March 5 Morning Service

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John 21. And if we are second in the bone really feeling this morning,

why do people get love at the Dollar Tree that have to call them to be confusing? Recognize that Deborah people look at the neurology a different way. And then try to blame the other one has to various systems and I'll keep looking at the cology, you turn down the difficulty and saw intentionally, don't come to Luke chapter 21 with a freaking mess of pushing an agenda or freezing it a certain way that I actually found your heart. I was going on, but we will not hear different.

Calvin said that if you're not excited about the Lord to return that you've made little advancement to your prison life, if you're not hoping for that, you're not longing for that. My name is Anna Rose. Why? Cuz I wanna try to come back but I want to see my children grow up something like that. That's at Dollar Tree. So I can open that has to want us to your children, who lost their happy lives. We have four leaf clover. We was part of your child, said, they reviewed you love your kids, and you love your spouse, and anything that is keeping us away from a desire to be with the Lord. This year alone, long enough to be addressed. And I will I I called you about the Olivet this Glamour. And then, if you look at them and be lots of books, people will look at Matthew 24 and Martinez Bae. That's the event. This door 21 is not the Olivet discourse and they're only argument is, as they were walking up the Mount of Olives. But if you look at the themes of what they give you. Can, I drop off really a big tree that this is still the same teaching engagement to take away last week with the difficulty of the convention.

Who comes that? We occupy to make a statement like that for when Jesus said in the temple with the apex of the world, can you work at the Messiah? But not the structure, right.

The song. Where in the Bible talk about the Messiah is the descendant of David. And that Jerusalem is a Joseph City of God, and that's all he talked about. The royal couple ideology is that the Jews they presented themselves as thinking that they were talking about that. But within the city walls, everything will be okay.

Carroll Iowa founding and saying things are not going to be okay, you need to send that to the Babylonians, right? And they hated him for it and what happened?

Because then they are mine because they dumb things and they had this historical precedent, the Tabernacle for four or five hundred years for 500 years of management and how they walk out religious worship.

Remind me to contact.

The rapper on the bottom if you come in and sit at the same place. Grizzly was sent over here. I don't have that something in your kids grow up here. You know, you think that you know as far as Corporal work of the Lord Jesus Christ. What does things off at the airport on February? How would you struggle with that?

But I'm just a change things up with who I, right.

I love liturgy. I like the height, Man. By United Way, letter pipe organs, and stuff like that.

Do you have a letter b song?

Our minds are soaked with the laundromat.

Imma give you the three words this morning that you were continuing on weren't under 7 8 and 9 on rue21 and it's in the app and teacher one will these things be and what will be the song on these things are about to take blankets and he said he's going to cry seeing that you are not mad at me. For money will come in my name, saying I am Heat and the time is going to be on tonight. I want to hear it. Ring Wars. And two balls do not be terrified. For these things must take place with the m. Will not be a while giving you my all my will pull in the back of a car and my name being here is navigating through the complexities of the end, necessitate understanding the big picture of complex subject. So this is the direction as far as performance. We're going to talk about you having to Think Through the difficulty of the reference of time, the reference of deception and the reference really a conflict in which we live. So I can when I was looking at the fact that we recognize that there's always been conflict has always been false teaching, we're not looking. So you are always going to do what we got to reorganize and thank you for the reference got enough when I pray that you would help us. I know father that I've done is putting hours, looking at these verses I know father that I just a handful of a minute to think that I can cuddle up in my mind as to be communicated in a way that benefits to those were here about a wreck right at the spirit of God, with a 5-0, in the speaker, in the living room. The first thing that I give you my first appointment alarm of time and contact again. Always interesting, my love, I like looking at the words I speak.

Yeah, I know, I got one. You're looking at that. We are looking at Brighten work. That the Bible says that as you know what the fix. On earth, like it's not always in the right place at the rules.

I remind Domino you before I die young people you're not guaranteed to live in your 40s or 50s and then we're out here in America that you're going to have him come out, right? I mean there's a lot of contingencies I go along with that. So we have to think about the moments and what we do in the moment in the future and tell you how long is Monas, really in our class today, 7 and 9. You bruises that you see. More like that and bourbon. Your word. When will these things be reversed, nine? Your Orbeez in a place for the ad will not be at what are all words that Jesus do.

Maybe that's better.

And then order it. What will be the One of these things are about to take flight.

We're responsible relate to, are we on to the next Generation, the blessings that you and I have had and you might people in the Bible who was down the road right now.

What Jesus said, how cold is going to be rain in the legend goes on, and he talks about the zone is what the relationship of time between the destruction of the temple and the End of the Age. Making a right until you look at this. Damn, because there's a lot of riches.

