The Bible Is? Series - 2

Sermon Tone Analysis
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The Bible Is Going Forward?

Text: 2Timothy 2:1-7


The application of this series will rest upon whether or not you will join Paul in saying, “I am not ashamed.” Paul’s main drive in chapter one is encouraging Timothy to never be ashamed of “the faith” (i.e. the gospel). Paul hit this point pretty hard due to the sad fact he had been abandoned by Phygellus and Hermogenes. He was however embraced by Onesiphorus.
I say all that due to the fact Paul was laying the foundation for what he was going to challenge Timothy to do. Even though this was written directly to Timothy and the urgent need for his ministry, God has intended it for our learning also.
Sermon flow: 1) Strength Is Required; 2) Truth Is Relevant; 3) Endurance Must Be Reserved.

1) Strength Is Required

A. Strong in God’s grace

The “therefore” takes up back to chapter one.
(1:8) “afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God”
In other words, “suffering according to the power of God.”
What should this mean to us?
Whatever suffering experienced, battlefield wounds, etc, God’s power will be enough to keep you on the field of battle!
Your personal hardships resulting from living for Jesus (distributing/training others) will never over power the power of God that has been given to you through Jesus!
In other words, as long as God desires, you will be sustained to carry on doing the work of instilling in other the treasures of God’s Word.
God does not change, neither will His grace!
We should welcome whatever may come while we minister with God’s Word.
(1:9) Your salvation and calling are according to God’s purpose and grace.
His purpose and grace were reserved “in Jesus” in eternity passed.
This Jesus is the ONE who abolished death for you and provided life for you!!!

2) Truth Is Relevant

A. A pattern that speaks of the consistent value and relevance of God’s Word to every generation

“have heard” & “manny witnesses” (past & present)
Paul taught the true gospel.
He himself needed it.
Paul took a multigenerational approach when distributing God’s Word (thankful for all our discipleship groups)
“commit to faithful men”
“commit” = entrust for safekeeping; transmission
Illustration: You store your money in a particular bank; you have ENTRUSTED your money to them for safekeeping.
These are men for the NOW and FUTURE.
A pastor is always looking for faithful people to serve.
Question: Should this be a hard quest for a pastor?
Question: If the Savior is faithful, shouldn’t the servant be faithful?
1 Cor. 4:2 “2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”
All other ministries flow from the ministry of teaching/preaching God’s Word.
The ministry of the church will cease if the faithful stop stepping forward.
“will be able to teach others”
This is exactly the model Jesus left for us — John 20:21 “21 Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”
Titus 1:9 “9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.”
“able” = meeting a standard
not a novice
Timothy had work to do!!!

3) Endurance Must Be Reserved

A. Prepare for the vulnerabilities (sinful) of actively reaching and teaching others (vv3-4)

The level of commitment depends on the value at hand.
What happened to Jesus is a great indicator of the value of distributing God’s Word; Jesus lost His life!
Jesus commands us to “take up our cross.”Matthew 16:24 “24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”
“Hardness” = misfortune
It is a matter of when, not if!
1 Timothy 1:18 “18 This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;”
Hebrews 2:10 “10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.”
Quote: Those who would approve themselves good soldiers of Jesus Christ must endure hardness; that is, we must expect it and count upon it in this world, must endure and accustom ourselves to it, and bear it patiently when it comes, and not be moved by it from our integrity. Matthew Henry, Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible: Complete and Unabridged in One Volume (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1994), 2361.
A battle will always come when you train others with God’s Word.
Jesus’ ministry was a ministry of SPECIAL REVELATION.
“affairs of this life”
If God has truly sent you to the battle field (and He has), you should remain MOBILE.
“affairs” = work (business) n. — any occupation in a person’s life that they do to earn money.
Paul says there is a possibility to become “entangled.”
to be hindered ⇔ be entangled v. — to be or become involved in some task or role to the point that it interferes with other activities; conceived of as being or becoming intertwined in a line to the point of immobility.
The immediate context is for Timothy’s pastorship.
A point of application — your occupation should never prevent you from abdicating the position of serving Jesus.
Avoiding such entanglements is motivated by the desire to please our Commander and Chief.
Remember, Christ is the one who has chosen you to be a soldier!
Paul is not talking about PARTIALLY, but WHOLY pleasing Christ.

B. Prepare to endure by living holy

Paul is speaking of doing the work of a good soldier in the RIGHT MANNER.
Romans 14:16 “16 Let not then your good be evil spoken of:”
Galatians 5:24 “24 And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.”
You must master you own lusts and corruptions.
You might do a job, but what kind of attitude is present while doing it?
You might go to church, but are you advancing those whom worship with you?
You might give financially, but what are your motives behind the gift?
Paul said, “I die daily.”
Paul speaks about the diligence and patience of the farmer.
We must do the will of God before we receive the promises of God.


If he who gave the revelation in the word does not give the understanding in the heart, we are nothing.

I want to challenge you in three ways:
Pray for God to give you understanding of His Word.
Pray for God to give you a new desire to share His Word.
Pray for God to renew your desire to show His Word through your life.
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