Dr. Ironside and the Moody Church
“That Dr. Ironside is the ideal pastor for Moody Church is finely attested by the following excerpt taken from one of his recent sermons, based on Eph 1:3:
“Please note what Paul says: ‘He hath blessed us.’ The Apostle is not speaking of something that may be ours when we get to heaven, but something that is ours, here and now. I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. People often ask me if I have obtained the ‘second blessing’ yet. Second blessing? I generally say: ‘Why, I am somewhere up in the hundreds of thousands so far as that goes, if you refer to experience; but, actually, I obtained every blessing that God has for a redeemed sinner when I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ’ ...It is one thing to have the blessings; it is another thing to appropriate them.”
-Chester Mann, Moody: Winner of Souls, p. 86
Bibliotheca Sacra . 1998 (electronic edition.). Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.