Sermon Tone Analysis

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< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
At some point of God’s existence, He decided to create the heavens & Earth And Everything in it, Calling it Good!
This Study, will look at the bible like an hourglass being flipped over.
The purpose of that, is to help us better understand God’s purpose and time line
The Bible is crystal clear that;
God created the Heavens and the earth Gen 1:1
God will destroy the Heavens and earth by fire 2 Pet 3:10
So, like an hourglass, which tells time, by giving in an hour,
Then, if we look at the bible, as if the beginning to the end will happen in only one Hour, better helps us condense the many parts and pieces of God’s purpose throughout the bible.
That reminds, what Peter said what time is like to God, See 2 Pet 3:8
Adding to that, most biblical scholars are in agreement that the earth is only 6 to 7 thousand year old after following the genealogy from Genesis to our day and age.
Though, Mind boggling, then that would make it only 6 or 7 days went by to God since He Created the Heaven and the earth-wow!
Finally, in this study, I tried to imagine me just flipping over an Hourglass to better see God’s purpose in all that has happen since He Created the Heavens and the Earth, until here in 2023+
Another thing, I felt, if I could only put in order a time line that is simple enough to understand, but accurate enough to see the big picture, it may make studying the bible easier.
So, I put together a time line of Scriptures by imagining God just flipping an hourglass at the starting gate of God’s creation.
Then, reading thru the bible, in an imaginary hour of time and the sand is slowly being emptied out, and read about how God has an end to His creation-as if to say,”the sand runs out of time.”
Isn’t so far fetched to imagine, when comparing how God see’s a thousand years gone by, as a day to Him, isn’t so hard to understand, life is short!
”Does the bible tell us anything, about God, before creation?”
Did he know us before creation?
Jer 1:5
Did He know, before creation, the end of it?
Mark 13:32, Eph 1:4, Ro 8:29-30,
When or were the Angels Created, before or after creation?
Heb 1:14, Matt 18:10, Gen 3:1-2, Isaiah 14:13, Job 38:4-7, Eze 28:11-15,
Who created God before creation?
Rev 1:8, Ps 90:2, g
Where did God live before He created the heavens and earth?
Matt 6:9, 2 Cor 12:1-4, John 14:2, Luke 23:43,
Since God created the Heavens & Earth and that He is Omnipresent, He is in the Heaven He created and in the Third heaven Matt 6:9,
The Third Heaven and Paradise are the same Luke 23:43
The thief on the cross went to the third Heaven with Jesus Luke 23:43
Believers when rapture will meet Jesus in the air then go to be with Him in Paradise 1 Thess 4:17,
The mansions are in Paradise John 14:2
Why did God create?
Who are the Sons of God? Job 1:6, 1 John 3:8,
What’s the deal with Satan & Demon Angels?
Eze 28:11-15, Gen 3:1-2, Luke 10:18,
Where and what was God doing before creation?
Rev 1:8, John 1:1-2, John 17:24
How did God create?
Ps 33:6
“What does the bible say about God purpose during creation, especially 2023+?”
What is the significance of the waters in Gen 1:2, Ps 24:1-2, Gen 6-8, Ex 7:14-25, 14:21-29, Josh 3:14-17, Ex 17:1-7, Num 20:2-13, 2 Kings 5:10-14, Jonah 1:15-17, 2:1-10,
What are the purposes of God for creation 2 Tim 1:9, 1 Pet 1:19-20,
Worldly vs Godly 1 John 2:15, 19, 3:1, James 2:5, 4:4,
What signs can will happen before the Tribulation? 1 John 3:3-15, Matt 24:4-14, 2 Thess 2:3-12, Rom 1:18-32, 2 Tim 3:13, Mark 13:6, 22, Matt 24:4, 11, 24, 1 John 2:26, 3:7,
Lawlessness one [Satan] and his followers will abound 2 Thess 2:3-4, 1 John 3:4,
People living sinful lives will go from bad to worst 2 Tim 3:13,
Lawlessness is being unbridled, unchecked-God is letting go of the restraints Rom 1:24-27,
Believers need to be on guard, because the Devil will be deceiving the pretend christian and they will be lead astray, if possible the elect Mark 13:6, 22, Matt 24:4, 11, 24, 1 John 2:26, 3:7,
What signs will happen before the Rapture? 1 John 3:1-3, Rev 3:10, 1 Cor 15:51-52, n
No sign will be given, it will just happen 1 Cor 15:51-52
Before Creation, God decided to create us, He knew us
God, not only was speaking to Jeremiah, but to all of us.
