Simon Says
Words & Works of Jesus • Sermon • Submitted
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Let’s Play Simon Says
Let’s Play Simon Says
Everybody, stand up.
Do you know how the game is played?
If you’re playing the game, I have to say, “Simon Says...”
If I do, you have to do it. If I don’t, you can’t do it. Those are the rules. If you break the rules, you have to sit down. The last person standing gets to be Simon. That’s the reward.
As Simon, I have the authority to rule and ability to make you sit down w/ the force of the rules behind me.
I didn’t make up the rules, if you don’t like the rules, lodge a complaint w/ Simon, whoever he is. The only other option is, don’t play. Sit it out.
Baseball season is coming up. Spring training is weeks away. I have my tickets to 2 games. Jason is coming out for them. The whole family will be in the stands watching our favorite past time.
On a baseball diamond, the umpires have the authority and ability to enforce the rules. If you don’t play by the rules, yer out! Either out, off the bases. Or you’re out of the game. The umpires get to decide who’s in, who’s safe, and who’s out.
Abner Doubleday invented the game. His game, his rules. The rules have evolved. This year there are a few new rules coming into play.
For those of you that thing baseball games are too long and boring, they have addressed it.
There is a pitch clock. Pitchers only have a few seconds to pitch the ball. No standing around waiting for the batter to get nervous. Get the ball. Pitch it.
A pitcher can only throw to a base where the other team has a runner 3 times. Speed up play. And, bring stolen bases back into play. I like that.
If the runner knows the pitcher can’t throw to base to try to pick him off b/c he’s already thrown as many times as he can, then he can get a huge lead off and steal.
No more shifts in the infield. What that means is, 2 infielders on each side of 2nd base. Can’t put 3 on one side if that’s where the batter usually hits the ball. And all infielders must have one foot on the dirt. Can’t back up into the outfield.
New rules, old rules, the players have to play by the rules. If they don’t, the ump calls them out. If they don’t like the rules, then play a different game.
Maybe James Naismith’s game would suit them. He invented basketball. But, there still are rules and refs who have the authority and ability to make sure everybody plays by the rules.
It’s human nature to try to cheat the rules. This is a spiritual and religious issue. It’s a sports issue. It’s a societal issue.
I don’t want to get too political here, but this is the issue w/ the defund the police movement. I get there is some racism, much more in the past, in our police forces. But it is human nature to try to break the rules and we need some people who’s job it is, to have the authority and ability to enforce the rules. So if someone breaks the rules, they need to be removed from the game and held out for an appropriate amount of time.
If we’re in trouble, being threatened, we need t/b able to call someone who can do something about it.
We don’t need a lot of rules. Just a few. Don’t kill me. Don’t steal my stuff or my wife. A few more than the 10 big ones. But that’s a great start.
Then, of course, there’s biggest one. Heaven and Hell and how we get to these places. Rules for life and for the afterlife and someone who has the authority and ability to do something about how we live our lives in light of these.
Rules. That’s a bit of a misnomer. The last 6 of the big 10 are about making this life go better. The first four have to do w/ where we go after this life.
If you’re in a game of Simon Says, then Simon has the ability and authority to keep you in, sit you down, or throw you out. In life, Jesus has the ability and authority to let you in or force you out.
For those who don’t like that, then play a different game. Here’s the problem, there isn’t another game like this. Jesus created us and the game. His game, His rules. So either play by the rules and get to stay in the game, or be forced out.
If you like to play and what playing Jesus’s game gets you, then respect his authority and ability.
Today is the story of Jesus demonstrating His authority and ability over all spiritual, demonic, forces. It’s the first miracle Luke wrote about. It’s also found in Mark ch. 1.
You could read either, they are almost verbatim. And it’s interesting why these are the 2 books the story is in.
2 Sources
2 Sources
As I said, this story is found in both Mark and Luke.
When I started this series several months ago, I gave you the big idea of each man’s writing. Each asked an important question and answered it for their specific audience.
Mark was Jewish. But he wrote his book to non-Jews, Gentiles, who lived in Rome.
The question he asked was, “My government and military killed my Savior. We look like losers. How can we live like the victors we are when we look like losers?”
His answer, “By serving God by serving people and following Jesus’s example as The Suffering Servant of God.”
Luke was the only non-Jew to write a gospel. He wrote to a Gentile audience as well.
The question he asked and answered was, “I’m not Jewish. Who is Jesus to me?”
