7 Areas of and 14 Steps for Christian Growth

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7 Areas of and 14 Steps for Christian Growth Copyright (c) 2019 by Floyd Knight. All Rights Reserved. Introduction It is my belief that we are called to assist and to work with the Holy Spirit in growing and nurturing individuals to be come mature, adult followers of Christ, that is followers who can mentor, coach, and disciple others Christian followers of Christ. These mature disciples of Christ should be able to demonstrate their maturity by showing the following: 1. They are always "prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks" them "to give the reason for the hope that" they "have . . . with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against" their "good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander" (1 Peter 3:15-15). See also Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:24; Titus 1:8-11; Hebrews 5:11-6:3. 2. They have a vibrant relationship with God through their use of the spiritual disciplines (). 3. They model in their relationships--and people can vouch for the same-the Fruit of the Spirit (). 4. They are actively engaged in mentoring or discipling relationships both (a) as a mentor or coach to someone and (b) as a mentee/novice and/or a peer-to-peer accountability partner (). Seven Areas of Growth I. Biblical and Theological Literacy II. Spiritual and Relational (Emotional) Health Formation and Growth III. Wholistic (Personal, Relational, Social, and Lifestyle) Evangelism and Discipleship IV. Wholistic and Whole Person Stewardship V. Worldview Education Fourteen Steps I. Basic Bible and Theological Literacy A. Step One: Bible Basics Curriculum (Hebrews 5:11-6:3 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-34) II. Spiritual and Relational (Emotional) Health Formation and Growth B. Step Two: Basic Spiritual Disciplines Resource Options 1. Experiencing God by Blackaby, Blackaby, and King 2. Hearing God by Dallas Willard 3. Seeking Him by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Tim Grissom C. Step Three: Intermediate Spiritual Disciples Resource Options 1. Celebration of Disciplines: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard J. Foster 2. Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard 3. Spiritual Formation Workbook: Small Group Resources for Nurturing Christian Growth (Revised) by James Bryan Smith and Lynda Graybeal 4. Complete Idiot's Guide to Prayer by Mark Galli and James Bell Jr. III. Wholistic (Personal, Relational, Social, and Lifestyle) Evangelism and Discipleship D. Step Four: Basic Wholistic Evangelism Resource Options 1. 3 Story: Preparing for Lifestyle Evangelism by Dave Rahn 2. Becoming a Contagious Christian by Bill Hybels and Mark Mittelberg 3. Christian Life and Witness Course by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 4. Conversational Evangelism: Connecting with People to Share Jesus by David Geisler and Norman Geisler 5. Evangelism that Works by George Barna 6. Lifestyle Evangelism by Joe Aldrich 7. Relational Evangelism for Today by Ron Bowen 8. The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever IV. Wholistic and Whole Person Stewardship E. Step Five: Basic Wholistic Stewardship Resource Options 1. Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey 2. Money and Marriage God's Way by Howard Dayton 3. The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey 4. Your Money Map: A Proven 7-Step Guide to True Financial Freedom by Howard Dayton V. Intermediate-Advance Spiritual and Relational (Emotional) Health Formation and Growth F. Step Six: Resource Options 1. Boundaries: When to Say Yes, When to Say No To Take Control of Your Life by Henry Cloud and John Townsend 2. Boundaries in Marriage by Henry Cloud and John Townsend 3. Celebrate Recovery Updated Participant's Guide vol 1-8 by John Baker or Celebrate Recovery Updated Leader's Guide: A Recovery Program Based on Eight Principles from the Beatitudes by John Baker 4. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero 5. Healthy Congregations by Peter L. Steinke 6. Life Recovery Workbook: A Biblical Guide through the Twelve Steps and Life Recovery Journal: Becoming a New You-One Step at a Time both by Stephen Arterburn and David Stoop VI. Advance Biblical and Theological Literacy G. Step Seven: Resource Options 1. DIY Bible Study: Learn How to Study the Bible by John Barry, Jake Mailhot, Elliot Ritzema, David Bomar, and Carrie Sinclair Wolcott 2. Faithlife Study Bible by John D. Barry, eds. 3. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart 4. Living by the Book/Living by the Book Workbook Set by Willaim D. Hendricks, Howard G. G. Hendricks, and Howard G. Hendricks H. Step Eight: Required Sequence 1. Introduction to the Old Testament 2. Introduction to the New Testament VII. Advance Spiritual and Relational (Emotional) Health Formation and Growth I. Step Nine Required Sequence 1. Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster 2. How People Grow: What the Bible Reveals about Personal Growth by Henry Cloud and John Townsend VIII. Wholistic and Whole Person Stewardship J. Step Ten 1. Business by the Book: Complete Guide to Biblical Principles for the Workplace K. Step Eleven Resource Options 1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective Leaders by Stephen Covey 2. The Servant Leader: Unleashing the Power of Your People by Robert P. Neuschel IX. Christian Worldview and Christian Apologetics K. Step Twelve Required Courses 1. Inspiration, Authority, and Reliability of the New Testament Option One: Historical Reliability of the New Testament: Countering the Challenges to Evangelical Christian Beliefs by Craig Blomberg and Robert B. Stewart Option Two: The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? By F. F. Bruce 2. Inspiration, Authority, and Reliability of the Old Testament a. On the Reliability of the Old Testament by K. A. Kitchen L. Step Thirteen Required Course 1. Inspiration and Authority of Scripture Option One: The Divine Inspiration of the Bible by Arthur Walkington Pink Option Two: Can I Trust the Bible? By R. C. Sproul Option Three: Inspiration and Authority: Nature and Function of Christian Scripture by Paul J. Achtemeier M. Step Fourteen: Apologetics and Worldview Resource Options 1. The Truth Project Video Curriculum and Study Guide by Del Tackett 2. Colson Fellows Program (https://colsonfellows.org/) 3. Forensic Faith Curriculum Kit: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith by J. Warner Wallace 4. Lee Strobel Collection Case for a Christ/Case for Faith/Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel and Garry D. Poole 5. True U by Del Tackett and Focus on the Family 1
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