They Understood the Consequences of their Sin
5 Reasons The Early Church Grew
They Understood The Consequences Of Their Sin.
#a. Welcome visitors. We here at the Tualatin Valley Church are striving to follow the bible and be the church that we read about in our New Testaments. If you have any questions about what we have done today, or what I am about to preach, please ask me, or any other member here.
b. This morning we are continuing a series of lessons designed to get us to focus on the success of the Early Church. Last week we looked at reason #1- They Believed in the Empty Tomb.
i. We saw that:
1. They had no doubt that the tomb was empty.
2. The empty tomb was the power of the gospel message.
3. They couldn’t stop teaching that the tomb was empty.
ii. Remember the basis of our looking at the early church: The early NT Church experienced explosive growth.
1. Acts 2:41- 3000 souls respond.
2. Acts 4:4- 5000 grows to souls.
3. Acts 5:14- more and more are added
iii. So we continue to ask the questions: “What were they doing to experience this kind of growth?” and “Are we willing to do the same things?”
c. I have identified 5 reasons that I see in the bible that they grew and I want to continue with reason #2 this morning. It is: THE EARLY CHURCH UNDERSTOOD THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR SIN.
a. Sin was a transgression against God.
b. Sin Separated from God.
i. Exodus 32:33-God blotted out those who sinned against him.
ii. Isaiah 59:2- Sins blocked us from the face of God.
iii. Ephesians 2:12-13- Without hope and without God.
c. Old Law taught them what sin was.
d. The teachings of the apostles were consistent in what sin was.
a. Separation- Weeping and gnashing of teeth.
i. Matthew 13:24-30
ii. Matthew 13:47-51
b. Death- the end result of sin.
i. Romans 6:23-Wages of Sin
ii. James 1:15- Sin full grown is Death
iii. Romans 6:16- Slaves of Sin
c. The Early Church was very aware of the cost of sin. Sin equaled death and separation from God. With that information, it had to be removed.
a. Jesus was and is the answer!
i. 2 Corinthians 5:21- Christ was God’s answer to our sin.
ii. 1 Peter 2:22-24- By the wounds of Christ, we are healed!
iii. 1 Peter 3:18- Christ died for our sins.
b. Confession opens the door for the cure.
i. Proverbs 28:13- Mercy is granted to those that renounce sin.
c. Humility was necessary for sins removal.
i. Acts 2:37-38- When convicted of their sin, humility motivated them to action.
ii. Acts 22:16- In spite of all his “religious knowledge” and “political power”, Paul simply humbles himself and obeys the teaching of God.
d. Repentance is a renouncement and a turning away from.
i. Acts 3:19-20- Times of refreshing come from God if we repent.
ii. Repentance and turning to God brought salvation. Jesus was and is the cure for sin.
e. The cure for sin was Jesus Christ and the early church knew that. They understood the need to humbly obey, confess, and repent of their sins and be born into the family of God.
a. The early church grew because there was clear understanding of what sin was.
i. Today, our society likes to make things more ambiguous. They don’t want absolutes. The reason: They don’t want to change!
ii. People understood they were lost, understood the remedy, it made them uncomfortable and motivated them to obey.
iii. Teaching people the same message today will cause the church to grow like it did then. Jesus came to call sinners! (Matt. 9:12)
b. As we said last week, the early Church experienced rapid growth for many reasons.
c. Some we cannot experience again, but others are waiting for us to follow the example.
i. They knew what sin was. SO DO WE!
ii. They knew the cost of remaining in sin. SO CAN WE!
iii. They knew the cure for sin. SO DO WE!
e. Invitation:
i. Our lesson tells us that sin separates from God, but God sent his son with a plan for redemption.
1. Acts 2:38-Repent and be baptized
2. Romans 6:4- Be raised to a new life today!
ii. Confession & Prayers of the family of God are also part of the invitation today.
1. James 5:16- Confess to one another.
2. Stand and sing.