A. Jesus appeared in Heaven to make His sacrifice complete.
B. Because Jesus’ priesthood was not Levitical it must take place someplace other that the temple mount.
II. A Better Time vs. 25-27
A. Jesus’ sacrifice took hold permanently. There was no need of another.
B. This shows us that we can’t gain salvation and lose it, because if that was the Jesus second coming would mirror His first.
C. Mankind only live once. After death we live on, but not in reincarnation. We live either in Heaven or Hell. (Rev. 20:11-15, Rev. 21-22).
III. A Better Return vs. 28
A. Jesus return won’t be like His first coming. The first time He came as a meek servant; the second time He will come as a conquering judge. The first time He came as Savior; the second time He will come back Lord of lords and king of kings.
B. The question is, have you ever met this High Priest?