I Will Build My Church
I Will Build My Church
Matthew 16:18
I. Christ is building His church upon the rock.
A. The rock of faith.
B. The rock of confession. Romans 1:16
It is faith and confession in the work and person of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the Rock!
II. Christ is commissioning faithful ones to this duty.
A. Peter laid the first course of bricks upon this foundation.
He was not a pope! He was not some sinless model of perfection!
We have one model and He alone is perfect.
Peter built upon the foundation of Christ when he strengthened his brethren and opened the door for the engrafting of the gentiles.
B. We are appointed to carry on this duty.
1. Each of us as a cog in the wheel moving in perfect synchronization.
2. We must be obedient and expendable.
3. We must seek to please Him that has given us freely all things in Christ.
III. Christ will dismiss those who fail to build. Vs.23
A. Failure that is characterized by independent worldly views rather than God’s.
1. Selfish, self-preserving tendencies that neither enhance nor strengthen the local church.
2. Whining, immature tendencies that produce only anemia in the ranks.
3. Sinful, lustful behavior that leads to hypocrisy in the congregation.
B. Failure that could bring the demise of one or more generations within the church.
For 120 years ASBC has by God’s grace alone remained a landmark in this city. Yet, a close and discerning eye finds differences within the various generations of this church. Some have been more faithful and some less. In some, Christ has built wonderfully through the faithfulness of those that served Him with singleness of mind, while some have only seen decline, erosion, and rebuke!
What are we in 2009?
Where will we be in 10, 20, 30 or more years from now?
What would Christ have us do?