03.05.23 Evening - Baptist Catechism Q15

Baptist Catechism  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  46:17
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Covenant Reformed Baptist Church meets at 10:30 am Sunday mornings and 6:00 pm the first Sunday of every month at 1501 Grandview Ave, Portsmouth, OH 45662.

Good evening. •We are continuing our study of the Baptist Catechism. •Tonight we are going to consider Question 15. •And that question is “What are God’s works of providence?” Go back in time with me a few months in our study of the Catechism: •Question 11 told us that, from eternity, God has decreed all things that come pass. •Every single thing that happens, happens because God ordained that it would happen in eternity past. •Nothing is beyond God. Nothing happens apart from His eternal decree. So then, LITERALLY EVERYTHING has been foreordained by God. Then in Question 12, the Catechism asked, How does God execute His decrees? •The Answer: God executes His decrees in the works of creation and providence. •So, God decreed all that comes to pass. And then He executes, or BRINGS ABOUT, what He has decreed. •The decree is an act in God, where He ordains all that will happen. But the execution of His decree is God ACTING in His infinite power and wisdom and holiness to bring that decree to pass. •Just think about it: In order to bring His decree to pass, He must create, for there was nothing in existence apart from Him when He decreed. But He decreed that the world would exist. So He made it. He executed His decree. •So we then looked at Questions 13 and 14 that had to do with God’s creation of the world and mankind in particular. And now we come to the second aspect of how God executes His decrees: Providence. •That’s what our question tonight has to do with: What are God’s works of providence? •Here is a summary answer in my own words: God’s works of providence are God’s sovereign ruling over literally everything in the universe. •God’s providence is His working within His creation to bring to pass all that He has decreed. •And, since His decree is exhaustive and extends to literally everything and all that comes to pass, God’s providence then extends to literally every creature and every action and every single thing in the world. •God’s works of providence are, simply put, His control and reign over all things in time and eternity to bring to pass all His holy will for His creation. •A simple phrase to remember: God governs all His creatures and all their actions. •That is divine providence. That is God’s work of providence. So then, tonight we will consider the fact that God controls everything. •Not only has God decreed all things that come to pass, but He works in His world to bring it all to pass. •AND HE REIGNS OVER ALL. He is King of all. •God is not idle. He is constantly at work bringing to pass His will for His world. NOTE: I want to say something before we go any further: •This sermon will raise questions for some. •If God is governing all things, that includes the actions of all men and angels. And that includes even the sinful actions of all men and angels. •So some will ask, “How does that fit with man’s responsibility for sin? And how does that fit with man’s freely acting in history?” •It is not within the scope of this sermon to answer such questions this evening. Though, those are legitimate questions to ask and I would love to talk with you if you have them. But for this evening, let it be enough to say this: •God’s Word reveals, as we will see, that He governs all things, even the sinful actions of men. •AND YET, He also reveals that man acts freely in all that he does. People really do what they really want to do in their hearts. •And God has also revealed that He holds man responsible for all his sins and that God does not make anyone sin. Remember Acts 2:23 and 4:27-28. Those verses will serve as an anchor for you, even if you can’t get to the bottom of it all. (None of us can.) •Peter says, “…this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.” •And the believers prayed, “…for truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place.” •Those texts affirm that sinful men willingly and gladly killed the Lord Jesus Christ. •Man is really responsible for his own actions because man really wanted to commit them. •And yet, God had planned, purposed, and brought to pass the death of the Lord Jesus. •God ruled over and governed the crucifixion of Jesus in order to save sinners. •We simply must accept all of the biblical data: God reigns over all actions of sinful men. And sinful men really want to commit them. And sinful men are really responsible for what they’ve done. •We must accept all of those things to be true at the same time because God has plainly and clearly said that they are all true at the same