Hosting The Presence (6)

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Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be STRONG in the Lord and in the STRENGTH of His MIGHT!
In God’s infinite wisdom, He has chosen to manifest His Presence on earth through those who choose to become followers of Jesus Christ!
As a Container of His Presence, we also become a Carrier of His Presence, and we carry God’s Presence into every circumstance we encounter!
And the life we live as followers of Jesus Christ is a life that is described with several metaphors in the Bible. Perhaps the strongest metaphor used to describe us is that of SOLDIERS in the Lord’s army!
We are called by God to be Worshipers, Warriors and Witnesses! Today, I want to share with you an exhortation related to BEING STRONG IN THE LORD!
I. Our STRENGTH must be ACTIVATED personally!
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be STRONG in the Lord and in the STRENGTH of His MIGHT!
As soldiers engaged in warfare against powerful enemies, we have been given strength for our victory over these powerful enemies.
This STRENGTH must be ACTIVATED on a daily basis by us PERSONALLY!
There are three powerful truths we can glean by examining three specific words in this verse:
First, Notice the word STRONG: This is the Greek word dunatos and it means to be enabled with power or to become enabled with power.
This same word is also translated clothed in Luke 24:49 but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high
Now let’s look at the word Be Strong (dunatos), again and see what we might glean from it today:
Finally, you yourself enable yourself with power by activating the Holy Spirit inside of you by inviting the Holy Spirit to come upon you with Power from on high!
Let’s remember, the Holy Spirit inside of you is for your benefit, but the Holy Spirit upon you is for the benefit of others!
Second, notice the word STRENGTH: This is a different word than dunatos, it is the word kratos and it means manifested power to rule with authority!
When the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us and we activate His strength personally . . .
. . . we are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit continuously . . .
. . . which is what we also call being anointed with the Holy Spirit!
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, become enabled with power in the Lord and in the manifested power to rule with authority . . .
Third, notice the word MIGHT: This is not the word dunatos, it is not the word kratos, but it is the word dunamis.
Finally, be STRONG in the Lord, and in the STRENGTH of of His MIGHT . . .
The word dunamis refers to the capacity to effect something through the authority . . .
. . . and or assignment given to you by the One with the authority to delegate it to you!
Notice the order of these three exhortation: First, be STRONG in the Lord. This strength comes to dwell in you when you are first saved . . .
. . . Second, and in the STRENGTH of . . . this kratos manifests its power when we are filled with the Holy Spirit
. . . Third, after we become STRONG in the Lord and then experience His STRENGTH, we can manifest His MIGHT (dunamis)!
. . . This MIGHT is the capacity (power), to change, to effect, to alter the outcome and or to defeat the enemy that challenges your victory, testimony, family and or destiny!
. . . But in order to be STRONG in the Lord, and in His STRENGTH of His MIGHT . . . This STRENGTH must be ACTIVATED by us PERSONALLY!
Ephesians 4:20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the POWER (dunamis), that works within us!
Colossians 1:29 For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His POWER, which MIGHTILY works within me
Notice a powerful truth revealed in three English words in this verse: the word translated Power is dunamis, the word translated Mightily is dunamis and the word translated works is ener-geo!
Which being interpreted means the capacity (dunamis) to effect change is energized from within us when it is activated by us personally!
II. Our STRUGGLE must be IDENTIFIED correctly!
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against . . .
There have been many spiritual soldiers defeated on the spiritual battlefield because they did not understand the severity of the struggle . . .
The word that is translated STRUGGLE is a Greek word that means a person to person conflict that continues until a loser has been identified through surrender!
When two men “wrestled” with each other in a “wrestling match” it was understood that surrender meant having your eyes gouged out and thumbs cut off.
For the rest of his life, everyone knew that he had been defeated in combat and he was branded as a loser for the rest of his days on earth!
There are times we know we are engaged in an intense struggle, and maybe we didn’t know the Christian life would involve such a struggle . . .
. . . and there are other times we know we are in a fierce battle, but we fail to correctly identify the enemy that is attacking us!
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood . . .
When we are engaged in this warfare, our true enemy wants me to think it is black against white—male against female—Jew against Gentile . . .
. . . but our enemy is not identified for us in that way, notice who the apostle Paul says our struggle is against
Ephesians 6:12 . . . but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places
RULERS= a group of spiritual leaders, organized by rank and jurisdiction
POWERS= this is the word ex-ou-sia and refers to demons placed by their rulers over territories with delegated authority to complete the orders they have received
Luke 4:36 Amazement came upon them all, and they . . . said “What is this message?
For with Authority (ex-ou-sias), and Power (dunamis), He commands the unclean spirits and they come out!”