He has let us know His
During Creation, God always knew it would end
God knew before He created the world, that everything in it, would eventually end.
See; 1
See 1 Cor 2:7
For the bible student, when looking at thing’s [TIME] that haven’t happened yet, this theological term, is known as ”Eschatology” the study of “Last Things” or study of,”Time that hasn’t happened yet” or “A Mystery” which simply means, ” God has a end date to His Creation and no one knows when!”
The bible calls that Prophecy, that Prophetically forewarns us, about things that ‘just hasn’t happened yet!’ Like, the ‘Rapture,’ people vanishing [Time Marker] Lets look at that for a moment, another mystery known as the Rapture.
See; 1 Cor 15:51-52
There are things we just don’t understand, God keeps them as a mystery, but does give us His Word that sheds light on the mystery's of God; like, in a Twinkling of an Eye people will just vanish;
Twinkling in Greek, [rhipe] ‘re-pee’ means=To Blink or To Jerk- very fast, Phonetically faster than light getting from one place to another in an Nanosecond fast, is a “Twinkling of an eye” That’s how fast people will just vanish, disappear from the face of the earth, during the Rapture---A Mystery!
See 1 Thess 4:17
Notice here in 1 Thess 4:17 the words, “Caught up” is connected to 1 Cor 15:51-52 the word “Twinkling” that ends up in the Clouds to” “Meet” everyone “Caught Up” to meet “The Lord in the Air” Simply said,” is the Rapture and not talking about the Second Coming of Jesus, as some big name theologians would have you believe.
No, the 2nd Coming follows, one day in the future, Jesus coming back to the earth, just as He left;
see; Acts 1:11
More over, Unlike the Rapture in 1 Thess 4:17 taking place before the Tribulation.
How do I know?
See; Rev 3:10
Make a special note, where we are in Revelation when we read Rev 3:10 Because you won’t be reading about the Church again from Rev 4:1 in fact, the word Church in the Greek=ekklesia [ek-lee-see-ya] seen 71x in the NT and stops at;
See Rev 3:14
The word [ek-lee-see-ya] Church, vanishes Rev 3:14, however, the very last time church or churches are mentioned,
See Rev 3:22
Now if you go back to,
See John 14:3
This is the Apostle John who in writing Revelation on the island Patmos 95 A.D. being giving instruction by an Angel that is only saying what the Lord Jesus wants to be said,
See Rev 1:1-2
And we know,
See Rev 1:19
John was instructed to write a simple outline in 3 stages that pretty much explain the whole book of Revelation [Rev 1 What John first seen], [Rev 2-3 things which are-Church age] Rev 4-22 thing which will take place after these things-Rapture/7 year Tribulation broken in half/ 2nd half of the tribulation call the great tribulation
See Rev 7:14
Here, Satan causes all great and small to receive the Mark of the beast
See Rev 13:16-17
Satan claims himself to be god in the 3rd temple,
See 2 Thess 2:3-4
Jesus 2nd Coming ,
See Rev 19:11
The Beast [Antichrist] and False Prophet Rev 13 and those who received the Mark of the Beast and worshiped it’s image Rev 13:12, 15 were thrown into the Lake of fire,
See Rev 19:20
Satan bound for a 1000 years, then release for a short time,
See Rev 20:1-3
Jesus Christ and His Saints, reign -1000 year millennium,
See Rev 20:4-6
End of the 1000 year millennium Satan is released, will deceive the whole world for the last and short time,
See Rev 20:7-10
Big Transition is about to happen!
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