Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
ASK: Do you know why they a fence around a graveyard?
But really the graveyard is where everyone will end up someday if the Lord doesn’t return in our lifetime.
Have you ever been to a funeral?
Have you ever seen a dead body?
I remember as a kid to see a dead person was pretty scary to me.
Most of the fear was from the fact that I didn’t understand that the person was no longer there, and I spent too many hours watching scary movies.
As I got older I ended up working with Megan’s dad at a funeral services place when we were dating.
Our biggest thing we did was making the concrete vaults and doing the grave side setup for the funerals.
Megan’s dad worked at this place for like 30 years.
In fact, when we were kids there was a lawyer commercial on TV where his daughter would come on the TV and say “my daddy is a lawyer and he wants to represent you.”
Megan would then say, “Well, my daddy is a grave digger and he wants to bury you.”
Tonight in out text Paul paints a picture of where we were before Christ and what Christ has done for the Christian.
And if you don’t know Christ as your saviour, you can still in this state.
That picture is given to us in the very first verse that the lost unbeliever is dead in their sins.
But God purchased you through the blood of Christ.
He paid a high price for you, and He has grand plans to use you.
My hope tonight is that you will see the state of where you once were or still may be and that will challenge you to follow through on God's plans to use you to accomplish His will.
The thought with the title of the message in that God did a great miracle of His grace by taking us out of the great graveyard of sin and placed us into the throne room of glory!
If you are a Christian you have two natures.
The Bible refers to these as the old and new man.
Distribute a sheet of paper and a marker to each learner.
Instruct half of the class to draw a picture of an object that represents a person's old, unsaved life.
The other learners should draw a picture of an object that represents a person's new life in Christ.
Give the learners three minutes to work on their sketches.
Then invite volunteers to show and explain their sketches to the rest of the class.
If your class is small, take time to post the sketches at the front of the room.
Paul wrote about a believer's change from being dead in sin and being alive in Christ.
When a person trusts in Christ as Savior, he or she leaves a life that offends God and embarks on one that honors Him.
The overall theme of Ephesians is life in Christ.
At the start of this letter to the church at Ephesus Paul described out spiritual possessions in Christ, But now he turns our attend to our spiritual position in Christ.
First, he explains what God has done for all sinners in general; then he explains what God did for the Gentiles in particular.
The sinner who trusts Christ has been raised and seated on the throne.
Later in this chapter Paul shows how believing Jews and Gentiles alike have been reconciled and set into the temple.
The easiest way for us to approach this text tonight is to see in it four specific works.
1. Sin’s Work Against us
Have you ever tired to take a full-length picture?
I remember as a kid my family would go to the mall or sears to get family photo’s done.
Some of those time you would be able see your whole body on the picture.
Today we are used to the selfy where we just get our head and maybe our shoulders but with those full-length pictures you have to worry about your posture, your feet being in the right place, and even your arms and hands.
You have to pay attend to the the details in the picture or risk taking a bad photo.
In the first three verses , Paul gives us a full-length picture of the terrible spiritual condition of the unsaved person.
Note some of the details Paul gives.
He is Dead
This is meaning spiritually dead;
The clause, "who were dead in trespasses and sins" (2:1), conveys a sense of the dreadful condition of the unsaved.
ASK: What are some effects of being dead in trespasses and sins?
Unable to please God; can't understand spiritual things; following the world's pattern for living.
that is, he is unable to understand and appreciate spiritual things.
He has no spiritual life, and can do nothing in himself to please God.
Just as dead people can't help themselves, so unsaved persons can't do anything to improve their spiritual condition.
There is no self-help book for getting saved.
Just as a physically dead person does not respond to touch, they can’t not hear the conversations about them during their funerals.
They have no appetite for food or drink, they feel no pain.
Why because they are dead!
The same is true to the lost spiritually they are dead and feel nothing spiritually.
The lost has no spirituality, they cannot function in that area until God gives them life.
In the Bible, death means “separation” not only physically, as the spirit is separated from the body, but also spiritually, as the spirit is separated from God.
The unbeliever is not sick; he is dead!
He does not need medicine he needs a resurrection.
Everyone who has yet placed their complete faith in Christ are all dead spiritually and all equally dead.
As people we tend to place sinners and sins on different levels.
But the only difference between on lost sinner and another is the state of decay.
We may think that someone on death row is father decayed than maybe a unsaved society leader, who is “trying” to make a better world.
But one dead person physically is not more dead than another.
This means that our world is one vast graveyard, filled with people who are dead while they live.
He is Disobedient
This was the beginning of man’s spiritual death - his disobedience to the will of God.
Then Satan comes along and says:
And because they believed the lie, the first man and woman sinned and experience immediate spiritual death and ultimate physical death.
Since that time, mankind has lived in disobedience to God.
Our focuses that encourage us in our disobedience - the world, the devil, and the flesh.
The world and world-systems put pressures upon every person trying to get people to conform our it’s image instead of God’s image.
They put pressure on young people to forget about God and the values of the Bible and just be like everyone else.
But the unsaved person is controlled by the values and attitudes of this world.
Satan also, influences the lives of all unbelievers, and also seeks to influence believes, He wants to make people “children of disobedience.”
One of Satan’s chief tools for getting people to disobey God is lies.
Just like in the garden.
But He is a liar.
Then the flesh encourages unbelievers to disobey God.
The flesh refers to that fallen nature that we were both with the body and mind make us disobey God.
Is is any wonder that the unsaved person is disobedient to God? Have you ever wondered why lost people act the way they do?
Because they are dead in their sins.
The lost needs help outside of himself, and that can only come from God.
God’s Work For Us
Man cannot save himself, but God is His grace stepped in to make salvation possible for all.
verse 4 gives us two of the greatest words in all the Bible.
“But God.”
We are reminded of some activities that God performed on behalf of sinners to same them from the consequences of their sins.
He Loved Us
By nature God is love.
But God would love even if there were not sinners, because love is a part of His very being.
We call this one of God’s attributes.
God has two kinds of attributes: Those that He possess of Himself.
These are for God alone they are call intrinsic attributes.
Then there are those that He relates to His creation, especially us.
These are called relative attributes.
For example, by nature God is truth; but when He relates that to us, God’s truth becomes Faithfulness.
God is by nature Holy but when it is related to us it becomes justice.
Love is one that when God relates that to us is becomes grace and mercy.
Just as I could say that I love you.
< .5
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