time. •Even if we can’t fathom it or reconcile it all in our finite human minds, that does not change the truth that God has revealed in Scripture. •We must simply deal with it and believe what the holy God, who never lies, has told us. So then, the sermon this evening will be dealing with God’s works of providence. •Our big theme is this: God controls it all. There are no accidents. God rules His creation and all that happens. •God is never far away. God is always at work. And He is at work to bring His holy will to pass. •Brothers and sisters, YOUR GOD REIGNS. Now, with all that said, I will pray for God’s blessing on the preaching of His Word. •And then we will dive into our catechism question for this evening. (PRAY) Our Heavenly Father, Thank you for another opportunity to gather on the Sabbath with your People to worship you. We ask now that you would humble our hearts and make us receptive to your truth by the powerful working of your Holy Spirit. Open our eyes to the Scriptures and cause us to behold wonderful things in your Law. Grant us faith to believe what you have revealed. And to rejoice in the truth that you alone are God, and you reign over all things. Sanctify us in your truth. Your Word is truth. We ask these things in Jesus’ Name and for His sake. Amen. Our Question for this evening. I ask that you would read the Answer with me: •Q. What are God’s works of providence? •A. God’s works of providence are His most holy, wise, and powerful preserving, and governing all His creatures, and all their actions. •(Let’s do that again.) 1.) Our catechism flatly affirms that God controls all things. He preserves and governs ALL His creatures and ALL their actions. •This is totally exhaustive. If it has been created, then it is preserved and governed, it is kept in existence and ruled over by God. •And since God has made all things that exist, and He Himself is the only uncreated Being, then He preserves and governs literally everything in the universe. •He determines when something comes into being and when it passes away. (HE PRESERVES.) •And while something exists, it does exactly as God desires it to do. (HE GOVERNS.) •The big idea being affirmed here is that the entire creation is dependent upon God and is directed in all things according to His will. So let’s consider God’s Providence IN GENERAL. •What does the Scripture say about this? •Well, it is very broad. There are sweeping declarations in Scripture about God’s universal rule. •Psalm 103:19 says, “The LORD has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all.” •God’s kingdom rules over all. That is, God is the King over all the world. His governance is universal. •Nothing is left out here. I don’t mean to insult your intelligence, but if God’s kingdom rules over all, then there is nothing anywhere outside of God’s dominion. And this extends, then, to all realms. •As Psalm 135:6 says, “Whatever the LORD pleases, He does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps.” •God reigns in heaven and on earth. •Divine providence extends much further than just the world around us. It extends to the heavenly realm. •And it extends to all deeps. Even the deepest depths of Hell and the Pit. •Our God reigns over all realms. He does whatever He pleases. And He does so EVERYWHERE. And He rules over all creatures not only in sovereign authority but also in the preservation of all things. •Hebrews 1:3 says of God the Son, and it applies to every Person in the Trinity as well, “…He upholds the universe by the word of His power…” •You ever considered that? The universe continues to exist because God wills it. He upholds it. •And if God ever ceased to uphold the world, it would cease to exist. It would dissolve into nothingness immediately. •This world does not exist independently of God’s Providence. It does not exist apart from God. •You and I exist at the pleasure of the King. And so do all other things in this world. God’s providence extends to all inanimate creation. •Job 38:31 says, “Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loose the cords of Orion?” •In that verse, God is challenging Job. God is saying, “I control the stars. Can you?” •So God controls inanimate creation. The stars are just one example. •Even the rocks of the earth exist and lay where they do at the command of God. And God reigns over irrational creatures. Animals. •With reference to the plagues that God sent upon Egypt, Psalm 105:31 says, “He spoke, and there came swarms of flies, and gnats throughout their country.” •At the word of God, those insects came upon Egypt. •And you’ll remember how the frogs did the same. •So animals are ruled over and controlled by God. He preserves and governs even what animals seem to do randomly. But also, remember the weather! •In Egypt, God made it rain hail and lightning as a plague. He