The Remedy--Nearness
We were created for community.
We were created for community.
Adam was not created to be alone, this is one of the reasons Eve was created. Together male and female we are created in the image of God. Some have argued God himself lives in community through the Trinity; and with humans and the supernatural.
Community is powerful.
Community is powerful.
Over an over in Scripture we read the power of community. This may seem odd in our western mindset with the emphasis on individual power and personal freedom.
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
We must choose wisely our friendships.
We must choose wisely our friendships.
If we are not careful we will unintentionally and sometimes intentionally choose a path which we will “regret” later. Or worse, never realize what we have done until it is about too late.
James reminds the church of our issue.
James reminds the church of our issue.
The issue is the desires within us. The desires to put ourselves above others, to put our needs above others, to become “like god” himself. We think we are self-sufficient, independent, and the like.
We have division, fighting, battles and the such because we do not seek God and His ways. We want things our way. We do not willingly and proactively want to submit to one another in accountability; myself included.
We pray but only to spend.
We pray but only to spend.
Sometimes we may look the part but the reality James says is we only want to do with things what we want. We may utter the words “not my will but yours” but deep down we really hope it is ours. I think this is why one of the things we must pray for the most is wisdom.
God longs for us!
God longs for us!
God is jealous in the sense of he does not like nor can tolerate divided loyalty. Goes our world need Jesus? Is our world rift with violence? Is our world consumed with personal gain? If our world filled with injustice? Do we need a revival again? Do we long for what has happened across college campuses to happen in our area? Are you striving for acceptance, love, and worth in some way? What we need is another move of Christ!
The traits of revival.
The traits of revival.
Are you ready for this? You see, I know many times I want something but when it I must do something different my true motives show. James gives us a recipe for personal and community revival.
Submit to God.
Submit to God.
You must be willing to accept you are not God and you do not have final say on anything.
Draw near to God—Repent.
Draw near to God—Repent.
The promise is when we do this He will draw near to us. Our energy is matched by God. We don’t have to be pure to come near but we must be sincere.
Resist the Devil—He will flee.
Resist the Devil—He will flee.
Satan is not all powerful and when he is resisted will flee. He may come back but we must be standing our guard. We must resist the ways of this world, while enjoying the good of this world.
Allow Christ to forgive you.
Allow Christ to forgive you.
You are forgiveable. Please hear me again: you are able to be forgiven. No one is too far gone. The thief on the cross was extended forgiveness.
Humble yourselves in community.
Humble yourselves in community.
You cannot do this alone. You must not even try.
Jesus is waiting for you.
Jesus is waiting for you.
In some of his last words to the disciples he called them “friends”. That to can be your description.