From Water to Worship
The Gospel of John • Sermon • Submitted
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· 11 viewsThe Samaritans had specific ideas about worship. As did the Jews of course. Jesus begins by breaking some cultural norms before breaking down the the cultural ideas of worship.
Key Points
Key Points
Read John 4:1-26
Read John 4:1-26
Map of Jesus’ route
Map of Jesus’ route
1. By asking for a drink of water, Jesus breaks down some significant barriers.
1. By asking for a drink of water, Jesus breaks down some significant barriers.
-Jews did not associate with Samaritans
Samaritans were considered 1/2 breeds. The result of Assyrian conquest (721 BC) of the northern kingdom and moving populations of people around. Soon intermarriage with Jews producing "half breeds" (. The Jews desired a pure and loyal people of God and in Ezra 9-10 we see a segregation policy enacted. In 400 BC the Samaritans would erect a temple in Mt. Gerizim that would later be destroyed in late 2nd century BC. And had developed their own systems of worship based on the first 5 books of the Hebrew bible.
-Jewish men did not talk to strange women.
Route Jesus wold have taken
2. The water that Jesus offers is eternal life.
2. The water that Jesus offers is eternal life.
-Water is a very important image in scripture
-Water sources in the dessert was a matter of life and death so Jesus allusion to an eternal water source is more than entreating
-Jesus is of course talking about spiritual things… “spring of water welling up to eternal life”
-She’s obviously interested but still not getting it. (reminds me of Nicodemus.)
-Jesus takes things in a different direction
He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.”
-What Jesus does is confront her about her sin because sin cannot be overlooked.
This should not be surprising: if he is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (1:29, 34), inevitably he will deal with sin in those who express some interest in knowing and following him. -D. A. Carson,
-I just want you to know, if you are interested in eternal life Jesus’ is going to confront you about your sin.
-Just like many of us would do when confronted with something uncomfortable, the woman changes the subject. She wants to talk about theology, specifically worship.
3. Jesus began by breaking cultural barriers and now the barriers regarding worship.
3. Jesus began by breaking cultural barriers and now the barriers regarding worship.
“Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”
-Jesus allows her tangent but I don’t think it goes the way she thinks it will
-First Geography as it pertains to worship is irrelevant.
-“A time/hour is coming” John uses this term hour often to refer to the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus death and resurrection changes everything.
-Worship comes from from a place of knowledge. Historically speaking the Jews had the correct historic knowledge when it came to worship
-Finally and most significantly worship must include the elements of spirit and truth.
-Spirit and truth have always been and will always be the way in which true worship happens.
Worship in Spirit and in Truth
-Born of the spirit
-Truth is the character of God
-Fullness of both
-As it pertains to to spirit, Jesus is not saying it is purely a spiritual act alone, rather that it is possible to worship at all times and in all places.
1. Worship is for the believer and the believer must not ignore their sin.
1. Worship is for the believer and the believer must not ignore their sin.
2. Jesus alone is the source of eternal life.
2. Jesus alone is the source of eternal life.
3. Can we just agree that often we have allowed musical preference to become our definition of worship?
3. Can we just agree that often we have allowed musical preference to become our definition of worship?
I noticed early on as the worship pastor at NWCC people would enquire “Do you have a contemporary or traditional service?”