also blacked out Egypt and basically turned the sun off in that land. •We see this Matthew 5:45 as well when Jesus says that God, “… makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” •Our God reigns over the weather. Brothers and sisters, creation is NEVER independent of God. •God upholds the world by His works of providence. •And God governs all things in this world by His works of providence. •There is no separating the world and all in it from it’s Creator. God is involved. He is not sitting back and watching the world spin. •The universe belongs to God. And so, He governs everyone and everything in it. •As Charles Spurgeon once said, “I believe that every particle of dust that dances in the sunbeam does not move an atom more or less than God wishes.” •Christian, YOUR GOD REIGNS! 2.) Now, we could be finished with only those things said. •Those texts are broad enough to establish the doctrine of God’s Providence. •BUT, the Scriptures say more. And I believe God has said more about His preserving and governing His creation in order to make it sink into our hearts. •This isn’t a doctrine to be memorized. This is a truth about God to be embraced, lived in, and rejoiced in. •God gets specific in the Scriptures about His works of Providence. And I think He does so because He expects us to own His Hand in all things. •God actually pronounces a curse on those who do not recognize His works: “Because they do not regard the works of the LORD or the work of His hands, He will tear them down and build them up on more.” (Psalm 28:5) •If we are to worship God in all things, we must be quick to own the works of His hands. •So let’s consider now some of God’s works of Providence in particular. God rules over the span of our lives. •Job 14:5 says, “Since his (man’s) days are determined, and the number of his months is with You…” •God gives life. And God takes life away. Blessed be the name of the LORD. •He doesn’t sit back and wait to see how long we live. But He brings us into the world by His Hand. And He removes us from this world when He sees fit. •Truly, in the most literal sense, our lives are in His hand and He determines our days. •Nobody dies by accident. Not in the ultimate sense. But God doesn’t just rule over our lifespan. He rules over our lives. He governs all our actions. •Proverbs 16:9 says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” •Oh, you do things. Yes, you do. And you really desire to do them all. And you are responsible for what you do. You plan your way and then walk in it. •And at the same exact time, you are doing exactly what God, in His secret will, has determined you to do. •You cannot act apart from Him. Every step you take, every action you take, all of it is under God’s reign. •There has never been an angel or man who has ever taken even a single breath apart from the Providence of God. How much less have men or angels committed an act apart from Him? •The LORD governs our lives and actions. He is the One who gives us the ability to do our natural, human living actions. •As Paul says in Acts 17:28, “For in Him we live and move and have our being…” •Your ability to act at all comes from God’s Hand. •All power belongs to God. And so, we live and move in Him. We cannot act apart from Him. •We cannot do a single thing with God lending power to us to be able to DO. •So then, every act, even the most basic act of a beating heart or getting up from a chair is governed by God. •If He does not give the power to do, we cannot do. •“We cannot do what?” We cannot DO ANYTHING. •It’s not just the “special” actions of men that are governed by God, but ALL the actions of men. And He is the One who has given you your ability to work. •God has blessed you with your various talents and abilities and aptitudes. It is He who has strengthened your mind and hands to do whatever it is that you do. •Consider Exodus 35:31. There speaking of two men who were to do skillful work for the Tabernacle we read, “and He (God) has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship…” •Do you honestly think that you have the knowledge, intelligence, and craftsmanship that you do simply because you have it? •That’s a foolish thought! God has given you your abilities. And you should recognize that all you are able to do and accomplish is because He has given it to you. All our good actions are ruled over by God. •Psalm 37:23 says, “The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in His way…” •God establishes all of our righteous steps. If we do good, if we do something that pleases Him, it’s because He has empowered us to do so. •And more than that, He is the One who has given us the desire to do good. •As Paul says in Philippians 2:13, “…for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” •Your desire to obey the Lord, comes from the Lord. And