God of Promises - This is our God

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Call my salmon.

I'm ready when you are standing in the phones up.

Okay, good morning, everybody. Title of my message. This morning is God of promises. This Is Our God. A couple weeks ago. Maybe more like 3 weeks ago, I'm not sure.

Some time ago, I open and I gave a definition if you're here. You'll remember I gave a definition of the word promise, and the second definition of the word, promise is to give good ground for expecting Give Good Grounds for expecting. So God, let's pray. God, we were expecting great things in our lives. Would you prepare the soil of our hearts for expectation that holds hope erised let Faith arise in the hearts of everyone here this morning at the sound of my voice. And even those online that they wouldn't leave this video or their service. The saying that they would leave encouraged in Jesus name, I pray Amen. So I'm going to be covering like a span of 20 chapters here. So for those of you watching online, grab your bible cuz I don't think the scriptures are going to show up on the screen today. I don't think we have that up and running. We need more volunteers for that stuff. But the Bible is good a man. So I'm going to be covering a span of like Genesis 12 to 32 and this is my take, this is how the Lord encouraged me, but the lord loves us so much that he speaks to us as individuals. He's so intricate and intimate with each individual. So, I encourage you to read it yourself when you have time because he's going to speak to you. I'm an intimate way right on the things that I read. So we're going to be looking at Abraham and his family and so I'm kind of going off the assumption that everyone kind of knows he's story. But, I am going to give enough contact filters that if you don't know the story, you'll be able to follow along. So, let's look first at Abraham and Sarah. We first hear of Abraham and Sarah and Genesis 11 accept their introduced as Abram and Sarai. So Genesis 11:27 to 29. Now these are the generations of Tara Tara father Abram nahor and Heron and Heron father's lot and Heron died in the presence of Terror of his father. In the land of his birth, inner of the Chaldeans, And Abram. And they are took wives for themselves and the name of the wife of Abraham was Sarah. Okay. Now, we're going to jump ahead a bit Genesis 12 123 we seek God called Abram. And in Genesis 12 verses 1 2 3 it says. And you always said to Abram, go out from your land and from your relatives and from the house of your father to a land that I will show you and I will make you a great nation and I will bless you and I will make your name great. And you will be a blessing. And I will bless those who bless you and those who curse you, I will curse and all families of the earth will be blessed in you. I want to see this most promises. Don't come from sitting at home. God is calling us out. He's calling us out of the familiar because in the comfort, we get a pathetic. So God is calling out from among our relative and among our fathers in the things were, we feel comfortable and safe, he's calling us. So to trust him. Amen. Then we see in Genesis 13, the promise we called him out and then God gives him a promise and Genesis 13 verse 16. God said, save him. I will make your descendants like the dust of the earth which is anyone were able to count the dust of the earth. Your descendants would. So be counted. That's a big promise that sounds far beyond human comprehension. And then we're going to jump ahead again. We're going to look at the time after Abram went and rescued his nephew lot and he had a victory in battle. This is after he's given the promise of God. And it's nephew got into some trouble again, you will want to read the whole story, if you don't know it for more contact with this is what's going on here. He's rescuing his nephew and he's victorious in battle, it says he defeats the King, right? So Genesis 14, 17 to 20, we're going to read Now, we're going to see how Abram response after a victory. After Abraham returned from his victory, over Kettle eomer and all his allies. The king of Sodom, went out to meet him in the valley of Sheva. That is the King's Valley and Melchizedek the king of Salem, and a priest of most of God. Most high brought Abram some bread and wine and milk has it at blessed Abraham with this blasi, blasi, Abraham by God, most high creator of Heaven and Earth and blessed. Be God, most high, who has defeated your enemies for you then, Abraham gave milk. Has it at a tenth of all the goods. He had recovered, he had a victory and he chose to honor. God, he chose to recognize that. This Victory didn't come from himself, it came from God, he could have walked away full of Pride, right? But he trusted God again cuz he's trusting that this is the. Of prom they meant. So he's tied in here. This is an act of trust, and this is an act of humility. Right, and then we see in Genesis, 15 got a firming. His promise, God will do that. Often times. He'll give us a promise. And then later down the road, we're feeling a little wobbly wobbly. He will affirm his promise. He will, he's he's an encourager. He's he's a great encourager. The Genesis 15 verse 1. Take note that this is after the fact that he has trusted God with with a tenth of the goods are the swells from Victory but says Genesis 50, verse 1 after these things. So this is the story in Genesis 15 is God a firming. His promise, a rounds after the sink after Abraham has trusted God, the word of y'all. We came to Abram in a vision saying, do not be afraid Abram. I am your shield and your reward shall be very great. So again, this is one of those things, you can go back when you have time. This is the story where God and Abram cut a covenant together and so Abram cut animals down the middle. I split them in half, and there's blood in the pathway and God shows up and he walked between the sacrifices and there's a smoking pot right beef. God, showed up an Abrams reward for trusting or tithing was confirmation and encouragement, that's the reward. See, God will always fulfill his promise. It'll never fail. But why not be encouraged while we wait? Why not step out in faith? Why not? Step out and Trust Because the reward for trust. Is encouragement from God and confirmation that's what's going on here. So the reward for faith is always encouragement and Confirmation to keep going. We need that sometimes. Has anyone ever felt like that before you're running a race you're out of breath and you just need someone to say come on you got. That is what's going on here between Abraham and God. God is showing him he's affirming. I am your God. I will do what I said. I will do. and then, We're going to jump ahead now to Genesis 17 where God gives Abraham a new name AKA a new identity. Genesis 17 versus three to five then Abram fell upon his face and God spoke with him. Sane as for me, the hold my Covenant shall be with you and you shall be a father of a multitude of Nations. Your name shall no longer be called a dream that your name, Shelby Abraham for I will make you the father of a multitude of Nations. So I Look up the meaning of these names, Abraham means, high, and exalted. Father, but doesn't sound like a bad name. Sweet name, right. But Abraham means, father of many or a multitude. That's a step up. Be a high and exalted. Father, that's just maybe a father of possibly, just one child, but father of a multitude, that's a step up from his old identity. God is giving him a new identity. He speaking something over him so that Abram knows who he is in God's, he got his call, Abraham higher, and he's showing Abraham that he has more for him than he can think, or imagine And then we see after this, Abraham cuts, a covenant, with God. You can read this again in your own time. This is in Genesis 17 and this is the passage where we get the tradition of circumcision. I'm not going to be explaining that procedure up here today. If you don't know what that is, Google it after Mom and Dad.

