1 Cor 15:29-34 • Perfection Through Resurrection Pt. 4

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Review & Overview

1. Previous Study’s Review

We’re still dealing with the 6th Question that the Corinthians had for Paul: Resurrection of the Dead, chp.15: , 3 things:
1. Gospel in light of the Resurrection: vs.1-11.
2. Importance of the Resurrection: vs.12-19.
3. Result of the Resurrection: vs.20-28 - Two Representatives, Two Resurrections, Two Results
But ultimately we the Great Victory we have over Sin, Death & Hell as a Result of the Resurrection...

2. Current Study’s Overview

Now this brings us to vs.29-49 & our study for today, as Paul continues to deal with the Resurrection: read.
Today we’re going to be looking at Paul’s argument against No Resurrection Vs. 29-34:
No Resurrection is Crazy to the Persecuted Vs. 29-32
No Resurrection is Compelling to the Ignorant Vs. 33-34

1. Paul’s Argument Against No Resurrection Vs. 29-34

1.1 No Resurrection is Crazy to the Persecuted Vs. 29-32

 Crazy To The Martyrs Vs. 29 - There are different interpretations as to what Paul is saying here in Vs. 29. Some say:
Living believers during this time were being baptized for those who have died who never got baptized. Unfortunately, there is no other scripture that can back that up. That interpretation based on one single verse, not having the collective support of the entire bible.
Others scholars believe that baptism for the dead means that in baptism we reckon ourselves to have died. That is a possible, but it does not fit in too well with the context.
The interpretation that I think fits best with it’s surrounding context involves persecution. During the time of this letter, there was a general persecution against those who took a public stand for Christ. Though, Paul may not be necessarily speaking of the church in Corinth, but generally speaking during this time, the global church was experiencing persecution.
And presumably, this persecution often happened when a Christian would publically proclaim their faith in Jesus through baptism. Because baptism, as you may know, is a public display of what God has done inside of you.
So these enemies of the Church would see these people publically proclaim their faith in Jesus through baptism and would be killed shortly after their baptism.
But did this stop people from coming to Jesus and being baptized? Not at all. New people were coming to christ, replacing those who were being murdered for their faith in Christ.
As these new people stepped into the waters of baptism, in a very real sense they were being baptized for, or in the place of (Gk. huper) the dead.
The word “for” in Vs. 29 is Hyper - A preposition a place of position.
So the dead here in Vs. 29 I believe refers to those who died as a result of their bold witness for Christ.
So Paul’s argument here is that it would be crazy to be baptized in the place of those who had died if there is no such thing as resurrection from the dead.
ILLUSTRATION: It’s like sending substitutes in a basketball game and your losing by 50 points with only 5 min left. It’s hopeless, there’s no point.
Which is why Paul says at the end of Vs. 29, “why then are they baptized for the dead?
Crazy To Paul Personally Vs. 30-32a - The Apostle Paul was constantly exposed to danger. Because of his boldness for the Lord, he made enemies wherever he went. Secret plots were schemed against him to take his life.
And he could have avoided all this by denying Jesus Christ. In fact, it would have been wise for him to abandon his faith if there was no such thing as a resurrection from the dead.
Because in Vs. 31 he says he dies daily, or every day of his life he is exposed to death. Imagine that!
In Vs. 32 he said he fought beasts at Ephesus, and I think he speaking metaphorically about an incident found in Acts. 19 - Where a huge mob of people came against him.
So Paul is saying, if there is no resurrection of the dead what advantage do I have for all this persecution that I experience.
What is it that I gain from this persecution if there is not resurrection?
APPLICATION: And that is a really good question. Because listen, there is a resurrection.
For us Christians, death is not the end! We continue to have faith in spite of the struggles and persecution we experience in this life because we know that one day we will be resurrected in heaven with the Lord. Can I get an Amen!
But if there isn’t a resurrection, might as well live for today. YOLO. And that is a good segue for the middle of Vs. 32.
Crazy For All Christians Vs. 32b - the argument is clear: Paul would be crazy to continually experience dangerous persecution if there is no resurrection from the dead.
He would be much wiser to have the mindset stated at the end of Vs. 32: “If the dead do not rise, ‘Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!’ ”
And you know what’s also crazy? I have heard Christians say, “if this life is all we have, I would still be a Christian”. What!??? That’s crazy...
And we see here that the Apostle Paul also disagrees with that notion.
1 Corinthians 15:19 NKJV
19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.
APPLICATION: If there was no resurrection it would make sense to make the most of this life! Go eat the food, go work for the nice clothes, go indulge in the pleasures of the flesh.
Because if there is no resurrection this would be the only heaven we can look forward to. (Pause)
But for those of us who have genuinely & sincerely placed our faith in Jesus, that’s not the case is it?
For us, death is not the end of the story! Since there is a resurrection, we are to live for the next life.
We must live for the life after, and not for the now.
Because as we learned last time, there are two resurrections:
One for believers: A Resurrection unto Eternal Life
One for unbelievers: A Resurrection unto death - The second death those who are thrown into the lake of fire (rev 20)
Mark 8:36 NKJV
36 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