your ability to work, to do the good you desire, comes from the Lord. •Our righteous actions are ruled over by God. But even the evil actions of men are governed by God. •In the Book of Genesis, Joseph was sold into Egyptian slavery by his wicked brothers. They sinned against him greatly. •In the end, God used Joseph’s slavery to put him in a high place in Egypt and save many lives. But, nevertheless, Joseph’s brothers committed a horrible sin against him. •But what does Joseph say? What does the Word say? •In Genesis 45:8 Joseph says, “So it was not you who sent me here, but God…” •God was ruling over even the wicked actions of sinful men. The brother sinned against Joseph. They wanted to do it. They really did it. •But even in that, they still did exactly as God had willed to be done. And so, we can say that GOD SENT JOSEPH TO EGYPT. And He used the sinful actions of Joseph’s brothers to do so. •So then, this is one example of man that we could look at, but the point stands that God reigns over the evil actions of sinful men. •Nothing, not even sin, happens apart from God’s Hand of Providence. NOTHING is apart from Him. To go more broad, we see that God rules over kings and kingdoms. •And that means that He rules over the nation we live in as well. And He rules over who is in charge, humanly speaking. And how things go in the nation. •Daniel 2:21 says, “He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings…” •And Daniel 4:17 says, “The sentence is by they decree of the watchers, the decision by the word of the holy ones, to the end that the loving may know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom He will and sets over it the lowliest of men.” •God determines who runs governments. And what governments will exist. And when they will cease. And how they will fare while they exist. •Not one thing is going on in any nation or with any human ruler that our God is not in control of. You know, our God even reigns over seemingly random events. •In 1 Kings 22, it was prophesied that King Ahab, the King of Israel would be struck down in battle. God had spoken through a prophet and declared that it would come to pass. •Knowing this, King Ahab disguised himself and went into battle to fight. And then we read this: •1 Kings 22:34: “But a certain man drew his bow AT RANDOM and struck the king of Israel between the scale armor and the breastplate…” •The Syrian solider had no idea that he was shooting at the King of Israel. And it seems that he might not have even really been aiming. •But the arrow was true and hit it’s mark between the king’s armor. And Ahab was struck down. •Why is this? Because God controlled the solider, the arrow, and Ahab. •So what seemed random, was not random. Why? Because God reigns over all! And this reminds us of Proverbs 16:33. •“The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.” •God controls even how the dice fall. What seems more random and uncontrolled than that? •But, nevertheless, the dice fall as God wills. Brothers and sisters, I hope you can see and gladly confess that God your God reigns. •He rules over every person, every thing, every action, every everything. He is sovereign over the works of His hands. •God governs all His creatures and all their actions. 3.) But not only does He govern. He also PRESERVES. •We’ve also seen this broadly already, but I want you to see this personally as well. •God’s preservation simply means that all we are and have comes from His Hand. By His Providence, He cares for and provides for and sustains each one of us. God keeps you alive. From moment to moment, He sustains your life. •Psalm 66:9 says of God, “…who has kept our soul among the living and has not let our feet slip.” •You’ve only made it this far in life because God hasn’t yet taken your life from you. •He alone keeps you among the living. Not your smarts. Not your strength. Not your plans. GOD preserves your life. God keeps you from danger and death. •Think of all the times, and I’m sure we all have them, when if you would’ve just been on the road two minutes earlier, you would’ve been in the accident ahead of you. •Or all of the times where if you would’ve done something just slightly different, you would’ve perished. •Or if one of your children would’ve been just a few feet to the left, they would’ve been fatally wounded. •But God has kept our souls among the living. He preserves our lives moment to moment. And not one of us will fall to the ground apart from Him. God has given you your food. •We don’t think about this much. We think food comes from the store. But no, food comes from God. •Acts 14:17 says, “Yet He did not leave Himself without witness, for He did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hears with food and gladness.” •God has caused the crops to grow. He has caused the seasons to come