But isn't it interest? That Abraham. cut the Covenant with the Lord with the very instrument that he To fulfill the promise of God. That's not a coincidence. This is Abraham again. Wildly trusting God wildly and it says in that passage of scripture that says all the men of Abraham's house were circumcised that they I guarantee you some of those men are like Abraham. Are you awake? Are you sure like this? Like you got to be messing with my manhood for like Gods, it's like 15 crazy but they chose to obey God. Right.

He sometimes in life we need to circumcise things enough habits that are keeping us back from what God has for us and holy spirit is speaking to you now. You know what, those are, no condemnation. There's Grace for that. But there are things that and we know when ourselves, like, I know, if I eat a bag of Doritos for dinner and drink a bottle of Coke, I'm not going to feel great. So

Crates for you to come out of that.

And now we're going to talk about Abraham's wife, who was called Sarah at first. And in Genesis 11 verse 30 and see that she was Barren. It says and Sara I was there and she had no child. and then we see later on in the story, After the Promise was given me see, Sarah and Abraham, or Sarah and Abram, the try to fulfill the promise with the flesh. Genesis 16, verse 2. And Sarah, I said to Abram look, please. Yahweh has prevented me from bearing children. Please go into my servants who was Hagar and perhaps, I will have children by an Abram. Listen, it was, it was

Who tried to do the try to do it in their own strength? That's not the promise of God. It's always going to be something that you can't do without God. Play tried to do it because in that moment, they forgot. That this was the god of promises. This is the god all powerful, the God of all resources. Right. And then we see in Genesis 17 verse 15 there. I gets a new name. Make a new identity. The 17 verses 15 and God said to Abraham. As for your wife, Sarah, you shall not call her Sarah for Sarah Shelby. Her name, what are the means of Sarah is a woman of rank like a princess, right? Sarah means to Prevail which is also needs to overcome. And it also means our representatives of the king. I'm not an expert in like the royal family and all that stuff. But to me are representative of the king sounds like a step up from a princess so God was helping her. See her true identity in him. Had more for Sarah and Abraham than they could think or imagine. And we know in the story if you read it if you don't know that Abraham did, in fact have a child with Sarah's servant Hagar and his name was Ishmael. So they did have a another son right? But God, gave a promise that Abraham would have a son with Sarah. In Genesis 17, verses 17 to 19th and Abraham fell upon his face and laughed and he said in his heart, can a child be born to a man 100 years old.