Did Christians usually post Malone? They look at what you talk about.

Tell me about the closest proximity. The temple will be raised. And then what was 78. She has always at the Congress of Vienna. There is no longer active amount of time between the events.

And so you should never be interested in, but when people telling you, what the price is going to come back because I got people do it all the time.

Why is it? So if you want to come up and ask me what I think the timeframe I'm just letting you know.

Cemetery. And I'll get the syllabus and they would say that you have the right to pay delivery, Altima pull-ups. And you're the one all of that and it's almost like the first week of the week go on because you know that you shouldn't be doing stuff like writing paper.

I remember the first summer class that I took that I plan on this thing off of my mind and I was taking forever.

So, I got some of my information from Wikipedia, very intelligent. Can you roll me a very great and I statement after he brought my paper and it was something along the lines, I really appreciate the fact that you you filled in all the numerical amount at Branson with a level. Where is Conway Arkansas in the young man right now? And then I have, because I didn't have all my resources.

You know, I do a lot of people do with, we just kind of hold off until the very end, then we think that things are going to work out like that your homework done.

Thank you for your appointment to see if he's going to come back. If he was coming back down here from now, you were spent nine years at Cedar Point.

I got a new song and then the truth would be about a month before Christ.

We've been home. Because of the information that we know what has more profitable or do you have to be empty, that you got to be ready the day that I should always be faithful to him.

7-Eleven app. America's we don't like the repair. We don't like looking forward to looking. And those are the things that we

if you can't manage your kind, you can't manage me.

So, you get off, you don't have to be like, John Wesley. Wesley would write out. He would project what he was doing the next day, down to 15, minute increments

I'll have to visit my Nessa. We have to manage our time. We have to understand what is going on. Matthew Henry, he was a non-conformist English minister. Is that it is in our nature to Austin, do you know who's your things? We are more concerned to ask what is our duty as a prospect of those things and how we may prepare for them. And so

The whole chapter of Luke chapter 21 is using these, these trying to help him because I want you to know that if you're coming into town, we should be doing all of the right now.

Beyond are angry like unto the Lord. If you were busy really about the Master's business and contact, what can I get away with until I start to get Syria wrong, way to look at the Lord's, return for the knee.

He said he's on his way or not.

running will come in my name, saying that I am Benato is the Greek word for busy, right? When I get to do on Sunday.

These are the actions taking place on the subject. It would be, this says, maybe that you are not deceived. It means that the deception is this world, once we stuff to people like you. And I I thought we would like to be considered ourselves and what kind of smart about things but you live in a world that is nothing but deceptive and multiple.

Maybe some years ago, you got emails from Saudi Prince.

I don't have a large amount of money, a light Fury up or something, right?

yeah, a couple years ago, there was a new one that was blowing out and always terrified because people with homeless with Social Security Administration,


You know, and I know what the Social Security office, ask me for my social security.

I feel compelled to tell you cuz I don't want to lose you.

Obama computer in my office and someone from India contact would be on my computer and said, that your computer is under attack in an hour.

I don't know what malware is but you don't want, right? And so if your hurry up so we can get on your laptop. And I did it. I did it. Then all of a sudden someone on the other end of the world, who didn't care about my computer, all these things popping up and I'm like, you know, but is always there.

I can tell you, I'm hopefully it's not good for you that you cannot see. Gmail.

I'm telling you that you cannot trust the news anchors, I'm just letting you know about that.

I want to show last night, I roll, go to the rain tonight. I was getting a little tired, Patton's Army will just pull lose right there are fine. They are flying planes of the English Channel dropping aluminum foil down then find a day that, that we we in

Coming in that, the main attack was going to be at the Cowley. Not normally, there was an actor and he passed away here for 13 hours.

A man can do anything good. Is that lead Master being the signal to other people?

Remastered, we might not come out and be liners, but we might practice flattery. He might be speaking to people and Hannah play transparent 100% from one person to another. Remember when I was working today and if we find it uncomfortable, like the Broncos were right about now and they're going to tell you something that you need to understand. Operation is a man at Seminary told another person that he had a bad dress, right?

I was so happy.

I thought you were happy that he told me that you said anybody.

How much do we really appreciate on a transparency?

I'm just saying that we maximize our government. Is never going to tell you what is really going on. Bunker Hill. Stop being pessimistic.

We can handle having people show up at her house because

people can handle receiving letters from Saudi Arabia from some threats. If you don't watch out the spiritual deception in this world,

Not good as the physical world that you remember your weapon is that easily happen to have the Unseen World that you've never experienced. Maybe some of you have What is the song written for? Becca from day one. 470, and they hate the people of God.

A video. When I got first. Save you were talking to Chris Rock, talking about the door company, that is the mark of the beast Bible Revelation.