His answer: “Jesus is the Savior for all people.” This is not just another Jewish sect. It’s new.
More on why these two included this story and the other two didn’t. But, for now, know it has to do w/ their Gentile, non-Jewish readers.
The story starts out with the people recognizing Jesus’s authority in his teaching.
I’m going to teach from the Luke passage. So, we’ll start here when Jesus did what He always did on the Sabbath. He went to the Synagogue and taught. The people recognized right away there was something different in what He taught and how He taught it.
A. & A. in His Delivery
A. & A. in His Delivery
Then he went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and on the Sabbath he taught the people. They were amazed at his teaching, because his words had authority.
He was in Capernaum. He performed more miracles in this town than any other. He was raised in Nazareth, but spent most of his adult life in Capernaum. So, He was well-known in the synagogue there.
We don’t know what He taught here, what OT passage he read and explained. That’s b/c it’s not the point.
The point of this passage has to do w/ the authority and ability of Jesus. Luke points that out in the reaction of the ppl to His teaching.
As Mark addressed this, tho’ very similar to Luke, he adds the idea that Jesus’s words were comforting. That’s what a servant does. He comforts ppl. The next time Jesus comes it won’t be so comfortable.
PPL felt better after Jesus taught them. Again, authority and ability to make it happen.
Jesus picked his battles. He kept the law by attending synagogue on the Sabbath. He didn’t stir that pot, yet. But, He clearly taught that the old traditions were going to go by way of the dodo bird. The old system was coming to an end. Something new was on the horizon.
He did stir things up by doing things on the Sabbath that the leaders in synagogue took issue w/. He performed a number of miracles on the Sabbath. And He taught things differently than those who had been before.
That’s what the ppl noticed first. His words had authority.
The ppl may have come to see a miracle, but the words they heard moved them.
The Greek word for amazed, “plaseo”. They were astonished, struck by them, affected by them, awed.
c.1 rabbis and priests were technically sound in the delivery of their sermons. Well trained. Organized. And boring as all get out. They would cite other authors, commentaries who agreed w/ them. They would cite tradition. Talking above the heads of the rank and file trying to impress.
They were impressive, if not irrelevant.
When Jesus spoke, He quoted the OT, but no other sources or authors. He didn’t read passages of commentaries. He spoke from His own head and heart.
He was accurate in His interpretation of the passage. And he was relevant in application.
His illustrations, the parables, were easy to put yourself into as a situation.
You are soil. And your life around you is either rocky, weedy, or rich and well-fertilized. We can all place ourselves there. Life’s worries are choking your faith. Or, your friends and lifestyle are like birds pecking at you and eating the seeds before they can bear fruit. Or, we’re eager to hear and apply what’s said and are becoming more patient, self-controlled, and loving.
The ppl in the syn were tired of the repetitious and labored sermons that they couldn’t relate to. Formal presentations that were technically sound and would receive the best grades in most grad school lecture halls.
What Jesus brought was casual, clear, informative, relevant, and life-changing.
Back to why Mark and Luke included this story. Their audiences could not relate nor could care less what the rabbis, priests, and old commentaries said. They were Gentiles. They didn’t respect old Jewish ways and traditions. They wanted to know what Jesus had to say. And that was enough for them so that’s all Mark and Luke gave them.
Jesus impressed them deeply w/ his words. They are powerful. But so are his works. Not only did he demonstrate authority and ability in his delivery, but also demonstrated these in His deliverance of a man possessed by a demon.
A. & A. in His Deliverance
A. & A. in His Deliverance
In the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an impure spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice, “Go away! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”
“Be quiet!” Jesus said sternly. “Come out of him!” Then the demon threw the man down before them all and came out without injuring him.
All the people were amazed and said to each other, “What words these are! With authority and power he gives orders to impure spirits and they come out!” And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area.
This is the first miracle Luke wrote about. We know, Jesus has performed many already. But Luke chooses to use this battle between Jesus and Satan, good and evil, Servant of God versus a servant of darkness; to demonstrate how authoritative and able Jesus is against powerful opposition.
Demon possession is not very common today, especially in the US. It was much more prevalent in c.1 middle east.
Generally speaking, we in the modern western world, are not as open to nor willing participants in the spiritual realm. That’s good in that we are less influenced by evil spiritual forces. That’s not good in that we are less influenced by the HS.
I think we would all admit we don’t really understand the HS in our life and what He brings and does in us, thru us and for us.