and go. He has given the sunshine and the rain. •He has given you every morsel of food you’ve ever eaten. For if He did not provide, you would not have. God gives us physical rest as well. •Psalm 127:2 says, “…for He gives to His beloved sleep.” •If you’ve ever felt refreshed after a time of sleep, it is because God gave you sleep. He could’ve kept you awake. But instead He gave you sleep. •Even our bodily rest comes from His hand. God preserves us. All that we have is from Him. •There is much more that could be said, but I think this is enough for now. •Brothers and sisters, we ought to be grateful. •Everything we have, everything we are, everything is from the Hand of our God. •Truly, He preserves and governs all His creatures. •Don’t ever forget that. This should lead you to worship Him. This should cause you to own Him in all things and recognize Him standing behind all things. •Don’t ever forget that He rules and reigns over you every moment of every day. 4.) Brothers and sisters, there is no such thing as “chance” or “randomness” in God’s world. •Nothing is left outside of His reign. Nothing just happens because it must. Rather, all of it is under His control. •We may speak of chance occurrences, but we must recognize that we are speaking in a merely human way. •The even SEEMED RANDOM to us and from our perspective. But it was not actually random. •Everything is a work of God’s Providence. To truly believe that “chance” actually exists is to functionally be an atheist. •Since God IS, all things are governed and preserved by Him. There simply is no other way. •God is involved. And God is shaping all things according to His holy and wise will. So, again, I say, we must own God’s Hand in everything we see in the world. •We must recognize that, whether happy or hard, God is reigning over every situation and everything that we see and even things we do not see. •His wisdom is infinite. And He does all things well. •At the back of all things stands the holy God who is working all things for His glory and our good. •Remember that in everything as you walk through this world. •Brothers and sisters, to believe in Divine Providence is simply to believe that GOD IS. 5.) But let’s get personal again. For this doctrine is a very person thing. It effects every single one of us in every aspect of our lives: 1. This means, and necessarily means, that ALL YOUR HARDSHIPS come from the Providence of God. •Every hard thing you’ve ever had come upon you, from a broken down car, a bruised arm, or a headache, all the way to the death of a child or cancer has come, ultimately, from the Hand of God. •Since God rules over all, whatever pain has come upon you has come by way of Divine Providence. •Now, I know this is a hard pill to swallow. But it what the Scriptures teach. •God rules over all. So, even the bad things that have happened to you have not come apart from His rule over your life and the lives of everyone and everything around you. We saw this earlier, but I will remind you: Joseph affirmed this in the Book of Genesis. •He had been sold into slavery by his brothers. He became a slave in Egypt. He was falsely accused of attempted rape. And he was imprisoned for years. •He was sinned against horribly and many times. He suffered much mistreatment. He suffered much physical and emotional pain, I’m sure. •But what does he say? •“So it was not you who sent me here, but God…” (Genesis 45:8) •And later he said, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good…” (Genesis 50:20) •God sent Joseph to Egypt. •And God was working in all the hardship. •It was a hard providence. No doubt about that. But it was God’s Providence, nonetheless. Brothers and sisters, let us not be a foolish people who say that only the happy things come from God’s Hand. •No. Rather, let’s own God’s Hand IN ALL THINGS. •For if only the happy things come from God, then from whom do the hard things come upon us? •Who is actually in control of your life if the hardships you must suffer and endure do not come from God’s Hand and plan? •I shudder to think of any alternative! And you should, too! •As odd as this may sound to 21st Century ears, rejoice even in this! God rules over all! Even our pain! And know this: Hard providences are no indicator that God does not love you or care about you. •Would anyone say that God did not love Joseph? Of course God loved Joseph! •Even more, would anyone dare say that God does not love His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus? And Christ was beaten, bloodied, and nailed to a Cross after a life of hardship! And all of that by the Hand and plan of God! •God’s heavy hand upon us is not necessarily and indication of His displeasure toward us. •Sometimes, for reasons we do not yet know but will someday, our God brings suffering to His People whom He loves. God’s