Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Well Tomorrow is a Big day in Trinidad and Tobago.
In fact it’s not just tomorrow but Tuesday as well
These 2 days are probably the most anticipated events for Trinis both here an abroad
As they say - It is going to be the Mother of all Carnivals
Some people were calling for it to be cancelled due to the Covid but according to our leaders it will continue
But for most people - this is a time that they look forward to
How are we the church supposed to respond to these 2 days
What are we supposed to do ?
Should we join in or should we stay out of these events ?
Today I would like to speak to us on BEING DIFFERENT
In spite of the culture around us - God is calling his people to be different
We were born to stand out
The famous motivational speaker Earl Nightingale said The opposite is not cowardice, the opposite of courage is conformity- people behaving like everyone else.
These 2 days ahead of us is one of great temptation for a lot of Christians
Are we going to conform or live as transformed individuals
Now I was listening to Sister Susan on Thursday and she was speaking about Christian people and she try to distance herself from that Christian name because of the way how a lot of Christians are today
You cannot tell the difference between them and the World
Christians today are conforming to the culture.
God is calling us to live as transformed individuals.
We cannot be calling ourselves Christians and living like the culture around us which is under the influence of the Devil.
COME OUT FROM AMONG them - says the Lord.
We in this world but we are not of this world.
God is calling us to be different.
Throughout the Bible for Genesis straight unto Revelation God always reminds his people that they are different and are to be distinct from those around them
Peter reminds us in 1 Peter 2:9 “9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
Today I want to remind you that God wants you different because he has made a difference.
I am sure that all of you can testify today that God made a difference in your life
He saved you, he sanctified you
Paul knew that he couldn’t walk away from God after his experience on that Damascus Road
It would be an insult to walk away from him and go back to his own way of life of killing Christians
You cannot go back to your own way of life after God delivered you
Some of you listening to me can remember the days when you used to drink rum and get drunk and then get in a lot of trouble
Some of you remember when you were such a selfish person and couldn’t care about anyone else but then gave you a new heart of love and care
Some of you can remember when you were addicted to pornography and was doing a lot of wrong things in previous relationships but God set you free
Some of you used to do terrible things in your school days that if mommy and daddy find out about it will bring great shame
But here’s the thing
God deliverd you from those things and he set you free
You can’t go back there because you are a different person, you are a changed person
God made a difference in your life
There is a popular song that we sing in church and maybe after the sermon we can sing it
It’s called I know who I am
We are a chosen generation
We've been called forth to show His excellence
All I require for life, God has given me
And I know who I am
We are a chosen generation
We've been called forth to show His excellence
All I require for life, God has given me
For I know who I am
I know who God says I am, what He says I am
Where He says I'm at, I know who I am
I know who God says I am, what He says I am
Where He says I'm at, I know who I am
I'm working in power, I'm working miracles
I live a life of favour, for I know who I am
We have been singing that song in this church for years
Christian people all over have been singing that song for years but the key question is
Do we really know who we are?
Do Christian people really know who they are?
During these coming days you will see that for a lot of people in the church today
They don’t know who they are serving
They don’t know who they are
They want the best of both worlds
They want God and they want Bacchus - the God of wine and revelry
That cannot work
Thats like a bf telling his girlfriend you are not the only girl I like.
It have other girls who I like
It have plenty fellas nowadays liming more than 1 girl at the same time
Guess what - That can’t work
You can’t be in love with God and Bacchus at the same time
They represent 2 different kingdoms
They are enemies of each other
You can’t go in the voting booth and put your x by the pnm and the UNC
it will be void
God is calling his people to wake up during this time of carnival
Be different
Be set apart,
Don’t follow the ways and the custims of this world
We follow the Word not the World
Our lives are under the authority of Scripture
When we read the Book of Ephesians we see Paul is basically telling the church of Ephesus about how they ought to live as Believers
He gives practical guidelines of what they ought to do and what they ought not to do
We see 2 major Characteristics in this simple verse about how we ought to be described by people
We need to be a Holy people and we need to be blameless.
We live in a pagan world and culture that is unholy and they are not blameless but we his people ought to be holy and blameless.
We ought to be different because he has made a difference in our lives
From verse 17 he gives us Instructions for Christian living or showing us what the New life looks like as a Believer
Firstly we need to
Take Off The Old Man
We have heard the saying, “Clothes make the man.”
Of course that is not true physically, but it is true spiritually.
When you become a Christian, you get a new set of clothes.
You are clothed in Christ, and these clothes make the man (or woman).
Believers are called to live out their new identity in Christ with a lifestyle that is different from the world and different from their past.
Paul was very strong in his message to these Ephesians
He didnt want them living the way they used to live
You see there was a time when they followed the ways of the world and the Devil’s Kingdom.
But it’s only disobedient people who are under that spirit of the World
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9