Shepherding 101
1 Peter 5:1-4
1:1-2:12 Hope is Displayed in our Salvation
2:13-3:12 Hope is Displayed in our Submission
3:13-5:14 Hope is Displayed in Our Suffering
3:13-17 For Doing Right
3:18-22 As Christ Suffered
4:1-6 To Cease from Sin
4:7-11 Until the End
4:12-14 As Expected
4:15-19 Christians
5:1-4 As Shepherds
I. Peter's Credentials (1)
A. One of the Group
- Peter identifies himself as an elder not as the supreme pontif or as the arch elder.
- Elders is plural indicating along with other passages that the expectation is to have more than one elder in each assembly.
B. Eye Witness
1. Of Suffering - Matthew 26:36 starting in the garden and leading to the cross Peter was there.
2. Of Glory - 2 Peter 1:15-18
II. Peter's Advise (2-3)
John 21:15-17
A. Be Pastoral
6960 People As Sheep
The Camden, Maine, Herald ran two photos on the same page: one of Camden’s board of selectmen and town manager; the other of a flock of sheep. Unintentionally the captions were reversed. Under the picture of the sheep the caption identified them, left to right, as town officials; the one under the photo of the town fathers grouped around a table read, “The Sheep Fold—naive and vulnerable, they huddle for security against the uncertainties of the outside world.”
Tan, P. L. Encyclopedia of 7700 illustrations
- protection of the flock, feeding of the flock, give the sheep medical attention, sometimes discipline the sheep.
- Among you. Not other churches sheep.
B. Be a Leader
6408 “If He Gets Things Done”
If he gets things done, he’s a dictator;
If he asks others for advice, he lacks competence.
If he has fun, he’s doing it for show;
If he does not, he’s not easy to work with.
If he sticks to fundamentals, he’s antique
If he engages in experimentation, he’s too progessive.
If he insists on order and discipline, he’s too firm.
If the pupils run wild, he’s much too easy.
If he sells popcorn and candy, he’s on the toboggan;
If he doesn’t, he’s a poor business man.
If he has a sense of humor, he’s not intellectual.
If he doesn’t have, he’s a prig.
If he’s efficient in community relations, he’s a politician;
If he isn’t, he’s a square from Delaware.
If he always agrees or keeps still, he’s a rubber stamp;
If he has strong convictions, he’s too blunt.
Tan, P. L./Encyclopedia of 7700 illustrations
- elder = presbuteros
- oversight = episkapeo
- pastors are sheep and overseers. We are one of the members of the church as well as leaders of it.
C. Be Willing
- This is not just job. It should be something that an elder wants to do.
- God must be the one who calls. My call from God came while at Bowling Green State University. 2 Timothy 2:2 burned in my heart until I could no longer resist.
D. Don't be Greedy
- 1 Timothy 3:3
- Eli's sons, Hophni and Phinehas - 1 Samuel 2:12-17
- Elders don't do what they do to get rich. If I was only in the ministry for the money, then you couldn't pay me enough!
*This doesn't mean that a pastor shouldn't be paid. 1 Timothy 5:17-19, but this is the responsibility of the flock not something to be demanded by the pastor, 1 Corinthians 9:6-14.
E. Be Eager
- This is a ready mind, a willingness to serve.
- Not a hired hand. John 10:11-13.
F. Be Gentile
- Elders should be examples, not dictators. They should be walking out in front of the flock, not driving them from behind
Believer's Bible Commentary : Old and New Testaments
- A pastor's authority is the Word of God.
G. Be an Example
- Modleing the Scriptures. Modleing a holy walk.
- This is humbling for me because I know that I fall so short.
4273 A Charge To “Mayflower” Pilgrims
John Robinson gave this charge in 1620 to the Pilgrims as they were about to board the Mayflower for America:
“I charge you before God that you follow me no further than you have seen me follow the Lord Jesus Christ. If God reveals anything to you by any other instrument of His, be as ready to receive it as you were to receive any truth by my ministry, for I am verily persuaded that the Lord hath more truth yet to break out of His Holy Word.”
Tan, P. L. Encyclopedia of 7700 illustrations
Your response - Hebrews 13:17
III. Peter's Hope (4)
A. Christ's Appearing
- Jesus is the Chief Shepherd. He is the head of the church. Hewbrews 13:20-21
B. Reward
- 2 Crown mentioned in the Bible. This is a victors crown made of leaves much like the ones given at the ancient olympics.
"We lead by serving, and we serve by suffering.
This is the way Jesus did it, and this is the only way that truly glorifies Him."
Wiersbe, W. W. The Bible exposition commentary.