Guatemala Notes w/ Kirk/Alex
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Notes for Guatemala Trip
Notes for Guatemala Trip
Where will we be?
Possibly be in the same village
Ministry work same as last trip?
Room and need to build houses
Possibly do other help around with other projects (cost of house)
Pour concrete before hand
$25 / person (3 people) = 2 per day
Houses will be the same thing - buy metal plates to but the wood posts through
Price will go up a little bit
Budget $700 / house
$10-12 / bag / family = 100 families = $1,000-$1,200
Planning on 5 houses
Possibly 1-2 projects
200 bags of food
Other Ministry Events
Visit Families that are receiving houses
Sunday church
Women’s Ministry
English School - 1 afternoon with the whole team
Something for the men?
Wold have to be after dark - could we possibly do something like that on Sunday afternoon?
help leadership of the church. Lessons or breakfast or something along those lines
Ministry work is more important but labor gets us into villages
July 27 - August 3
Vehicle rental - check with credit card / bank
Car rental - $1200 / per car (vans are the same way)
This is a hold
Get a better rate to use our credit card
They will provide drivers
$25 / day / vehicle
The house we built for Pastor Wilfredo ended up being used for his worship pastor to be his house
The last house we did (up in mountain) has opened up his home to Pastor Wilfredo (Catholic background)