We are much more logical, rational thinkers than spiritual.
Demons, and the HS for that matter, mostly only go where they are welcome. Some welcome the spiritual actively and intentionally. Some, passively and ignorantly.
Demons cannot occupy the same space as the HS. A Xian cannot be possessed by a demon. We can be oppressed and influenced from the outside. But a demon cannot be in the same space where the HS dwells. And Jesus sends the HS to live inside us the moment we come to faith.
Demons can tempt us, but not cause us to do bad things. When we are facing a decision, big or little, we may know the good thing to do, but the demonic will tempt us to do something else. They will make it look better than it really is.
Like a dozen Krispy Kremes or cotton candy in one sitting. They taste good going down. But, what happens a short time later?
That other woman sure looks good and being w/ her feels great; for about a minute. Then the whole thing sours in your stomach when you have to face the pain you brought to your family.
Or that movie you watched. Or that thing you bought that makes you feel so good and so happy, until the pressure of the credit card bill comes and you can’t afford to fill your propane tank before the next cold front gets here.
If possessed, the demon can make the person do evil things. If oppressed, good saved ppl can be tempted and still do evil things. Or, we have the ability to choose the good things.
A brief pause for a little irony. What’s a demon doing in the synagogue? They only go where they are welcome and they cannot occupy the same space where God is.
Tells us a little bit more about the spiritual condition of God’s ppl prior to Jesus’s arrival.
Notice, too. You can be amazed by Jesus w/out having faith in Jesus. If you have faith in Jesus, you will be amazed by Him.
The demon’s reaction to Jesus’s teaching? The language used here indicates he was terrified of Jesus. He immediately recognized Jesus even though the ppl didn’t.
Remember, in the last syn he spoke in Naz, they were ready to kill him for claiming to be the Messiah.
Demons know who Jesus is. The believe THAT he is the Messiah. They certainly do not believe IN him as the Messiah.
The demon ID’d Jesus. Jesus of Naz. Holy One of God. This was a personal expression. Not what would have been said if the one saying it was unfamiliar w/ whom he was speaking.
And he very emotionally said, Leave me alone. We have nothing to do w/ one another. Go away. Why would you interfere w/ what I have going on here?
He knows Jesus can make him do what he wants him to do. Go where he wants him to go. He feels threatened by Jesus.
He knows what’s going to happen in the end of time. Jesus will imprison Satan and all his demons when He establishes His kingdom on earth. The demon is afraid now is that time.
“Have you come to destroy us?” All demonic forces of evil?
The words even indicate the demon asking if Jesus was going to destroy the man he possessed, too.
Demonic possession and activity were more common then. There were exorcists in synagogues. They performed an elaborate rite, w/ incense and incantations. It was long, arduous, and involved.
Notice how Jesus handled it. Shut up. Now, go away. Don’t go away mad, just go away.
2 words silenced him. 4 words sent him away.
He shut him up. Jesus did not want any evil entity introducing him to the world or getting any credit for ID’ing him. Jesus would handle that Himself.
The word of God is powerful.
BTW, the words “Be quiet.” are the same words Jesus used to calm the storms. 2 words carry the authority and ability over nature and the demonic.
The demon challenged Jesus’s authority and lost. Badly. It was a rout.
The response of the demon was to throw the man down. He forced him to the ground. It was fight. A brief fight. Not w/ Jesus, but the man. The man had no control over the demon. But demon had no control over Jesus.
Interesting term “threw the man down.” The Greek term is ‘Rhipto’.
There’s an old time term of a major confrontation or competition. A fight between good and evil, the Raiders and the Chiefs.
You may recall some announcer saying, “There’s going to be a throw down tonight.”
This is where that phrase came from. A big fight. It was to the demon, and the man. But to Jesus, a minor nuisance.
W/ a few words, Jesus forced the demon out and left the man unharmed. Jesus is surgical w/ his words and works in our lives. He will remove the cancerous tumor and leave the organs and bones unharmed, curing the man of the malady.
He delivered the man from his bondage to the demonic.
This miracle like all other miracles, authenticated Jesus as more than a miracle worker, but the Messiah. His message was affirmed by the miracle. He taught w/ authority and ability, then proved it.
Amazed. Struck. Moved. Awed.
W/ authority and ability He gives orders to demons, storms, disease, and disasters; then they go away.
If Jesus says the word, it will happen.
He doesn’t need formulas or incantations. He doesn’t use formal language or laser light shows. He doesn’t need to say, “Simon says...”
