide you under the shadow of his wings. You flee to him, you turn from your sin and by faith, you trust him even right now, even today, believe, The scripture tells us that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Do that. And then, to the Christian.
Be encouraged by this text be encouraged by this passage of scripture. Let it strengthen your face. Used encouragement and the strength that we've received from this parable. Embrace our responsibility of Kingdom work.
That we would not just look at ourselves. Look at our own country. and some world events and just Thanking our mind that the kingdom of God is losing. No. Be encouraged to stay faithful because God is doing something much greater than what we could ever comprehend. Let's pray together. A gracious and kind Heavenly Father Lord, what a joy it is.
To be numbered. Amongst those who make up your kingdom.
It is a joy that is certainly unspeakable and full of Glory.
Knowing that it has nothing to do with us.
Salvation is all of you and we are grateful Lord for your saving of souls. That you're building your kingdom.
Yes, Lord. There are times where the kingdom growth is much like the ebb and flow of a tide. With her seemingly much growth. And then there is that Receding.
Or we know that. In time. And in your season, in your time, at the kingdom of God will be such that all nations. Will be in the Kingdom.
Father, I pray that you would encourage the Christian here today to to rest in that. And allow this to motivate us to to serve you into work. To be a light in our community to display the fruits.
That you give us or to show forth our Salvation to others. Father. Once again, I pray Lord for those who are lost God, I pray that you would save them.
I pray that today that they would come to know your son Jesus as your lord and personal savior.
Father, we love you. We asked all these things in Christ name, amen. Let's all stand and I would encourage you. If you would like to visit with me, after the closing song, I encourage you to do so. And pray that this message today. Just blesses. You as you think about the Victorious gospel that we that we represent in this earth. Let's sing together the family of God.