Peppers and sunset. I'll tell people what I need to say for that. My heart will be completely different. It's not going to be like that. it's not going to be like,

You might not have gone to already remember that my own and 1 Kings chapter 22 in and that's where you at 8 have that you had Jehoshaphat and allowed him to do that.

God is over.

The problem is, is that what we do that you're right, that I just called both of you are in a world that not only does he mad at me, but you live in the context of this world that you can figure out because even possible the Christian churches.

7 over and over. You see that Jesus said be nice to see and I'm working brings out this idea that many will come in my name.

If someone shows up, but they going to be the Lord Jesus Christ.

got to guard against that we live in an age of a Seduction That We recognize that spiritual deception, is the academy sports and they have now, And on top of that, I mean and Evangelical Christianity, that are downright.

the people find their personalities and

Steven furtick.

Don't hold me is a liar.

The announcement said.

Fifty thousand people a Sony logo. Listen to the number. Feel better about yourself.

So, when you going to Christy Adams, If you have people who are holding the word of God, because they're going to do whatever they want to be. Or soap, or in the name of a minister of the Gospel.

The only thing that, you know, the only thing that you can hold on to it is what the word of God has to say as it was intended for you to read.

Funny videos about the word of God, even if he's been faithful.

You should never hear in the context of a sperm has. Someone telling you, I will teach you something new today.

Ryan. David masterbauting and everything. If not all of these things is not heating new things that are out there.

When do things come out.

A prayer that you can pray that actually increases your wealth and it's a property inspection overnight.

Damn, these things are happening up the speakers.

I saw that in the context of the stuff is my last one. You could present some peeps, will you here at work.

Not a lot of things, aren't they?

In our culture.

We would do people with nine with their 10 night View. My other things aren't in the Philippines. Can take it all the way back against the shopping for a last-ditch effort to work.

We've mastered the secret master conflict. Can't get along with the Masons, can't get along with other nations, we Master The Art of War.

William Duran who brought this in his book lessons of History. Warriors, win the confidence of human history. It has not been at the civilization when I receive in the last.

What is the most expensive for your soul? It's only been to Modern and 68 years. War of the Worlds. Recorded.

Think about all that has happened in our lifetime, all the comic books have been gone, then. Have a Bless America apart from the excessive loss of life Burns, Civil War for the attack on December 7th 1940, 1:21 p.m.

Flying flying over. Advancing frame military army on our soil.

I think about what's going on after you die. I'm not being pessimistic but I'm coming all the time and always

Someone to fear is not Bhai.

Looking for someone to find blank of the United States all around the world. But things are going on that completely under our nose in a bottle of us. And we don't want to admit it and I probably don't need her considered because it in the more That's the difference.

The Walmart in Manteca.

At 11:50, remind us of stuff like that. The problem when it comes to eschatology, especially for Americans is over the things that we affirm because of our experiences play Christ, has to be coming that because it's getting really bad. I think I said this last week, That is just exposing yourself that you're not thinking, like a pretty difficult warrant or a normal car are bananas because the nature of technology and things like that. And their horrendous, but they're natural. So you can sell it. Start crying because of armies and stuff like that at the word coming back because it didn't finish is the soccer place for the Christian. Do I put movie in Google on the North Korea or Russia or China or 15 years ago?

artist name is like, before we lose our

but a geopolitical novel that song saying that's why

am I simply allowed at myself for like other people or something? Every last week when I told you that you bring will not be the same as it was two years ago for these Florida razor. When is the Great Plains?

Hey, Martha bottom. But there's a perception that we have. The deception that, that Warriors, really, the odd things not, it's not the norm, it really is the norm. Let me give you some Tramadol conclusions about the context of time that Christ is present and control of all the human events as they unfold. But there is any true that everything that happens has been determined by God, we will talk about the end. We talked about that many times before but he knew exactly what was together. You be thinking about the imminence of his return. So you're responsible in a contact

In light of all of these things. If you know they had a Matthew Henry said, they need to be done what must I do to be prepared for the gas

The sermon we have been given you have been given the word of God.

You have not been given everything that you want to know.

this walk is not in heaven, if you answer all of your questions, The boy has been given to you as a collection, a lot of worry of 66 smaller book to give you what you need to know for dating to this. Why and how to live a life that I want to remove the Lord Jesus Christ.

I'm literally.

And you are on top of that, the complexities of government for the paucity of it.

Jesus said not all things in the fire.

And I will get into a policy that the yeah, but they didn't throw peas before the fall. Was there for the nature of you will not here today.

Your fault, you've inherited the negative out of the meeting because of their said he was even disobedient. She was the other stuff. You were being abused before? All what can he do to you? When I was very little.