Nobody gets into his face and kicks dirt on his shoes like baseball managers and players who are about to get thrown out. That’s like the demon throwing the man down. It did no good nor harm. It just made the demon look weak.
Here are a couple of questions that may be rolling around in your mind right now.
First, if Jesus is so capable, why does He allow us to go into storms and under demonic influence? Why does He let these things happen?
That was never the original intent. Things were set up in the Garden of Eden in a way that these would not have to happen. But A & E messed up. So, as a result, we live in a fallen world where they do happen.
Storms of disease, death, and natural disasters. Crime. Victimization, abuse and other evils happen to us and around us.
Why does he still allow this stuff to happen?
So we will learn our faith is real. And, while we are weak and incapable of mustering up much faith, what little we have, if it’s placed in the right Object, we will survive and thrive in the worst storms.
We must learn to trust Jesus even when every fiber in our being screams don’t. We must ask for help when our pride bows its neck and says handle this yourself.
Jesus will lead us to the eye of the storm where we can find peace and calm until the storm passes.
The only way we learn how authoritative and able He is, is by going thru these situations and experiencing His work in us and around us to calm us before He calms the storm.
Our faith is real. It will be proved real when get to the all clear after the storm.
2nd Q. Why doesn’t He just fix it? Just bring and end to this fallen world now.
He will. In fact, He’s about to. We don’t know when. But, that was the demons fear. The first time He came the demon was afraid Jesus came to end everything.
Why not yet? B/C, when Jesus ends it all, the door to heaven is shut and locked. By not ending it too soon, it’s an act of grace allowing more ppl to join Him, and us, in heaven.
It may not feel gracious to us b/c we have to wait and go thru this stuff. But, to those who will be saved tomorrow, next month, next year; they will be eternally grateful that He didn’t end it all today.
Jesus doesn’t have to say ‘Simon Says...’. He doesn’t wear a mask and chest protector. He doesn’t carry a badge and gun. He doesn’t need any of that.
His words are powerful enough. W/ a few simple words, demons obey, storms calm, disease is healed, and the dead are raised.
The last, big situation we will all face, is our eternal assignment. If there was any question whether or not Jesus has the authority and ability to do for you what He said He can, this passage should clear it up.
Are you amazed by Jesus? Amazed a simple guy like me can do what I do? Amazed that lives are changing, community is happening, ppl are serving each other?
Being amazed by Jesus is not enough to be saved by Jesus.
Faith. Faith IN Him. In Who He is. All that He is. Not just THAT He is.
Make sure you have faith. Then, Jesus will give you opportunities to know your faith is real and will hold up so when you stand before Him, he will command you into Heaven.
Satan and His demons are still active.
They mostly only go where they are welcome. And they certainly only go where Jesus lets them.
Jesus give ppl the choice whether or not to welcome the demonic. Some do so actively and intentionally. Others do so passively.
Believing that Satan isn’t real, isn’t active, isn’t powerful; plays right into his hands. Don’t fall into that trap.
Likewise, don’t believe he is more powerful than he is. The ppl He possesses, He can make them do and say what He wants them to. The ppl He oppresses, He can’t make them, but he knows their greatest weaknesses and will tempt them there.
He’s smart!
But He who is in us is greater than He who is in the world. Satan cannot mess w/ Xians who do not let Him. Be intentional and active in your walk w/ Jesus, life in the Spirit, and Satan can’t hurt you.
Also, once again,...
The Word of God
The Word of God
Spend time in your bible. Study it. Read it. Memorize verses. There is power in God’s word.
The seminary prof I quote all the time, also said, “It matters less how much you are in God’s word and more how much God’s word is in you.
And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe.
When it’s in you, it’s at work in you.
Prayer and God’s work are 2 powerful tools that help you prevent the Enemy’s influence in your life.
Use them often.
We don’t need a lot of rules. Just a few. Don’t kill me. Don’t steal my stuff or my wife. A few more than the 10 big ones. But that’s a great start.
Then, of course, there’s biggest one. Heaven and Hell and how we get to these places. Rules for life and for the afterlife and someone who has the authority and ability to do something about how we live our lives in light of these.
If you’re in a game of Simon Says, then Simon has the ability and authority to keep you in, sit you down, or throw you out. In life, Jesus has the ability and authority to let you in or force you out.
If you like to play and what playing Jesus’s game gets you, then respect his authority and ability.