Sarah was 90 or can see Roberto at 90 and Abraham said to God, oh, that Ishmael might live before you and God said, no, but God, but Sarah, your wife shall bear a son for you and you shall call his name, Isaac. And I will establish my Covenant with him as an Everlasting, Covenant to his offspring after him. If you read the whole story, God didn't forsake Hagar or Ishmael, they were just never a part of his plan. He had a plan that he was going to have a son with his wife and his name would be Isaac and if you read the story, we know they did have a son Isaac. And it was a miracle because she was Barren. It was no man to get the credit. They didn't have the technology we have today. They didn't like plant eggs in her womb, and all that. Like, this was a miracle. All right? Now let's look at the story of Isaac and Rebekah. So Isaac remember, this is Abraham, and Sarah's son, Until we see that Isaac married Rebecca. So when Abraham like Grew Older, he made his servants wear that he would find a wife for his son, Isaac in the land of his family, you can read that on your own time and Genesis 24 but let's look at Genesis, 25 verses 21, it says, and Isaac prayed to Yahweh on behalf of his wife, he's trained on behalf of her back where she was Barren. This isn't a coincidence and you always responded to his prayer and Rebecca, his wife conceived again. We have another powerful things. God is moving his promises and his plans are coming too fast. That's a couple weeks ago. 2nd, Corinthians 12:10 when we are weak. Then we are strong. See, God is showing in our weaknesses, AKA impossible situations that that's where he can work. See when he works in impossible situations, it builds our faith and our trust in our relationship with him. So if the tide of just happened, how would we know that God and her being here? Is she was Barren because when we are weak, then we are strong because then we know who our God is. And then we see that God promises Isaac Genesis chapter 26, 26 vs 24. And y'all, we appeared to him that night and said, I am the god of your father, Abraham do not be afraid for. I am with you and I will bless you and make your descendants as numerous for the sake of my servant Abraham. See God works in impossible situations to show that he is absolutely with us. It's evidence that he is with us. and if we read the full story of Isaac and Rebekah even though she was Barren, we know that's think they had two sons they had Jacob and Esau He again God showed that he was faithful and its promises really are true. Let's look at Jacob and Esau now. Jacob and Esau they were literally competing from inside their mother's womb. And it says, Rebecca inquired of the Lord. What is this? Jocelyn in my womb? And the Lord answered her. And said, there are two nations in there and the Elder will serve the younger. You can see that in the latter part of Genesis 25, if you want to read that, if you all remember, maybe from Sunday School, We know that Jacob pretended to be his brother Itza. When their father was old, he put on the sheepskin or goat skin or whatever and he went and put their father was going blind. And so it's always Harry. Jacob was not. So in order to appear to carry to a flying father, he put on the goat skin and so Abraham actually thought or three, Isaac actually thought that it was Esau, he came in and he ended up blessing, Jacob. So, Jacob stole the blessing from his elder brother. Jacob means trickster, that's one definition, but it also means usurper and the definition of usurper is someone who takes a position of power illegally or by force. See, if Jacob had of known who he really was, he would know that he didn't need to steal a blessing. He didn't know who he was. And then we see in Genesis 28. In spite of all this, God has graced for Jacob. And Jacob has a dream and God gives Jacob a promise. Let's look at it. Genesis 28 vs 10 to 15. Then make a note from Beersheba and went to Fran and he arrives at a certain place and spent the night there because the sun has set and he took one of the stones of the place and put it under his head and slept at that place. I need dream and behold a Siri was set on the earth and its top touch the heaven and behold angels of God, we're going up and down on it and behold. Yahweh was standing beside him and he said, I am Yahweh the god of Abraham, your father and the god of Isaac, the ground on which you were sleeping, I will give it. I will give to you and your descendants. Your descendants shall be like the dust of the Earth. Promise and you will spread out to the West, into the East, into the North and to the stove and all the families of the earth will be blessed through you and through your descendants. Now, Behold, I am with you send it again, I am with you and I will keep you wherever you go and I will bring you to this land for. I will not leave you until I have done. What I have promised to you. I will not leave you until what I until I have done, what I promised to you. That's what he's saying. This morning to all of us. He won't leave. You won't leave this earth until you've accomplished, what he put you here to accomplish.