Can you call Norfolk Wire? About our noses in the word of God, understanding the expectations of how God expect you to live there.

We are at.

Long. Do we got a balance normality of life into our circumstances. We have to be thinking about how we as a picture.

The goal of going to be a success. It's not.

I don't know.

The Golden Basket on, if you go through all the difficulties, because Christ is coming back to set things to, right? Go through all the difficulties in the way.

And not to be concerned even though we hate you are we late fees meeting for a while and things like that? Turn Down for What John Calvin said. He said the board or not Kindle accidentally or by arrangement of none but by the command of God,

You can't give me the Old Testament. Isaiah And recognize I got a raise as many other nations.

It looks after you Siri and he raises up people like sideways by name called him by name as a server. I need the number for a little bit.

So is that okay? If I hear a lot of what you're saying, I understand a lot of it and so does the simplify think after what you're saying is that the world can be exponentially worse than it is today?

I thought about the loud house. At the end, on all the things that we think are mad. Are going to be eaten. Only now the mountain disaster, the terrorist attack, things like that, you should interpret each and every one of those so-called what happens. 45000. People were killed from the Earth.

Don't forget to go out and get recognized that the brevity of my life. A possibility that something that happened in our area of the world that has the benefit. Your soul by putting yourself in the context of natural disasters.

Things are different in. This is a difficult thing of what we do with difficult things happen in our lives, we could close the god until the crisis is over.

Do the crisis has all the weed, man at our crisis by using. For our own ends. That is a horrible sin, not of the World book of Christians,

Define now that you've been stricken with cancer. So you start coming to church and read the Bible, the needle in remission and then he go to the

Are The Towers in New York City. Go down Everyone by splack and turtles are cool.

We have to manage our crisis in the lab as ugly as they are somehow finding Ben Oh, my personal holding us in for my determination, that I'm going to use my opportunities.

I'm not saying you should do this. I'm saying you need to do it now.

And I need to become a pattern in Hawaii.

I don't have a right even if we consider this an event this morning, but clean from one person after another It's like a hammer than a male.

There's no wavering in the words of Our Lord. speaking of things, having a father 2000 years ago that have yet to happen,

How can Jesus be the God of all all things and not know? The eschaton author of the end of this age.

that we're not going to see him back on throughout its Rockies versus instead, talked about if your answers in advance now, because he poured all those events would because he's bringing them

Not wanting us to be deceived because we live in a world that the second not wanting us father to be downcast because we live in a world of war and that we live in.

Remember the last month? Don't know the last time on that way. Father, that we've had that we haven't had some mass shooting or so, senseless taking of life. Add an awesome. I don't need to know more of a Porsche, that is a death of made of the Young born for year.

And your father were dumb.

Remind me that my father was believed that there was a second that that has committed Humanity, if they're not born again.

I remember father in The Book of John in the, we talked about how the jungle chapter two, that in the contract amount that he was looked at life, there was more to life than this. Like, there's more to definition. we're going to turn away business for all of humanity that we need to be prepared for and the motives of my father of what do not me. We throw all line existed, a few months more than other people. Hot Wheels Auto Repair in live as Believers in a world of following falling apart Recognize also Lord, that there are going to be good thing. A people father, who are desensitized to the gospel, father will be awakened. To the fact that

People have some poor father to be crying out and opportunities for the people of God were on the earth at that time are going to be traveling for them to live out their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

It's exciting and demoralizing at the same time. Ramon trigen combat, my mom will be with the Lord, be recognized only father, the difficulties of managing the Christianity, because we live in a world in anticipating a savior that we've never seen. I got father, that's more true than what we can experience with arson. Everything about the world in which we Enjoy life. When you go off into the gratify on Northwest, but everything in the word of God tells us.

We want our children to be happening. We want them to experience wonderful things, and not father were stewards of their

We're stewards of our children teaching them tonight.

Play the things that we value, the father on Sunday morning, be things are Valium Monday. Through Saturdays at, well met our ideals, Parallel heavenly father with our room. I pray for our Lord, that we would be. In light of all of these things we do recognize father with certainty and things are not going to pass. And I pray that you will give us a straightener resolved resolved by my father, to live our life, and our lives with one another, in the context of the local church by desire. Father, to look at who we are as a small community of Believers. And what we can do to maximize our effort, For the Salvation of as many Souls as we possibly can do to be responsible with a three bedroom. I pray, father for women, hard floor. It would break them but they would come pick him up a raper, backslidden hard for the Lord that you would stand there, their heart look like

What about her father to be close to a boat. Upper Merion number, for parenting, help young children, fathers and grow up to, to come to understand the difficulties of living like this week. Prayer.

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