Victory over sin

Faith is a victory  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  58:43
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In the beginning

God created picture inserted Here
God created (Gen1:1-3)
Gen1:1-2 “1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.”
Gen1:3 “3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.”
God created man (Gen1:27)
Gen1:27 “27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
Thereafter sin entered the world through deception (Gen3:4-5)
Gen3:4-5 “4 The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die! 5 “For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.””
But even before God created, before sin entered the world God had a way of victory for His greatest creation, man. That is what this series is all about.
Our series passage:
1 John 5:4–5 ESV
4 For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 5 Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
Last week
Faith that overcomes (Act8:37; Jn14:6-7, 6:68-69)
Strong conviction and trust in Jesus
Why? Because He is the Son of God (Ac8:37)
He is the way (Jn14:6-7)
He gives eternal life (Jn6:68-69)
A strong conviction and trust come by (Rom10:17; Jn20:30-31)
Rom10:17 “17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”
Jn20:30-31 “30 Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.”
World overcoming faith through Jesus is overcoming such things as:
Anxiety, Depression, Despair, discontentment, fear, grief, boredom, and loneliness
Aim: the aim of this series is to show victorious overcoming through faith in Christ Jesus.
This morning before getting to the other items mentioned for this series we need to address the sin problem and how to have victory over sin.
Is there a sin problem today? Do we take sin seriously? Is sin as grievous today as it was in the bible days?
sin can be the cause, or underlying factor on why we face many things today that we need God to help us to have victory to help us overcome.
The sin problem (Isa59:1-2; 1Pt3:12)
Isaiah 59:1–2 NASB95
1 Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short That it cannot save; Nor is His ear so dull That it cannot hear. 2 But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.
And look at
1 Peter 3:12 NASB95
12 For the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, And His ears attend to their prayer, But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
So, believe it or not, only two-points this morning.
The sin problem
Overcoming faith that gives victory over sin

The Sin problem

The worlds view of sin, if even acknowledged and even within the church to an extent has been minimized. We need to look at it the way God does.
There is the guilt of sin (Rom3:23; Jm2:10)
Guilt of sin picture inserted here
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (re: Rom3:3)
One sin, means it is like you have sinned in all (re: Jm2:10)
Sin is horrible, sin is grievous, sin separates us, why? Because God is holy. Man today has forgotten the holiness of God and the grievousness of sin.
There is legal guilt (1Jn3:4; Rom6:23; ref. Rev21:8)
Legal guilt means that you have broken God’s law, God’s written law, or God’s moral law. There is a violation. God holds us accountable
1Jn3:4 “4 Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.”
Rom6:23 “23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
(ref. Rev21:8) Cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murders, immoral, sorcerer, idolaters and all liars, well they will be in the lake of fire.
Then there is emotional guilt(1Tim4:2)
Emotional guilt can also equate to ones guilty conscience.
when we have done wrong and we know it, we feel guilty
Then we have a guilty conscience and that brings emotional guilt.
This can even become a seared conscience if not addressed.
1tim4:2 “2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron,”
Our seared conscience brings that we do not feel emotional guilt, but the legal guilt still remains. And when that happens there is no request for forgiveness of sins.
Unforgiveness of sins, God still holds you accountable and will judge you (Jn12:48; Act17:30-31; Isa59:1-2; 1Pt3:12 and Isa57:17-19)
Reject Jesus and His words and you will be judged (re: Jn12:48)
Why? Because the time of ignorance is done, God wants all men, everywhere to repent (re: Act17:30-31)
Your sins separate you from God (re: Isa59:1-2)
The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, in other words, dwell, live in sin (re: 1Pt3:12)
Now time to give you a scripture not just reference one and summarize one.
Isaiah 57:17 NASB95
17 “Because of the iniquity of his unjust gain I was angry and struck him; I hid My face and was angry, And he went on turning away, in the way of his heart.
Isaiah 57:18 NASB95
18 “I have seen his ways, but I will heal him; I will lead him and restore comfort to him and to his mourners,
Isaiah 57:19 NASB95
19 Creating the praise of the lips. Peace, peace to him who is far and to him who is near,” Says the Lord, “and I will heal him.”
Pretty hard isn’t it? That is what sin, evil does. It cannot be taken lightly. It is grievous.
The power of sin picture inserted here
Then, there is the power of sin(Jn8:31-34; Rom7:14-24)
Jesus describes the enslavement of sin and being set free from the bondage to sins (re: Jn8:31-34)
Paul describes the power of sin, I recommend reading the passage (re: Rom7:14-24) but here are some highlights from it.
Sold under sin (7:14)
Cold not do what he wanted, and did what he did not want to do (7:15)
Sin dwells in me (7:17, 20)
Don’t know how to do good, perform good (7:18)
Taken into captivity by the law of sin (7:17)
Romans 7:24 NASB95
24 Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?
To have, maintain victory over sin we need to know there is a sin problem, just like the alcoholic or the drug addict can’t get lasting help, true freedom until they admit there is a problem and they are powerless to fix it. When we try to take care of the sin problem ourselves we can’t we need God, His amazing gift, abounding mercy through the blood of Jesus Christ to truly have lasting, eternal victory.
It is by faith in Jesus we can have lasting victory over sin. Have the power to walk victoriously daily.