and we see in this passage of scripture, Because I am Yahweh is in verse 13. I am Yahweh, the god of Abraham, your father, and the god of Isaac. He got his affirming to Jacob, that he is the god of his grandfather, and his father, I'm sure he heard stories. I'm sure they talked about their God and God is telling him that same God, I'm with you on for you, I'm going to make sure that what I promised will be accomplished. And then we see after this encounter. Jacob vows to God. In Genesis 28 verses 22 22. Jacob made a vow saying if God be with me and protect me on this way that I am going and gives me food to eat and clothing to wear and if I return in peace to the house of my father, then Yahweh will become my God. So we think Jacob is now beginning to start his own relationship with God. There was a time in my life and in my brother's life where we could no longer depend on the faith of our parents. We had to choose for ourselves who we would serve. This is what's going on with Jacob here. He's starting his very own relationship with God. He's no longer going based off of what he heard from his grandfather and his father, Abraham, and Isaac. He's going off of his encounter with his. And then we see Jacob, married a wife later on, in, in the Bible and her name is Rachel, let's take a look at Jacob and Rachel. And in this part of Jacob's story, he has some bumps in the journey. If you guys remember he worked for seven years to get this girl, he'd love this girl so bad work, seven years. And then if you know the story, he's tricked by his father-in-law. And he ends up getting married. Like they put a veil over face cuz that's how the wedding ceremony went back then. So we can see your face and I guess it was dark and it's only in the morning, he realized he married The love of his life older sister Leia, who wakes up in the morning. This is not the girl he wanted, but they are now married and he has to work another seven years before he can marry Rachel, you know, maybe this is reading what he stoned, right. Cuz he tricked he stole something from his brother, right? So he might have opened the door for the enemy to move in his life that way. I'm so again, we see the competition between siblings, just as Jacob and Esau have been in competition. Now we have Leah and Rachel are in competition, you know, and, you know, over a husband what a crazy thing. I just want to see competition can challenge our identity, there is such a thing as healthy competition, but make sure you understand that that can challenge your identity know who you are. There is healthy competition but don't let it make you forget who you are. Don't compare yourself to other people. Right.

You know how many people have been affected by their birth order? Like these people take up any So lately and Rachel I know That affected kind of myself identity being the youngest child. You're told certain things of the youngest child at all. You're just too baby, you know, you're the middle child. Maybe you were like misunderstood, or rebellious or whatever, maybe you were the oldest child in the family and you felt like you had all the burden of the responsibility.

And that's what happens in these situations, right? The enemy takes these situations. And he tries to lie about who you are, but don't compare yourself to your siblings, or your peers. You are who God says, you are find out who he says, you are. So on top of this awkward sisters, sharing, one, hot, husband competition. We see in Genesis 29, that Rachel is also barons.

Genesis 29 vs 31. And you always saw that Leah was unloved, so he opened her with me. But Rachel was Barren. I'm sure this would have been like, it would have read a lot of competition. And and Rachel, probably felt less then right then her sister Leia. And again, I got to drive home this point, but in our weaknesses, God can show himself strong. Isn't it interesting how all of these women were barren? Sarah Rebecca. Rachel but nothing can stop the plan of God. The enemy will try, but I'm telling you. Nothing can stop the promises of God. If you're feeling dry this morning, I want to encourage you. That is where God can show up in the dry and Barren places. It says, in his word that he is close to the Brokenhearted, he is the god who brings water from Rock. He is the god who turned season to highways, and Graves into Gardens who sang about it this morning. Remember that God loves taking what seems impossible and turning it into the possible with him. It's important to note. In the stories that we've looked at this morning that God had good plans for everyone involved and you can read it for yourself. Don't take me at my word, but if you read the whole story, God had good times for Isaac and Ishmael for Jacob, and Esau for Leia and Rachel, and even for Sarah and his her. He loves each one of them. He just had different plans for all of them. He didn't have the same plan. He cared and loved every love for everyone involved, it wouldn't work. If he had the same plan for everyone, right? We wouldn't have Community, nothing would work. If we all decided to be doctors that the society would expand, right? We're not all called to the same thing.