1.2 No Resurrection is Compelling to the Ignorant Vs. 33-34

Evil Doctrine Influences Behavior Vs. 33 - When Paul say’s evil company, he is referring to the false teachers that are in the church denying the resurrection of the dead.
In other words, don’t be deceived or misled in thinking that it’s ok to keep company with false teachers.
APPLICATION: Understand, we should not be spending time with people who spread false doctrine. People who teach, or even share ideologies, that are contrary to the Bible.
And listen, a person does not need the title of “teacher” to teach.
It could be a friend, it could be a podcaster, a youtuber, someone on social media that you are spending time with and listening to, that spreads false teachings that are contrary to the Bible. (Pause)
STINGER: Evil Association Hinders Biblical Application
As Christians we need to understand that it impossible to keep company with false teachers without being influenced or corrupted by them.
We need to understand that, false teachings, will for sure have an effect on your life.
False doctrine can lead to a distorted view of God, it can undermine the authority of Scripture, it can lead to pride & self righteousness.
False doctrine can lead to a distorted view of sin & grace thinking you can live sinful lives. It can cause one to focus on worldly success and materialism, like the prosperity gospel.
Look false doctrine has influenced the behavior of Christians throughout history:
It was false doctrine that Deceived Eve in Genesis 3.
Look at the Crusades: Where the catholic church promoted the idea of a holy war and resulted in 1000’s of people dead.
How about the Spanish Inquisition: Again, the catholic church they “investigated” and punished individuals suspected of “heresy” and nonconformity during the time of the reformation. Which led to horrible counts of torture and murder.
The Prosperity Gospel: Which teaches that God wants Christians to be rich & successful and healthy, causing many to only focus on the material and the world.
The Nazi Movement: Who promoted a racial superiority & anti-Semitism which led to a genocide of millions of people.
Throughout history Various Cults: have grown leading their followers to engage in destructive behaviors, like mass suicides, giving their wives away, and child abuse.
Evil company corrupts good habits, which is a good pivot point to the last verse.

Vs. 34a - Here Paul begins this verse by saying awake to righteousness and do not sin.

Knowing that false doctrine leads to sin, the antithesis is true: Good Doctrine leads to good behavior, it leads to righteous behavior.
2 Timothy 3:16–17 NKJV
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Romans 6:17–18 NKJV
17 But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. 18 And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.
Matthew 7:24 NKJV
24 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:

Vs. 34a - Paul then ends this section by telling us that these false teachers do not have the knowledge of God.

They were not true believers, but wolves in sheep’s clothing, who crept in the church.
Titus 1:16 NKJV
16 They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.
It was to the shame of the Corinthians that these men were allowed to take their place with the Christians and to teach these wicked doctrines.
The carelessness which let ungodly people enter the assembly resulted in lowering the congregation’s whole moral tone, thus preparing an opening for the intrusion of all kinds of error.
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