. To revelations – Jesus and Peter.
Matthew 26:57-75.
Jesus testifies he is God. – Peter denies Jesus.
The reader of Matthew knows that this rial is rigged, because the whole popups of seizing Jesus is to put him to death, as Matthew wrote in chapter 26 verse 3-5. Peter follows after, all the way in to the high priest courtyard, to see how this will end. As 59 state they the whole council is looking for false testimony against Jesus, so they could put him to death. The problem is that all the people that come giving false testimony what they say don’t agree or state the same, the text say they found none… (Because Jesus did not break any law) Only 2 people agree and say that what Jesus said about his body, that if they would kill him, he would rise again in 3 days. But The heard temple as the building and that makes sense.
That leads the high priest to get up and ask How Jesus responds to the charges. (That is kind of strange, it is not their job to establish the charges? Why should Jesus give an answer? Jesus does not give one he remains silent. Wisdom in silence).
That makes the high priest more upset it seems and he calls on Jesus to speak the truth before the living God. Pressing Jesus to answer if he was the Christ, the son of the living God.
This is such a great passage, because Jesus is not going to deny and lie he will confirm who he is. (Sometimes you will hear people say, Jesus never said he was God, well he did and confirms it here, and that is what Jesus is charged with blasphemy that he claimed to be God equal with him his son therefore also divine) – This is where you awe of Jesus should stir up in you, and your joy, and gladness, love, should burst forward into your mind Jesus is revealing who he is… He can’t and will not deny who he is, as he speaks the truth in front of God.
Jesus’ response is great, you statement is right. But more that that the son of man will be raised up to the right hand of God the seat of power, and I will come again on the clouds to judge the living and the dead. Like the prophets said I would.
Now this is a key moment Jesus speaks the truth, the whole council could have said, we repent and believe, you’re are the son of God, the Christ the living one that has come to set us free from sin, shame pain, guilt, the wrath of God, our religious striving, and greed self-seeking. But they don’t they interpret wrongly and that Jesus lied and he is charged with blasphemy, and the high priest tore his robe, not his heart.
You all heard it, we don’t need other witnesses, what is your verdict? Shouting out he deserves death, after that they start the carrying out the judgment and spit in his face… (Wow spiring in the face of God, - ever been spit in your face? What did you do? This is the lord of heaven and earth, infinite able to do anything, but he does not, he sticks to the plan, the will of God, this is meekness the power is there but he does not use it). Others slapped him mocking him, prophesy who did it… (I have many times wondered why did Jesus not just say or do sometime thing that the people would know that Jesus knew who did it… What will the people in this room do if they meet Jesus again raised, what will they do?) What will you do? Jesus is coming back, you did deny him, by your life your rebellion against God, what will you do? When Jesus comes but what will you do every day? Trust and believe or rebel? Deny Jesus or live for and in him?
Peter will deny Jesus just as Jesus had said. (What about you?)
Peter very confident said he will die before denying Jesus, but that is not what happened, Peter might be confused as he did try to defend Jesus with the sword, but Jesus explained that this was the work of God and that is what had to happen to fulfil the scriptures and the prophets.
Confrounted by a servant girl he denied knowing Jesus before all the people in the courtyard. (I don’t know what you mean). Peter walks away towards the entrance, but another servant girl saw him and she say to the other people not Peter that he was with Jesus of Nazareth. In 72 Peter again deny Jesus this time an oath, saying even I don’t know the man with an oath. (Then why would he be there in the night?) After a few moments the bystanders gather to Peter saying you are certainly one of them, we can hear it in the way you speak. 74 Peter responds by invoking a curse on himself and swear “I don’t know the man”. The rooster crows. And Peter now remembered what Jesus had said, and Peter’s response to his failure and being now confronted by his trust in himself, finds him self walking away and wept bitterly.
And Peter revealed himself, he was not faithful apart from Jesus he and us can’t do anything. – We are like Peter, but can be saved like him also… by Jesus’ life, death, resurrection the hope of his coming back.
Jesus reveal himself – the son of man will be seated where he had always been at the right had of the father, - before ascending, Jesus gave his life, to save us,
What about you?
You are not Jesus, you are or were like Peter, where are you in daily life with Jesus?
What does the passage where Jesus revealed him self do? What difference does that make in your life?
We do need to weep bitterly over our sin as Peter does, - back to the beatitudes, poor and needy in spirt, not like Peter proud and arrogand, Jesus don’t trust your words or God the father will do but trust in my words… We don’t say that out loud, but how do we act.
For some this is a passage of great joy, thanksgiving, worship of Jesus, this what makes hope and trust in Jesus, -
Some will say, well Jesus was a good teacher, no he was not if what Jesus said in the text is true, he is God, - not a good teacher. You have to choose…. What implications will it have for you that Jesus climes to be God? (C.S Lewis, - he is a lies, lunatic, or he is God) What about you?
Not making a making a dissention is making one, - you don’t believe, - You have to respond to who God is, it means everything, about all things in life and death. About all the distions you make what you really belive about God will affect what you do… This is not a game, this is what life is all about, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. What will you do with what you have heard and read today. – Put your daily, hope and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord God and savior.