Again, I Say Rejoice
Philippians 4:1-9
Paul wrote this epistle to the Philippian Church while in a Roman prison. In spite of that fact, there are no words of sadness or sorrow. Instead, he addresses himself to a problem of the church – they had no joy and no peace. As a result of their problems, a dispute had arisen between two Christian sisters. Paul encouraged the two women to put aside their pettiness and be like-minded.
The apostle offers six (6) steps toward achieving peace with God:
a. Stand fast in the Lord (vs. 1)
- Be regular and steady in your faith
b. Agreement and unity (vs. 2)
- Loving and getting along with one another
c. Rejoice in the Lord (vs. 4)
d. Have a gentle strength (vs. 5)
- Approachable and kind hearted
e. Prayerful (vs. 6)
f. Have a positive attitude (vs. 8)
According to Paul, the most important element of Christian service is joy and rejoicing. He mentions it in verse four and then immediately repeats himself, “again I say rejoice.”
I. The Command, “Rejoice!”
A. It is delightful. It feels good and is good for you
B. It is demonstrative of what is within. Joy in a Christian’s life is very like a diamond in an otherwise gray rock – it stands out
C. It is stimulating. It urges us on to bigger and better things. We have faith to try!
D. It is attractive to others, “More flies with honey….”
E. It is as contagious as a laugh
F. It is commanded
1. Joy and peace make us like God
2. Joy is profitable – it blesses all that enter its realm
II. Joy Has Just One Limit, “In the Lord”
A. God is the object and the source of our joy
B. Our sphere of influence, touching all that enter
III. The Urgency of the Command
A. Even in the midst of trouble we should rejoice in
the Lord
B. As an influence over others