Faith in Jesus overcomes sin

The word is great it brings knowledge. And that knowledge can bring wisdom when it is applied. It is alive and sharp and needs to be put into action. It is put into action by our faith. Our faith overcomes sin and we can walk victoriously.
I have referenced a lot of scripture this morning, but not put them up on the screen, well that is about to change since this is the application section.
Providing forgiveness of sin
Remission as promised to those who believe (Act10:43)
Acts 10:43 NASB95
43 “Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins.”
Made possible by the shedding of Jesus blood (Eph1:7-8)
Ephesians 1:7–8 NASB95
7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight
Resulting in Jesus being God’s acceptable sacrifice (1Jn2:2)
Just to keep in context
1 John 1:9–10 NASB95
9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.
1 John 2:1–2 NASB95
1 My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; 2 and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.
Being God’s acceptable sacrifice and we receive by faith we are justified (Rom5:9)
Romans 5:9 NASB95
9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.
Our justification, with no condemnation comes with our repentance and baptism (Act2:38, 3:19)
Acts 2:38 NASB95
38 Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
and add
Acts 3:19 NASB95
19 “Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;
May we then continue to repent, confess in pur prayer life (1Jn1:9)
I read this verse a minute ago, but i want this to really sink in.
1 John 1:9 NLT
9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
Remember that sin and the guilt of sin, is knowable on legal and emotional grounds aw we discussed earlier.
But wait, there is more about what our faith in Jesus Christ can do.
By providing power to overcome, have victory over sin
Freedom as Paul says (Rom6:6-7)
Romans 6:6–7 NASB95
6 knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; 7 for he who has died is freed from sin.
Power we can know its origin (Rom8:1-2 ref, 12-13)
Rom8:1-2 “1 Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.”
Romans 8:12–13 NASB95
12 So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh— 13 for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
With Spirits power through God’s help we overcome from inside out (Eph3:16. 20-21)
Ephesians 3:16 NASB95
16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man,
oh I have to jump down just a few verses!
Ephesians 3:20–21 NASB95
20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, 21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.
Given, confirmed and conveyed by Jesus and the apostles (Jn7:37-39; Act2:38-39; Act5:32, Gal3:26-27, 5:16)
John 7:37–38 NASB95
37 Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. 38 “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ ”
John 7:39 NASB95
39 But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.
We know the how, repentance and baptism in Act2:38, and the who, the believers and everyone else in family who comes to believe.
Paul says this to the Galatians
Galatians 3:26–27 NASB95
26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
This is the way, this is the truth in which we should know, in which we should believe, in which we should obey and have victory, overcoming victory over sin.
Faith is a victory picture inserted here (Invitation)
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