Matthew 26:20-57 Have you over promised and underdelivered? Who’s will?
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Matthew 26:20-57 Have you over promised and underdelivered? Who’s will?
Some companies set a range guiding for how the next year or quarter goes, some have a habit of setting them low/conservative so they can adjust upward. Other company ether gives an optimistic or unrealistic guide and have to adjust down ward. That does not make stockholders happy and the stocks are sold off and the value falls.
You may have done this at work, yes I will have it done by tomorrow, in group work. With you children, yes we will do this tomorrow, I promise, wife/husband/friends enemies, I will be there for you when you need it, just call, - but you were not… Or the other way around, people, work, studies, media, promised things that they never delivered on… Ever felt like you where forced to over promise? What about Jesus? Your walk with God ever promised Jesus much more that you ever delivered? And even denying knowing Jesus? Peter and the other disciples will help us enter in to those felings and expose where our heart an on what our mind is set on. (Me or the lord)
Jesus laid out what was going to happen, you will all fall away, because that is what is written in Zack 13:7, you will all scatter. But hope 32: But after I am raised up I will go before you to Galilee.
Peter jumps in and before the other 10 and Jesus say I will not fall away even if alt the others do, I will never fall away. Wow great confidence, totally ignoring what Jesus said, again, like he did the first time Jesus predicted that he would be killed. And Peter said, no, and Jesus called Peter Satan. But it is the same subject, I will listen to the scriptures and Jesus, until I don’t like what they say, and then I will rest on my confidence, and understanding… even if Jesus had just said the opposite. (How do those words set with you? It that you? You live like Peter your view of yourself is very high, even if others get it wrong, I will get it right, if others fail, I will complete it). Now there is not anything wrong with that, if it is true… but going against Jesus and the scriptures, that will not work. If that is you, you are misguide at best and very arrogant, proud. (Jesus’ response is not great job Peter really appreciate your zeal and confidence in yourself, no instead Jesus will lovingly say not only will you fall away, you will deny me 3 times before the sun comes up). Again, not listening to Jesus, Peter stakes his life on his words and say that he will die before denying Jesus. – Then the rest of the 10 do the same. We will all die before denying you… What about you what would you do in that place?
Hmm… If you are Jesus what are you thinking now? You know that one person in you class in school, or on the street that you never trusted because the never backed all there words up, with action, that is what all 11 would be like in a few hours, they promised and said they would die, before denying Jesus. I don’t think Jesus is full of hope that they will stay with him… And the next part show that, they all fall asleep when he is deeply troubled.
They walk to the Garden of Gethsemane; he tells the 8 to sit down, and takes the 3 with him and ask them to watch, be alert awake, with him. How is Jesus doing? Sorrowful even to death, he walks a little father and fall on his face praying: If it is possible let this cup pass from me, - Hey if there is another way could we do that? (But as Jesus had been teaching to pray, your will be done) BUT as you will… Not mine. (How do you pray? Like this? Or more religious or less, Lord I pray for your will to be done. Great but we see here it is more than okay to pray how you feel, to be honest with God, I have said it before we see honesty in the psalms where are you God? Are you out to get me? job the prophets, etc. I think it shows us, that it is not the words but what lie behind the words… you might be the other way, you never consider what Gods will is or pray for it to be done, but only ask for God to make your plans work.
Praying alone, you might fall asleep, or the people with you might, as Jesus finds out Peter, James and John are sleeping, in this hour of trial for Jesus, all alone. 40) Peter you could not watch 1 hour? (you just clamed you would die for me, and you can´t stay awake with me in my soul troubles?). Jesus repeat watch and pray against falling in to temptation, you have the right spirt, but your flesh is weak. How do you pray? Be honest, Is it like Jesus?
We see this repeated Jesus goes and prays if this is the way, let you will be done. – Repeat the disciples are sleeping. It is late and their eyes were heavy. 44 Jesus prays the same as before.. coming back the disciples are well as Jesus said to them you can sleep later this is the hour when the son of man is betrayed into the hand of sinners. (Would it be better to be asleep then it would not be me). On the other hand, is no one keeping count, where is the 12 person? I mean the did walk to the mount of Olives and then to the garden, and it is dark. But now they will all se who it is. As Jesus said in verse 46. The words are still in Jesus mouth a great crowd of people come armed, Judas is among them they come from the elders and chief priests, Judas talks with Jesus, Jesus said do what you have come to do, Judas kisses Jesus the sign to seize Jesus.
51 the fight begins to set Jesus free. But Jesus did not go unwillingly, he let this happen, so the scriptures could be fulfilled, (Jesus could have asked the father for 70.000 -144.000 Angels to help him but he did not…) Jesus goes willing to the cross.
Jesus points out their hypocrisy and even criminal methods, pointing out that he had teaching daily in the temple, but they could not prove him wrong, he beat them up every time they came to trap him in his words and he exposed their sin… and they were afraid of the people. I was there everyday and now you come against me like I was a robber, with swords and clubs. Why? What have I done? But this is all happening that the scriptures of the prophets would be fulfilled. – Then the disciples run away… What are they thinking and what are the crowed thinking, he just said that they were fulfilling the prophets, would you not stop and ask which one? Or think again if this is a good idea? – We don’t know. But they take Jesus to Caiaphas house.
So what does all this mean?
Adam failed in the garden, he did not trust in God’s plan, for his God and the glory of God but instead believed the lie that God was withholding blessing and joy and good food. In the Garden with out the help of the friends that just said they would die before denying him, alone trubled to the point of death, they all sleep. But Jesus putting his request to God, expressing his feelings, Jesus trusted in God. Jesus the new and better Adam, the one that concurred in the garden.
(Today? You?)
Where does you confidence come from?
Do you over promise? If yes why? What do you put your faith and hope and trust in?
Jesus has made a way, - will you call on him as Lord, - savior God. Or keep living for yourself?
I know Jesus, great, worship, rejoice, grow, what did God expose reveal about Jesus, about your relationship with him, in this text, did you see the failure of the disciples that is you, did you see Jesus victory over temption, his relationship with his father, and his love and kindness towards the people failing him even his enemys.
What does that all mean for you…. Gosple again pray for one another.