C. T. Studd

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C.T. Studd knew what priority was all about. He was the son of a wealthy planter, but when he was converted to Christ, he really sold out to Him. He held nothing back. He was one of the Cambridge Seven who volunteered to go to China at the plea of Hudson Taylor. When his wealthy father died, he inherited a large sum of money, but before he even knew how much it was he gave almost every bit of it away to D. L. Moody, George Muller, and others who were serving God.

Three years after arriving in China, C.T. married a young Irish missionary from Ulster named Priscilla Livingstone Stewart. Just before the wedding he presented his bride with the remaining money from his inheritance. She, not to be outdone, said, "Charlie, what did the Lord tell the rich young man to do?" "Sell all." "Well then, we will start clear with the Lord at our wedding." And they proceeded to give the rest of the money away for the Lord's work.

That left him without income and when he was later turned down by some financiers in his attempt to go to Central Africa as a missionary, he told them: “Gentlemen, God has called me to go, and I will go. I will blaze the trail, though my grave may only become a stepping stone that younger men may follow." Leaving his wife, who was in ill health, and four daughters in England, C.T. sailed, contrary to medical advice, for the heart of Africa in 1910, where he continued to work until his death in 1931.

It was one of his four daughters whom Elizabeth Elliott, wife of Jim Elliott, the missionary killed by Auca Indians in South America heard on her first date with Jim. Elizabeth says that on that first date, Studd’s daughter told of his death. As he lay on a little cot in Central Africa only a few hours from death, he looked around at his few possessions and said. “I wish I had something to leave to each of you, but I gave it all to Jesus long ago.”

Maybe that’s why when, shortly after 10:30 p.m. on a July day in 1931, C.T. Studd died, the last word he ever spoke was "Hallelujah"!

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