Providence is sometimes hard. •But we must remember that He is doing something. •He is not doing it for no good reason. •He is not that kind of God. •He is at work bringing His good and holy will to pass, even in our suffering. He is reigning over all. •And one day, we will say, “He has done all things well.” 2. But, even with this heavy truth, do not forget that YOUR BLESSINGS comes from the Providence of God, too. •Whether they be big or small, every good thing you have is from the Lord. •Your life. Your family. Your breath. Your food. Your clothing. Your transportation. Your job. Your home. •Your abilities. Your working body. Your senses. Your lively mind. •It is all from Him. But more than that! •Your children. Your friendships. Your church family. •Laughter. Love. Beauty. Gladness. A full heart. •All of this is from the Lord. •Every good thing is from His Hand. And, oh, brother and sisters, let us not forget that our salvation comes from Him! •Why do you know God? Why do you believe the Gospel? Why do you find Christ beautiful? Why are you here this evening? •You did not do that. No. Your life has been governed by God every step of the way. •He put someone in your life to tell you about our crucified and risen Lord Jesus who died to take away your sins. •He gave you the desire to listen. •He caused you to be born again. •He gave you the gift of faith. •It is by His hand and holy will that you are what you are. •It by His gracious Hand of Providence that you were converted to Christ! May we never, on our lives, ever forget that all we have and all we are comes from our God. •Whether hard or happy, whether sorrowful or joyous, God providentially rules over us! •Bless His holy name! •We must learn to say with Job, “The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” •And may we learn to rejoice with the Psalmist and say, “The LORD reigns!” 6.) Now, my dear brothers and sisters, we must admit that God’s works of Providence are often mysterious. •As Paul says in Romans 11:33, “How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways!” •His judgments are very deep. •We do not always know why God does what He does. We do not always know why He has ruled in the way that He has. •We can’t figure it out. We simply can’t. It’s beyond us. •We can’t see how everything is fitting together or why God has brought to pass what He has. And we need to accept this. •Some things are simply not for us to know. At least, not now. Not in this world. •And instead of trying to break our brains to figure it out, we need to learn what David learned: •Psalm 131: “O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, hope in the LORD from this time forth and forevermore.” Brothers and sisters, let God be God. •And let that be enough for you. •He the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords. •He is your God. Let that be enough. 7.) So then, this doctrine calls for responses in us. And they are all in our hearts. 1. Knowing that God governs and preserves all His creatures should put trust and confidence in your heart. •Trust and confidence IN HIM. •Your God reigns. So do not be afraid. •He knows what He is doing. His providence is wise. •No matter what befalls you, trust Him. For nothing can come upon you apart from Him. •And nothing can happen in this world apart from Him. 2. Knowing that our God rules over all should put us in a posture of silence and submission. •Brothers and sisters, do not complain. •To complain is to ultimately complain against God and most holy, wise, and powerful works of providence. •Accept His decisions over your life. Be silent before Him. Have a silent trust in His will. •And submit yourself to His reign. Hear me: Take your pain and sorrow to Him in prayer. Yes. Pour yourself out to Him. •That is no sin. That is what we see in Scripture. •But do not complain against Him or think in your heart that He has no right to do as He has done. •Rather, in all things, embrace what He has given. •As they hymn says, “I take content what He has sent. Whate’re my God ordains is right.” 3. Knowing that our God controls all things should cause us to be full of praise and thanksgiving. •Christian, praise Him for His kindness toward you! •He has given you all that you have. And you have much. •Even if all you have is Christ, you have more than you could’ve ever hoped for. And you have more than you’ll ever need. •Everything we have and everything we are should cause us to cry tears of joy and sing the highest praises to our God who has given us everything. So Christian, trust Him. •Submit to Him. •And praise Him. •For your God reigns. •And He reigns over you for your good and His glory. May the sovereign God plant these truths deep in our hearts, that we might glorify Him in all things. •Amen.
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