So we can rest and be at peace and knowing who God says we are amen. after all, this

Jacob was going back home. And if you remember, he's a little bit uneasy with himself to return home because he's not sure if his brother still mad at him for what you did those blessing, right? And Jacob must have felt rotten that must have been affecting how he felt about himself. He knows what he did was wrong and he's returning home and he's feeling nervous and he's praying to God and he has an encounter with God. And in this encounter, we see that Jacob actually wrestles with God. Also his identity. We're going to look at this story in Genesis 32. Versus 22 231. Remember he's on his way back to go. See his brother. Didn't have cell phones back, then. He does not know how he said he saw feels about him after two decades or whatever. He now has like two wives in 11 children, right? So that night. Jacob Scott up 22. Sorry. That make chickens got up, and took his two wives, his two female servants, and his eleven sons and cross the Ford of the Jabbok.

And after he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. So Jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him till Daybreak. Spoiler alert the man is God When the man saw that, he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip. So, that his hip was wrenched, as he wrestled with them. And then, the man said, let me go. If you start speaking to take a left me, go for it if they break, but Jacob replied. I will not let you go. Unless you bless me.

You know. The man asked him. What is your name? Jacob and answer the man said your name will no longer be Jacob but Israel because you have struggled with God and with humans and I've overcome and Jacob said, please tell me your name but he replied. Why do you ask my name and then he blessed in there. And so Jacob called this place peniel saying it was because I saw God face to face and The sun rose above him. As he passed any. Oh and he was limping because of his gift. Jacob got a new name. Jacob got a new identity so we learned from what I said earlier that Jacob me use their fur or someone who steals or takes the position of authority by 4:30 leaving. Now his name is Israel which means one who prevails with God. One who prevails with God cuz we can't do this alone. This is his new identity. Jacob has moved from usurper to one who prevailed with God. Again God is calling from Up. He's telling he's signaling to take up. You don't need to steal cheat or lie and you are not alone. I am with you.

I heard from a good friend of mine. Who's pretty knowledgeable in scripture and he said that Israel can also be interpreted. As to meaning, it can be both. It can mean to struggle with God or to struggle against God. The choices are, as I'd rather struggle alongside God than against him, cuz there's no competition there, right? So when we let her pass Define, it's like how Jacob was feeling. He was feeling like dirt. He was feeling like, man, I cheated, and I lied. And now I got to go face my brother when we let our past Define us, or the labels that people put on us in life. We are actually wrestling or struggling against what God has for us or who he says we are. That's what this whole encounter is about. Jacob is struggling with his own identity. So when we let our past Define us were actually struggling or wrestling with God, what he has for us. And then we see in verse 29. Jacob, ask God, what is your name and gods? Like, why do you ask me my name? Which to me, I interpret that as like, how do you not know? I'm your God, but we do that sometimes, I know I'm guilty of that, right? Sometimes we forget who our God is. I said ever happened to you, you ever been feeling pretty weak in the knees and you forget who your God is? We are being like Jacob in those moments, we need to remember who our God is. This passage might seem strange to some, you know, a man wrestling with God, seems like there shouldn't even be a contest here. Right? But I like how Jackie Hill Perry describes this encounter between Jacob and God. She says sometimes God will fight you to free. You sometimes God will fight you to free. God is freedom, Jacob in this encounter and giving him a new identity. If we read further in the story this morning, We read how. In fact, Jacob gets up goes across the river. He does meet his brother Esau and eats all runs out to embrace him and their relationship. It is Resort, it's a beautiful thing and if we read it even further in the Bible, we learn that from Jacob. Leah and Rachel. The Patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel were born. And if we jump even further in the Bible to the genealogy of Jesus, in Matthew chapter one, we see that Abraham Isaac and Jacob are all listed in there in the genealogy of Jesus. God most definitely have his promise. These people didn't see all of the concealment of the comics, in their lifetime, or This Side of Heaven. But I guarantee you, they are standing in eternity. Looking in awe at how God took even their messy situations and wove it. Into a beautiful completed picture that even in their mistakes, he was still able to fulfill the promise, but he said he would prefer. We will feel that same way when we get to heaven, we may not see everything that we think we ought to see This Side of Heaven, but I guarantee you. When we get to heaven, we will be in awe at what he did with our lives. Even in our mess. And then I'm going to call up the worst thing at this time.

So this morning, maybe you're holding onto a promise. That God gave you a long time ago, be encouraged by this word. This morning his promises never fail.