WORLD FORCES of this darkness= kosmo-kratoras, princes of this age, with the intention to control, without having legal status
What or who do you really think is behind the COVID-19 pandemic?
It most likely originated from a lab leak in China, but we need to understand there are world forces of darkness
. . . assigned over territorial regions with the intention of advancing the agenda of Satan’s kingdom!
SPIRITUAL FORCES of wickedness= highly destructive forces of evil with an agenda of wickedness!
For example: God is not the author of confusion—so who do you think is behind the gender re-identification movement?
Beloved, we are in an intense struggle, against spiritual beings who are committed to our destruction and they will engage in a warfare against us until surrender is accomplished . . .
So, what must we do to not only defeat our enemies, but to experience our victory on a daily basis?
III. Our STANCE must be DEMONSTRATED intentionally!
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be STRONG in the Lord and in the strength of His MIGHT . . .
Ephesians 6:11 . . . so that you will be able too stand firm 13 . . . and having done everything to stand firm 14 stand firm . . .
The time will come when every disciple of Jesus will have to take their stand against the schemes of the devil and his demons.
We in a sense, draw a line in the sand, plant both feet on the line, and declare that we will not retreat from this stance . . .
but we will move forward in the Strength of His Might and having done everything else, we stand firm . . .
In closing, there is one final truth to embrace . . .
Ephesians 6:11 Put on the full armor of God, SO THAT you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil
When we realize the Christian life is a battlefield more than a playground, and that we need to stand firm against the schemes of the devil . . .
We need to be introduced to our full armor for our warfare!
What is the full armor of God and what happens if we fail to utilize the full armor in our warfare?
Over the years, I experienced great benefit to dressing myself in a specific order or sequence that makes sense to me, but you may benefit by using a different order, but here is the way I dress myself for battle:
The Helmet of Salvation = This part of our armor protects our mind and it refers to having the mind of Christ
6:17 And take the helmet of salvation . . .
I know that I was born again on October 21st, 1980 and as a result of being born again, I have the capacity to think with the Mind of Christ, so today I put on the helmet of salvation and protect my mind, my thoughts with the helmet of salvation.
The Breastplate of Righteousness = This part of our armor protects our heart and or emotions and it refers to the Righteousness of Christ that has been imputed into our account
6:14 . . . and having put on the breastplate of righteousness
As a result of my salvation, I received the righteousness of Christ, I confess that I have no righteousness of my own, but I have been made 100% righteous in Christ Jesus! I have been made worthy through the blood of the Lamb and I am accepted in the Beloved!
The Shoes of Peace = This part of our armor enables us to stand firm in the Shalom, Peace of God that passes all understanding! When we receive salvation and experience the Righteousness of Christ, we are prepared to announce the Gospel (Good News), of Peace!
6:15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace!
As a result of my salvation and being declared righteous, in right standing with God, I also have received the Good News of Peace!
I have peace that passes all comprehension because I know the Prince of Peace, and now I am prepared with the helmet of salvation and . . .
. . . the breastplate of righteousness, to put on the shoes of peace and declare I have made Peace with God through the Cross of Jesus Christ!
The Belt of Truth = This part of our armor enables us to stand firm against the schemes of the devil who is a liar and seeks to twist the truth in our mind and heart!
6:14 . . . having girded your loins with truth
I gird myself with the Truth and I choose to walk in the Truth. I will not be tripped up by the schemes of the devil,
I take every thought captive and measure them by the Truth of God’s word and Spirit! I will not be deceived by any schemes of the wicked one!
The Shield of Faith = I declare today that whatever is not of faith is sin! The devil knows that without faith I cannot please God, so I take up my offensive weapon of FAITH today!
6:16 in addition to all, take up the shield of faith . . .
As I take my firm stand in the strength of His might, I demonstrate my power and authority by raising up the Shield of Faith.
As the enemy shoots flaming arrows toward my mind, and my heart, trying to steal my peace, I resist him with the shield of faith!
In addition to the shield of faith, I also lift up . . .
The Sword of the Spirit =
6:17 . . . and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God
The sword of the Spirit is the Rhema word that God has spoken into me and will speak into me as I go forward in His strength!
My faith comes through hearing and hearing comes through the Rhema words from God!
I boldly declare and decree the Rhema words from God and I swing the sword of the Spirit to cancel the accusations and deceptions of the wicked one!
Many people only dress themselves with six pieces of the armor of God: the Helmet of Salvation, Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of Peace, Belt of Truth, Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit . . .
. . . but there is one other piece of armor that is necessary to be equipped with the FULL armor of God:
Praying in the Spirit = This is the seventh piece of armor that completes the full of armor of God. It is praying that originates with God’s Spirit and flows through our spirit
6:18 With all prayer, and petition, pray at all times, in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance,
Notice the wording in this verse: With ALL prayer, and petition, pray at all times, in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance,
What does it mean “With ALL prayer and petition?” I believe it means praying with the mind and praying with the spirit!