You know, God gave Sean and I promise well before we were married, we were engaged. and you'll have to double-check this with Sean, I'm paraphrase paraphrasing his encounter But he had an open vision of him and I standing in water and he seems to children. And he said, one had wavy hair like mine and one had curly hair. and, Those of those who know, us know that we have one child, two daughters, one child with hair like mine one with curly hair but it this is like we weren't even married yet. Right. And I didn't realize until our youngest was about. 18 month old because when she was born her hair kind of easy for me to do it, so thin it would just kind of brush straight. So she grew up then her curls came in and it dawned on me, one day I was at home by myself and all of a sudden I'm looking at

God complex.

I'm so it was like this moment for me like man God spoke this here's before. And I forgot.

God does not. He will not forget, it will come to pass.

Maybe you're in the position this morning where you haven't heard a promise in a while. I encourage you to listen and invite God to increase your territory. He's not done with you yet. Maybe you're in a place where you've just received a promise to fulfill promise to you, I say tested by encourage the people around you so that they can be reminded of his goodness and perfect timing. Maybe like some of the people in the bible stories and read this morning you are struggling with your identity. If we lack knowing who God is, he can't entrust us with the promise cuz we're not ready for it and then say that one more time for me cuz I need to remember this. Hopefully it helps you if we lack knowing who God is, he can't entrust us with the promise because we aren't ready for it. Stop making sense. It's just like me went when we got the promise of of having two children, what we weren't ready for that yet? We were still engaged, right? So God is calling you and there is Grace as you grow in him and everything that he has for you. It will come in his perfect time and he knows that he's been a father for a long time. Going to Father for a very long time.

I want you guys to look with me at Daniel 11 vs 32. But the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits. Do that the people who know their God will be strong. If we know who our God is we can stand strong. Promises. Sometimes our Big Dreams and big responsibilities. Until we're not ready for it yet, but I encourage you to get before the presence of your maker and let him qualify you.

Let God qualify you and find out who he says you are and to anyone struggling with identity. I say, ask God what she says about. You ask him to give you a new name, like a story to read this morning. A scriptural look in Revelations, 2, verses 17 to the one who has an ear. Let him hear what the spirit says, to the churches. To the one who conquers that were conquered. It means just to Prevail, it needs to overcome your adversaries, your adversaries are the lies from the enemy. Got to overcome what the enemy is telling you that you are. So that word concur needs to overcome the lies of the enemy. Go to the one who conquers overcomes, the lies I will give him some of the Hidden Manna, and I will give him a white stone, and on the stone under your name. Written that no one knows except the one who received it.

So find out who he says you are because you know if you're getting your information from people that's going to sail, it's not that people don't love you. But we're flawed and our Humanity when you get it from the source when you get it from. It's solid you can stand in that. No matter what's going on around you. So if you're struggling with that this morning, Get before your maker, find out who he says, you are you are, you know, and I struggle with the two, I had a really good friend of mine the other day. She challenged me with this question. She said, when was the last time you felt God was delighted with you? I sat painfully and uncomfortable with that for a few minutes and I said, I don't know, you know why, I didn't know because I forgot to you, my God was and I forgot who I was in him. So I prayed and I inquired to the Lord, and I said, like, what? How do you how do you feel about me? And he gave me the song. He reminded me of this song and we played it for offering this morning. The song is called The Love Inside by Laura Hackett and I'm just going to read some of the lyrics to In the, in the song, the woman is crying up to the Lord. She says, do your eyes? See me now? Are you smiling? Are you proud? And then she says, I believe you are and this changes everything. If we believe God is smiling over as it changes the way we live our life. And then another part she says, hope is rising as I see you smiling. he's not The Condemned or he's visiting me, and then He does smile over you. Once you've gotten the truth, once you've been qualified by God and you've heard God speak to you. About you hold on to that truth. Don't let it go. Right. You have to stand in that truth and we see that in a fusion 6 versus 14, truth comes first. When you're putting on the armor of God, did you guys ever noticed that it says to scan, but then it says, to gird yourself with truth is comes before all the other equipment, find out who God says, you are, that's the truth stand there for girding, your waist with truth and putting on the breastplate of righteousness. And we know the rest, they put on the armor, but we got to start with the truth. Find out who he says, you are. Let's pray. Got it. Thank you for this day. Thank you for your word. God, thank you that you're always faithful. Thank you that you are a God who called us up and called the tire that you do have good things for that. You're not mad at us, that you have Grace for us to walk boldly forward into what you're calling us into. Thank you that we are going to get our love and affirmation from you. The one who made us, that we are going to be qualified by you, that we are going to stand in the truth of what you say about us. God bless everyone here at the sound of my voice. In Jesus name, I pray

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