I think most of us understand what it means to pray with the mind, and we know what most of the benefits of praying with the mind are . . .
. . . but not as many are as familiar with the benefits of Praying with the Spirit. I want to establish three benefits for you today in closing:
Praying with the spirit:
1 Cor 14:2 For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God
When we pray with the mind, it often times is beneficial to those who are able to hear us when we pray. Tragically, there are many times when people who pray with their minds are primarily interested in what people who hear them praying thinks about it,. . .
. . . but that is another issue for another time. The Apostle Paul says that it is best when we are gathered in public arenas for worship, to pray with the mind, because ungifted or unbelievers do not know what we are saying . . .
. . . and they do not derive any direct benefit from praying with the Spirit. They won’t even know when you say AMEN if you pray in the Spirit (lol)!
But when we pray with the Spirit, we are not talking to men we are talking directly to God! Praying with the Spirit establishes such a joyful connection between the Believer and God that it is a miracle experience.
Nehemiah tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength, and when we pray with the Spirit, we are so intimately connected with the Father through the Spirit that the JOY of the LORD begins to STRENGTHEN us inwardly and then outwardly!
Notice what the Apostle Paul says happens when we pray with the Spirit:
Romans 8:16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit . . .
When we are praying with the Spirit, the Holy Spirit TESTIFIES with our human spirit, this means to give a witness to, it means to speak face to face with . . .
. . . it means to confirm, assure and or affirm the validity of a relationship! When this occurs, a Joyful connection with the Father is established and Prayer is transformed from a DISCIPLINE into a PASSION!
I don’t think Jesus intended for His followers to be known for their joyless DISCIPLINES!
I think He intends for us to be known for our joyful PASSIONS and Praying with the Spirit should be one of our joyful passions that testifies that the Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength!
Praying with the Spirit ESTABLISHES a joyful CONNECTION with God our Father and:
Praying with the spirit:
1 Cor 14:4 One who speaks in a tongue edifies himself
God has given us a spiritual grace that is designed to allow us to BUILD ourselves UP in the Lord our God!
It is just like the devil to take a dynamic connection that is available between the Father and His son or daughter . . .
. . . and put a spirit of fear on this intimate connection that encourages sons and daughters to not pursue this powerful dimension of strengthening yourself in the Lord when your need it the most!
It is just like the devil to put doubt and controversy around this aspect of our relationship with God that sons and daughters do not even pursue connecting with the Father through the Spirit in this dimension!
What did King David do when he was greatly distressed?
1 Samuel 30:6 David was greatly distressed . . . but David strengthened himself in the Lord his God
When we pray with the Spirit, we strengthen ourselves, we build ourselves up in our most Holy Faith!
We have more people who rely upon anti-depressants more than they do praying with the Spirit to function in their daily lives!
I believe that David prayed with the Spirit to encourage himself and I also believe that Hannah prayed with the Spirit when she wanted a son to give to the Lord
and her lips moved but words did not come out, and those who saw her thought she was drunk, but she told him it was not so . . .
. . . she was so connected with God in her spirit that she could pray the will of God and encourage herself in the Lord!
Praying with the Spirit ESTABLISHES and joyful CONNECTION with God our Father, Praying with the Spirit STRENGTHENS you in seasons of DISCOURAGEMENT and:
Praying with the spirit:
C. RELEASES spiritual UNDERSTANDING of mysteries!
1 Cor 4:1 Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God
Every child of God is capable of and responsible for understanding mysteries related to the kingdom of heaven while we are on the earth!
These mysteries will not be revealed to or understood by the human mind, but they will be revealed to and understood by the human spirit!
1 Cor 14:2 no one understands, but in his spirit, he speaks mysteries
When we are praying with the Spirit, our mind does not know or understand what we are praying, but our spirit is speaking mysteries related to the kingdom. God will give you (or someone else), the grace of interpretation whenever our spirit is speaking these mysteries!
There are times when God gives us a spiritual download in our spirit while we sleep or during a vision during the day and then the Holy Spirit will help us in our human weakness to direct us how and what to pray as we should.
Romans 8:26 In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should . . .
Romans 8:27 and He who searches the hearts, knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God
The Holy Spirit is the One who searches our hearts, knows what the mind of God is, because He always intercedes for the saints according to the will of God!
In closing, God is calling us to Be Strong In The Lord and in the Strength of His Might! But Our STRENGTH must be ACTIVATED personally—Our STRUGGLE must be IDENTIFIED correctly—Our STANCE must be DEMONSTRATED intentionally and—Our SUCCESS must be APPROPRIATED daily!
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